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Thread: shoulder pain.... what now???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    shoulder pain.... what now???

    i am ending my third week of a test and d-bol cycle and my shoulder has been acting up. i have noticed so amazing strength gain and my lifts have been getting heavier by about 10lbs a week. however my should last week started to act up. and did it again this week so i took a day off of training. figuring that maybe a little rest would help heal the joint or give the tendon time to catch up. today i did chest and the pain came back. so my question is should i just take a full week off and reevaluate then or should i just continue working out but lower the weight down considerably till the pain goes away. i don't want to waste the time i have on the cycle by being out for a few weeks, but i also don't want to tear and be out for a year. what do you guys think??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Feel pain on the top of your shoulder, where the bone is? You put too much pressure on your distal clavicle. That happens when you bench press too much weight with bad form.
    Stop doing bench press and any other exercises that hurt it until it heals, or you'll just make it worse. It'll go away in a few weeks.

  3. #3
    Coop, im having the same condition as you explained with pain on the acjoint from overuse and improper Benching form (gripped to wide). I felt the pain on my right shoulder where the bone sticks out and saw that it protruded more then the left side. The protrusion subsided the next few days but the pain persisted. Its been about a 1 and half months so far that ive been away from the gym and still a slight pain when I try to grab the opposite shoulder. How long did it take for this pain to go away? Any tips to help it heal faster? Has it returned in your case?

    Steel113 if you are having the same condition as mine I would halt all lifting and go see a doctor for some xrays and MRI. Further lifting can aggravate the condition to the point where surgery is neccessary. My condition I believe is called Osteoarthritis of the Acromioclavicular Joint.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiem View Post
    Coop, im having the same condition as you explained with pain on the acjoint from overuse and improper Benching form (gripped to wide). I felt the pain on my right shoulder where the bone sticks out and saw that it protruded more then the left side. The protrusion subsided the next few days but the pain persisted. Its been about a 1 and half months so far that ive been away from the gym and still a slight pain when I try to grab the opposite shoulder. How long did it take for this pain to go away? Any tips to help it heal faster? Has it returned in your case?
    I tend to not be able to resist going in to the gym, and end up re-aggravating the injury over and over. I go in and do "just a few light sets" and I'll be back at square one the next day. So I guess my advice is to stay away from problem exercises until a few weeks after all pain goes away, then start very very light.

    If you go to an Orthopedist he'll likely prescribe an NSAID and physical therapy. I've never found either to be helpful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    410 is a lifetime sport and sometimes you just have to let it rest.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The South
    Same problem.

    Hurts the most after i get fatigued from running.

    I just took all incline movements for chest and all shoulder exercises out. I'll let you know how that works

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    ultra...has a bit of fatigue after a good upper body workout...went out to run a mile after and could not get going ....trainer happened to be on the track too....when i complained, he laughed and said all the blood was still in my upper body muscles from the workout.....maybe the inverse is true too?
    Last edited by whiteowl; 05-10-2008 at 07:16 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The South
    My pain really comes from incline movements untill i get heavy on bench.

    I did 285x4
    335x4 on bench today and the pain really hits on the last set. Every other exercise i did today i made sure was some kind of decline movement so my shoulder calmed down.

    Then the real pain comes during my sprints. I can manage about 4 100 yard sprints before my shoulder starts to hang lower from the pain and fatigue. Thats the real problem...

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