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Thread: Test Rebound... is it possible...?

  1. #1

    Test Rebound... is it possible...?

    I just finished a 16 week test prop/anavar (16 test/8 var) cycle about 2 months ago and I pct'd for about 3 weeks with letro/nolva combo... I have since dropped the nolva but continued running doses of letro @ 1.25mg ed to help get rid of some gyno caused from finasteride use about year ago.. (seems to be working well)... anyway, my balls seem to be much much fuller than I can ever remember, sex drive is good, and Im actually maintaining and building muscle during my current cut phase (non-aas cut)... whats the deal with my body... is it possible that my body's test is in fact rebounding in a good way from going off cycle?
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 05-01-2008 at 07:49 PM.

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