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Thread: professional mma fighter needs your professional bodybuilders attention

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Question professional mma fighter needs your professional bodybuilders attention

    the Question i have is easy..

    (for those of you who know the subject and know what you are talking about... and have the experience to not take my time with bs..)

    I am a professional fighter fighting in mma in both ring events and caged events. i am now getting better and better fights.. but the years have done some damage on my physique and joints and shit..

    i have an important fight coming up and i have about 14 weeks to prepare for it... with 4 intensive weeks just before it..

    IF i would want to do any steroids or other agents then what would i do.. and HOW?

    please be specific.. i know the basics but i have NO personal exp...

    VERY thankful for your help guys!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Will you be subject to testing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    age, stats, goals, weight class restrictions on what you want to do, and yeah testing?

  4. #4

    Thumbs up lttle help

    Stay away from tren for cardio purposes-if you get tested you may have to go with test propionate because you can run it close to you're fight date because it is undetectable in about 2weeks-prop isn't the best for keeping gains but what you keep is quality and hard and it helps me train more intense and longer without tiring out-because of your joints stay away from
    winn!-also keep in mind that if you have trouble making your weight you might not want aas but if that's not an issue your okay-I broke my wrist in my last fight in 4 places and my buddy I'll call darB just lost in a
    close decision to a more experienced fighter-were cage fighting but it is not pro and I'm 14 and 1 but there is so much hardware in my wrist now my fighting days are over-I'm kind of old anyway 36- good luck,hope
    you kick the crap out of the other fighter in all your fights!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Most of the MMA fighters that I have worked with are in love with either oral winstrol or Deca.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    United States
    eq is a good one. it really helps alot of people with endurance plus it wont put on alot if any water weight. winny, eq and a low dose test prop(300mgs) is probably the best bet but since you have never used before that is a little much for you.

  7. #7

    Thumbs up yes eq

    My buddy does alot of triathalons and bike riding and he is in love with eq for the reasons stated above

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy View Post
    Most of the MMA fighters that I have worked with are in love with either oral winstrol or Deca.
    Agreed. If you are not looking to add a lot of muscle size, then Winny would prob be right for you. All it will really do is give you muscle hardness. I assume since you are in mma, you are prob in pretty good shape, and at this time don't need to add a lot of size.

    But like others have mentioned, be aware of any testing that may occur.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Equipoise @400mgs pw or Deca..same dose. Add test 200mg pw if you have a girlfriend.

  10. #10
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    Existential Crisis
    LOL- Orion ;-O

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Agreed. If you are not looking to add a lot of muscle size, then Winny would prob be right for you. All it will really do is give you muscle hardness. I assume since you are in mma, you are prob in pretty good shape, and at this time don't need to add a lot of size.

    But like others have mentioned, be aware of any testing that may occur.
    If you noticed he has some joint problems, winny would likely be a bad idea.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    why would anyone recommend deca? it's detectable for way too long so do not use that...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I use to wrestle i understand that since you are a figher not looking to build muscle but rather increase strength and cardio and be more aggressive.

    i think you should look into methyltestosterone.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by topnotch View Post
    why would anyone recommend deca? it's detectable for way too long so do not use that...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Learnin from the best...
    winny and deca....are u fukin kidding me...

    he has joint issues now, and even if he didnt wiiny is hard on your joints and then he goes into a sport were flexibility and joint movement is unreal...stay away from winny, please...secondly deca...he might get tested and he should go on something that will be in his system for up to 6 months...ummmm NO...fuk NO....eq will be ok, also npp is ok it is deca like but not detectable as long and outta your system test p and if you can get Halo get it.....tren will play with your cardio but i run it pre show and it doenst effect me, so its your call and can be great for strenght and that extra fat burn you need...

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Middle East
    TNE.. Test No Ester or Test Suspension...This will be out of your system in 24 hours as opposed to 1-3 days like Test Prop. Halo or Cheque Drops like Webb mentioned are also good, but you will most likely have to find an International source to get these as they are very rare... You might also want to look into EPO, as this will significantly increase your endurance, but you must be very careful using it. It might be easier to have this discussion if you tell us what you have access to and then we can tell you what to use. If you have access to the more exotic drugs then giving this advise is much easier..

