Just recently got this told it was sust, looks fake but I need professional opinion, I blurred out the lab name, it also says on it Made in USA
Just recently got this told it was sust, looks fake but I need professional opinion, I blurred out the lab name, it also says on it Made in USA
not pharmacutical grade, definetly ug lab....who knows ...does the oil look clear of debris nothing in there...if so give it a crack....there are hundred of new ug labs opening up every day....
is there even such thing as sust 375?
wow that looks ghetto as shit, I wouldnt inject that into my body for sure.
you make any level of sust or test for that matter...new UGL have made crazy blends lately, like prop tren eq, & deca tren, and others....you have to know your source and not so much the blend...if i got that from my guy i would do it in a heart beat, if you dont trust your siource get a new one...ps send me the gear and ill test it for ya...hahahah
damn so in other words since its a UG lab theres no way to tell if its real?? does anyone know of any way to tell.. what if i inject and theres no pain or soreness is that a good way to tell its fake? btw first cycle
You could always get it tested, but then that takes a while and it'd probably just be cheaper to just buy a fresh bottle from a known source.
PERSONALLY, I'd ditch that product and buy from a big name respected source that carries preferably HG products, I'm just paranoid though with what i put into my body.
Give WEBB a syringe filled of cat piss and if you tell him he'll gain 5lbs off it he'll buy 2 cycles worth![]()
there are way to many labs out there to tell if yours is real or not. i personally dont remember your bottle but that dosnt mean a thing. you had to of got it from somebody so go there and find out about the company and that will solve your problem
do you know anyone who has used that labs products before? did you check Anabolics 2007 to see if that lab is in there?
guys i used a small amount 1/2 cc since its 375 instead of 250 i planned on EOD, anyway this is my first cycle & theres no pain or soreness in the area the next day, does this mean its fake?? is there anything i should be feeling immediatley to tell its real.
no even if it is real Sust usually takes about 2-3 weeks to start noticing effects
I dunno bro, my gear comes from a ugl and if you looked at it you would run and run fast. Its just the bottle with a white stickie taped on it with the name. The only reason I trust it because I know where its coming from and my friend tkes it as well and hes pretty jacked up. Usually their is a little soreness from the Cyp I take, but none from the Equipoise. Anywho just my two cents.. good luck and keep us posted
lol that is some ghetto ass shit man, they used a regular paper for the label..ROFL
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