take it from the master guys, we dont know anythingOriginally Posted by yungfaceb3
link is here : http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=339513
What a dumbass.
^^wow! Sounds safe.
^^^^.... lol take out water retention.... haha
lol.... wtf ..idiots.
Where do i sign up for 1to1 advice?
OMG @ Dean54....speechless
lol, i love when this thread gets bumped.
hahahahaha this is amazing i have never seen it before!
Damn Dean54 is soooooooooooooo smart. I think I just wasted my time by taking Test E...LOL
Some people would have to be ashamed on what they wrote...
I love this guy:
What a dumbass
i have probably went round and round with that tool as much as anybody..... i just have to interject my quote and what he responded with.
i typed,"wow look REAL scientific proof that deen is wrong once again. every day that deen is here makes me question charles darwin."
his poetic response,"btw..lex you should question charles darwin... that's how he got to where he was
by questioning everything."
he's like a knat on a dogs dick.
how bout the 1 where the guy is like
what do i do after i take the needle out of the vial how can i plug the holes from the needles, can i use corks?
im like wtf they forgot to send you the corks
Top 2 of all time-
"The Sustanon Fighter"
""Injected in His Anus Guy"
Originally Posted by Deen54
bro..Testosterone is more androgenic than anabolic ...Dianabol is mostly anabolic.
learn the defference between androgens and anabolics. This is basic.
Sure testosterone will add mass..but NOTHING compared to a D-bol or Anadrol. Gimme a
break...Anadrol even creates erythropoesis...(more blood).
Test will get you hairy..and give you strength who cares (it's muscle you want)...it's full of side effects.
Check under cutting steriods you will always see a testosterone...even strong one like
tren. The guy doesn't need cuts he is under weight.
stick with Anabolics buddy..if i were you I would be doing deca and dbol end of story.
Originally Posted by Deen54
it is obvious you guys are misinformed. Telling someone who needs to gain weight
to take testosterone...what's the total iq here?..lol
btw..i did a deca and dboll cycle and so i am speaking from experience. It was my best
gain ever and everyone around commented on how big i got. I had zero side effects and guess what. i didn't even need to do a PCT.
How many of you can say that?
Taking testosterone and playing with your endocrine glands...as if any of you know what you are doing...is scary..
actually what is more scary "is that you think you know what you are doing."
This is the best thing I have ever seen. I don't even know where to start. Phenomenal! Really....Honestly though, can people be banned from the site for sheer stupidity? Cause this guy has got be first to go.
Deen for President
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