  17. #17
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    I am a Muay Thai fighter and i done some mma fights also. Stay away from winny and deca(if your subjected to tests) ive done tren i very small doses 20 mg/ed and i dident kill my stamina.. I always run test prop 12-14 weeks 50-75 mg/ed and whit that i run eq or masteron about 400 mg/ew, but i depends if your tested. Epo is awsome for your stamina but it is pretty hard to get your hands on.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBB View Post
    the Question i have is easy..

    (for those of you who know the subject and know what you are talking about... and have the experience to not take my time with bs..)

    I am a professional fighter fighting in mma in both ring events and caged events. i am now getting better and better fights.. but the years have done some damage on my physique and joints and shit..

    i have an important fight coming up and i have about 14 weeks to prepare for it... with 4 intensive weeks just before it..

    IF i would want to do any steroids or other agents then what would i do.. and HOW?

    please be specific.. i know the basics but i have NO personal exp...

    VERY thankful for your help guys!


    I hope you get busted and banned from the sport for cheating. Real men don't need steroids to be able to fight. I train MMA and would never complete while "juicing."

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    I hope you get busted and banned from the sport for cheating. Real men don't need steroids to be able to fight. I train MMA and would never complete while "juicing."
    The real question is if you don't juice, why do you have a 220 post count on a steroid forum? And if your response is that "I used to Juice", then you're a hypocrite because you'd be just as guilty.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    I hope you get busted and banned from the sport for cheating. Real men don't need steroids to be able to fight. I train MMA and would never complete while "juicing."
    i have to agree with fedor... juice is great and i love using it but i don't compete in sports.
    and no, this isn't any issue of moral standing... it's just cheating. go ahead and put some brass knuckles under your 4oz's, knock him out, and then slip the brass to your corner man while the ref isn't looking.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    TNE.. Test No Ester or Test Suspension...This will be out of your system in 24 hours as opposed to 1-3 days like Test Prop. Halo or Cheque Drops like Webb mentioned are also good, but you will most likely have to find an International source to get these as they are very rare... You might also want to look into EPO, as this will significantly increase your endurance, but you must be very careful using it. It might be easier to have this discussion if you tell us what you have access to and then we can tell you what to use. If you have access to the more exotic drugs then giving this advise is much easier..

    I pretty much second that, TNE and halotestin would be my choices there. They are in and out in no time, increase strength and aggression whilst training.

    I also agree partially with what Fedor says apart from the fact that he also has a 220 post count and that a great deal of professionals in the fight world will have tried gear if they are no juicing as i type...

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    I know alot of pros have tried gear or are on it now. Its the same with all pro sports. But I'm not the guy HOPING he gets banned, either. I agree that steroids are an unfair advantage, and should not be condoned. However at what point is it cheating? Is it cheating when an athlete used it to put on muscle mass a few years ago and has retained that mass? Or is it simply because he is on it now to ramp up his aggressiveness? Do you praise or condemn the guy who used it years ago and got away with it? Just because it was in an athlete's past doesnt mean that he is not still reaping the rewards for his AAS usage.
    So where do we draw the line?

  23. #23

    Thumbs down that's nice?

    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    I hope you get busted and banned from the sport for cheating. Real men don't need steroids to be able to fight. I train MMA and would never complete while "juicing."
    Man you are one nice guy- why would you hope that for anyone- you must have been beat by someone you thought had better gear than you-all six of my friends and I fight and we know almost everyone is on-why would you step in there with people who 9 out of 10 do or have done gear!-I fought for years without using gear but as time went on more and more people started gear in that time-I then started gear because I could tell that times are changhing and now 9of10times you are at a disadvantage before you step in the cage or ring!-oh and testosterone IS what makes a REAL man.a male produces the equivalent of 2.5-11mg a day!-this means some people are at a natural disadvantage because they are producing less natural test than others-so how would you like to be at2.5mg and fight someone that produced 11mg a day?-I don't know about you but I think 2.5-11mg Is a very large variance ad that up over two weeks 2.5=35mg ev2 weeks and 11=154mg-so go on and think real men don't need aas to fight so don't gripe when you get your but kicked by someone who makes over 90mg of test a week more than your body does-all men are not created equal "we hold these truths to be self evident"-I'm sure this guy wouldnt mind if your old lady kicked your but because you are on the low side if test production and she has more test running through her body than you do-you see the point is don't wish bad things on people and sports and aas go hand in hand and that isn't going to change!-asskiss:
    Last edited by bombtrack; 05-12-2008 at 09:51 AM. Reason: wrong time frame

