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Thread: Tbol only cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Tbol only cycle

    I have 460 10mg tablets of tbol and 30mg of arimidex.. What do I do with them Well I am serious.
    Seen a bunch of cycles around and what i am thinking of doing is use 50mg ed for 6 weeks. That way I would have enough for two cycles.

    But is there anything wrong with going all the way and doing like 80mg ed til I am out of tablets? What would give the best results? Two 6 cycles of 50 ed,
    one 8 week with 80 ed or one 13 week cycle of 50 ed?

    I am 22 years, 187cm tall, 96kilo and have never used anabolic steroids before. I get enough protein and use creatin. But that doesent help when all my friends use steroids. About a year ago I was stronger then all them guys, I was doing 240 in the bench while they were strugling to do 170.. Then suddenly, enter dbol, now I am the weak one
    I was at first going to do a tbol, primo and test cycle. Therefore the arimidex but I enden up with butloads of tbol and no primo. So that is why i am going to run a tbol only cycle first.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    i would run an injectable based cycle rather than oral only. test e would be a good choice for you preferrably. you would need some nolvadex in addition to your arimidex for pct if you ran the tbol only cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    I know some friends who did tbol only cycles. They gained and each said they gained weight and strength but honestly I didn't see any big increases on them. I could tell it worked and they added some mass, but it wasn't anything big whatsoever. Tbol is weak shit, and they were using 60mg per day for 6 weeks.

    Don't waste your tbol, i'd say save it for when you get an injectable like testosterone or something and then stack the tbol with it. Tbol on it's own isn't going to do much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    the lower carolina
    I also don't like the oral only cycle, BUT I wouldn't go over 40mg of T'bol ED to start with no matter what my cycle was. T'bol makes me bleed VERY easily.


    Quote Originally Posted by lakris View Post
    I have 460 10mg tablets of tbol and 30mg of arimidex.. What do I do with them Well I am serious.
    Seen a bunch of cycles around and what i am thinking of doing is use 50mg ed for 6 weeks. That way I would have enough for two cycles.

    But is there anything wrong with going all the way and doing like 80mg ed til I am out of tablets? What would give the best results? Two 6 cycles of 50 ed,
    one 8 week with 80 ed or one 13 week cycle of 50 ed?

    I am 22 years, 187cm tall, 96kilo and have never used anabolic steroids before. I get enough protein and use creatin. But that doesent help when all my friends use steroids. About a year ago I was stronger then all them guys, I was doing 240 in the bench while they were strugling to do 170.. Then suddenly, enter dbol, now I am the weak one
    I was at first going to do a tbol, primo and test cycle. Therefore the arimidex but I enden up with butloads of tbol and no primo. So that is why i am going to run a tbol only cycle first.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Also 12 weeks sounds hard on the liver. Tbol is C17-aa.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Gotcha 12 weeks no good.. I think i'll get some test to go with the cycle. 6 weeks seems to short. So i think i'll do 60+mg tbol ed for 6 weeks and 500mg ew for 10-12 weeks. Arimidex 0,5 eod.

    I know my friend has enough sustanon
    and winstrol for a cycle.. Possible to use that? Or else i have to order more...
    Last edited by lakris; 05-05-2008 at 03:50 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I keep hearing about tbol being ran at 60mgs ed for about 8wks. For some reason that seems to be a popular choice. Another popular choice is running it with test. I would agree with the others and wait, get some test, then run at least an 8wk cycle. Right now I just started a cycle of tbol myself, i'm almost a week in. I think its awesome. I notice results already. Right now i'm running 60mg ed and i'm stacking it with methyl 1-d and HGH. I know test is better but i already had the methyl 1-d and HGH so i wanted to use it. Also, just as a precautionary i take 200mgs of milk thislte with each dose to try and protect my liver a lil extra. I'll consider 80mgs in about a week if i need it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    What is milk thislte ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I would def run the 80mg for 8 weeks. now since you have never taken tbol start at 40-50mg and work your way up to 80mg if at 50-60-70mg you are getting sides then slow it down, I have no sides with tbol though. You will not blow up but you will have some good strength gains and put on a some slight lean mass depending on your diet. 8 weeks is good for tbol though. If your going to run another cycle afterwards (equal time off/proper pct) than do a test cycle. goodluck

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    On the toilet
    Quote Originally Posted by lakris View Post
    What is milk thislte ?
    milk thistle is to help protect your liver since your running an oral 17aa. tbol is not highly toxic but its better to be safe than sorry.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i would run an injectable based cycle rather than oral only. test e would be a good choice for you preferrably. you would need some nolvadex in addition to your arimidex for pct if you ran the tbol only cycle.

    no need for arimidex with tbol only. just use nolva. tbol for 5 weeks and your all good.

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