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Thread: Tren, test HCG while using letro for gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Tren, test HCG while using letro for gyno

    On test e 1000mg and tren E 800mg EW. Using hcg to turn balls back on after 9 months on. Have a little gyno and taking 2.5 of letro ED. Will the hcg f u c k with my gyno, or will the letro protect me? Just need to get the boys up n running again, and cant have gyno going either. Am i in a jam??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    3 days and nothing. Maybe the vets can chime in???

  3. #3
    I'd run caber because you casn still get progestrogen and prolactin relatey gyno from the tren. Letro will do sweet fcuk all about that.

    Using letro for gyno can take several weeks but you could end up making it worse with the tren unless you get some caber!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have caber on hand. Should i b using the letro n caber or just one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    id use both. i have read hcg cause worsen gyno. Just curious, not flaming why a 9 month cycle?

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