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by solid90062 View Post
    If you noticed he has some joint problems, winny would likely be a bad idea.
    Good point

  25. #25

    Wink covered this

    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Good point

    -I thought I covered this in the third or fourth post in this thread- no need to keep repeating it to him like he can't understand-

  26. #26
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    May 2008

    Before i thank give you my second input in my thread that i started id like to say something to the preachers in here..
    I dont have time for people who clearly have NO exp in sports on a high level. If you have not been paid athletes or are not paid athletes then i would like to kindly ask you to NOT come to me and preach about the dilemma of having to put food on the table with MY body.

    am i hurting you? NO
    are you on roids? i dont give a shit
    am i fighting you? guess not unless your pro, but i wish we were ;-)

    Now on to the helpful commentators on the matter that i addressed when starting this thread...

    so far you have helped me a lot.. but still a little uncertain as to quantities and cycles and prices and qualities of brand variations (eg russian vs thai vs american etc.. big brand small brand so forth..) and most importantly pros and cons of each agent.. i listen to facts and arguments well but not comments like 'hey dude try this'... (no harm intended just clarifying...)

    apparently you need some more info on my current status as well so here it goes:

    I fight in minus 70 and i currently weigh 78. in ten weeks i will be back in my fightweight of 69,5 (under 70).

    I am 173 cm tall

    I am 26 years old

    i have a high metabolism and high testo production naturally

    i have neck and back issues due to many years of greco roman and freestyle wrestling. but nothing major, just wear and tare so to speak

    i have a few minor tendon issues in ankles, wrists and shoulders due to many years of pure boxing

    i have access to buy the most basic of agents

    there is a possibility of getting tested but not at all likely and the arguments for and against equal a go ahead.

    i prefer not to do any testo-based or injections, prefer tablets... BUT i am willing to do whatever you say is best. business is business

    and remember preachers.. this is a philosophy free thread ok.. good boy!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    For oral only...and Ido not recomend oralonly cycles...I would suggest anavar. Not hard on the joints like winny, no excess weight gain due to water like dbol, great strength gains, even while dieting.

    You could add some eq for endurance in th 400mg -600mg per week range. Eq can encrease red blood cell count which could help with cardio and endurance. I would also run some test as a base. Somewhere in the 200-300mg every week to keep your libido intact.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    suspension would be a good choice.. check detection times...most people have given are a month at least

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SBB View Post

    Before i thank give you my second input in my thread that i started id like to say something to the preachers in here..
    I dont have time for people who clearly have NO exp in sports on a high level. If you have not been paid athletes or are not paid athletes then i would like to kindly ask you to NOT come to me and preach about the dilemma of having to put food on the table with MY body.
    am i hurting you? NO
    are you on roids? i dont give a shit
    am i fighting you? guess not unless your pro, but i wish we were ;-)

    Now on to the helpful commentators on the matter that i addressed when starting this thread...

    so far you have helped me a lot.. but still a little uncertain as to quantities and cycles and prices and qualities of brand variations (eg russian vs thai vs american etc.. big brand small brand so forth..) and most importantly pros and cons of each agent.. i listen to facts and arguments well but not comments like 'hey dude try this'... (no harm intended just clarifying...)

    apparently you need some more info on my current status as well so here it goes:

    I fight in minus 70 and i currently weigh 78. in ten weeks i will be back in my fightweight of 69,5 (under 70).

    I am 173 cm tall

    I am 26 years old

    i have a high metabolism and high testo production naturally

    i have neck and back issues due to many years of greco roman and freestyle wrestling. but nothing major, just wear and tare so to speak

    i have a few minor tendon issues in ankles, wrists and shoulders due to many years of pure boxing

    i have access to buy the most basic of agents

    there is a possibility of getting tested but not at all likely and the arguments for and against equal a go ahead.

    i prefer not to do any testo-based or injections, prefer tablets... BUT i am willing to do whatever you say is best. business is business

    and remember preachers.. this is a philosophy free thread ok.. good boy!
    first of all more power to you take all the juice you want. cuz there are tons of guys in mma who do it, so why not even the playing field.

    secondly though, i dont give a flying shit if you are a paid athlete or not. you came here to this site, we didnt come knockin on your door asking if we can give you advice. there are guys who know more about juice then you'll ever know, that were not and are not professional athletes. so why do you make out like being a paid athlete is some elite thing. wow you get paid to fight. you're a genius. i get paid at my job too. but i dont come on here and try to put myself on a pedastal like i am better than anyone else here. and you're 5'8" 150 lbs. true napolean complex. talk like youre 6 foot 5 300 lbs. gimme a break. so why dont you give it a rest about being a pro mma fighter and stick to what really matters. because i for one am surely not impressed at all. thats not philosophy either, its straight up.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    If I were you I wouldnt even take the chance of possibly having to take a test . Im sure you have worked hard to get were your at and its just not worth it .. There are over the counter things that would help you , maybe not as good as AAS but they do the trick .

    Sarm-x , Altered state , superpump 250 ect.. I dont personaly use these things but I know people who do and they love it .. Research legal things first before you take the chance at aas .. Good luck Bro !
    Last edited by NEW_GUY; 05-14-2008 at 12:12 AM.

  31. #31
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    May 2008

    i have read up on the litt now on the agents that you've mentioned and i have a query.. i am very keen on anavar due to its mild nature and fat burning ability and also the ability to maintain the loss and gain a long time after the cycle. although i would like to ask you exactly how long is the agent expected to stay in my system in terms of testing/detection? (none of the litt stated that). and you mentioned eq , why would i use an agent that according to research is no good to use during weight loss due to its appetite raising features when i have to loose about 10kgs in the coming ten weeks? is the research wrong or exaggerated? thanks for the info.. kindly awaiting your reply

    anybody else who has anything to say about anavar? more info appreciated...

    to Lex57:
    hmm... my friend. thank you for making it very clear as to what i forgot to point out.. here comes a clarification...

    I am VERY thankful and humble for the inputs from you who are more knowledgeable than I on the matter of agents and the proper use of these agents/steroids/Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) and that is after all why I came here, I am aware of that...

    But... you must have missunderstood when I said that about being pro or not.. what I meant then and I mean now is that when it comes to the morals and ethical dilemma of using or not using PEDs I wish to be left alone unless you have the experience to know how it is to have your sport as main income... hope i made that clear this time..

    and please i will ask you only once... dont make any remarks on my personal physique or any similar attacks such as the amateur psychological internet diagnosis that you just wrote.. it is an insult not only to the intelligence of the both of us, but also to the intelligence of the rest of the commentators in here that you seem to think that you are speaking for.

    now ill reiterate: please no moral preaches. thank you kindly, humbly, graciously, nicely with a little sugar on top and FINALLY!

  32. #32
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    to NEW_GUY:

    what are those things that you were talking about? ive never heard of them.. please tell me more about them...

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anavar all day long. A good buddy of mine fights in the WEC and he loved anavar. Awesome strength gains and his cardio improved dramatically on it.

    The other compound he liked a lot was equipoise but he LOVED anavar as a fighter.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBB View Post

    i have read up on the litt now on the agents that you've mentioned and i have a query.. i am very keen on anavar due to its mild nature and fat burning ability and also the ability to maintain the loss and gain a long time after the cycle. although i would like to ask you exactly how long is the agent expected to stay in my system in terms of testing/detection? (none of the litt stated that). and you mentioned eq , why would i use an agent that according to research is no good to use during weight loss due to its appetite raising features when i have to loose about 10kgs in the coming ten weeks? is the research wrong or exaggerated? thanks for the info.. kindly awaiting your reply

    anybody else who has anything to say about anavar? more info appreciated...

    to Lex57:
    hmm... my friend. thank you for making it very clear as to what i forgot to point out.. here comes a clarification...

    I am VERY thankful and humble for the inputs from you who are more knowledgeable than I on the matter of agents and the proper use of these agents/steroids/Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) and that is after all why I came here, I am aware of that...

    But... you must have missunderstood when I said that about being pro or not.. what I meant then and I mean now is that when it comes to the morals and ethical dilemma of using or not using PEDs I wish to be left alone unless you have the experience to know how it is to have your sport as main income... hope i made that clear this time..

    and please i will ask you only once... dont make any remarks on my personal physique or any similar attacks such as the amateur psychological internet diagnosis that you just wrote.. it is an insult not only to the intelligence of the both of us, but also to the intelligence of the rest of the commentators in here that you seem to think that you are speaking for.

    now ill reiterate: please no moral preaches. thank you kindly, humbly, graciously, nicely with a little sugar on top and FINALLY!
    point taken, i just hope you understand that so far all of the info you have here has probably come from non-professional athletes. there are probably only a handful on this board, so there are numerous here that are not, and they will give you every piece of info that you are looking for. sorry for the rant.....

  35. #35


    prop,prop,prop!, it is undetectable after two weeks!
    I too am an mma fighter, I am 14-1 and used
    prop 100mg eod should be enough it worked great for me!,i did get tested after my 8th win in a row,man I was nervous even though I stoped the prop 3weeks before the fight,everything was good!,prop is the way to go hands down!

  36. #36
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    You will have to excuse my friend lex he seems to think you
    have to be over 200lbs and over 6 to be muscular or know how to fight.
    I guess he has never heard of George St. Pierre.

    I think you should look into halotestin's a methyltestosterone.
    it's harsh but the most effective in strenght. pretty mild, good for hardening, cutting up etc.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBB View Post

    Before i thank give you my second input in my thread that i started id like to say something to the preachers in here..
    I dont have time for people who clearly have NO exp in sports on a high level. If you have not been paid athletes or are not paid athletes then i would like to kindly ask you to NOT come to me and preach about the dilemma of having to put food on the table with MY body.

    am i hurting you? NO
    are you on roids? i dont give a shit
    am i fighting you? guess not unless your pro, but i wish we were ;-)

    Now on to the helpful commentators on the matter that i addressed when starting this thread...

    so far you have helped me a lot.. but still a little uncertain as to quantities and cycles and prices and qualities of brand variations (eg russian vs thai vs american etc.. big brand small brand so forth..) and most importantly pros and cons of each agent.. i listen to facts and arguments well but not comments like 'hey dude try this'... (no harm intended just clarifying...)

    apparently you need some more info on my current status as well so here it goes:

    I fight in minus 70 and i currently weigh 78. in ten weeks i will be back in my fightweight of 69,5 (under 70).

    I am 173 cm tall

    I am 26 years old

    i have a high metabolism and high testo production naturally

    i have neck and back issues due to many years of greco roman and freestyle wrestling. but nothing major, just wear and tare so to speak

    i have a few minor tendon issues in ankles, wrists and shoulders due to many years of pure boxing

    i have access to buy the most basic of agents

    there is a possibility of getting tested but not at all likely and the arguments for and against equal a go ahead.

    i prefer not to do any testo-based or injections, prefer tablets... BUT i am willing to do whatever you say is best. business is business

    and remember preachers.. this is a philosophy free thread ok.. good boy!
    You need to get one on one advice from somebody in your sport with roid experiance dude. most of these guys are bodybuilders or just wannabe's and like to think they know shit. Anavar isn't good for MMA, Deca is great as long as you're not tested and Equipoise is awesome. You'll need some test to go with this if you have a sex life. But there's much more to know as far as the stuff you're talking about. The world of anabolic performanxe can be as complex as MMA itself. Some of the advice on this thread is OK for an MMA athlete but most is BS. Bodybuilders and MMA athletes are north and south from each other. So don't expect good advice from them on this.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    You will have to excuse my friend lex he seems to think you
    have to be over 200lbs and over 6 to be muscular or know how to fight.
    I guess he has never heard of George St. Pierre.

    I think you should look into halotestin's a methyltestosterone.
    it's harsh but the most effective in strenght. pretty mild, good for hardening, cutting up etc.
    just to show how dumb you are, gsp is 5'11 and fights at 170. which means he probably walks around everyday at 190 or pretty much he is 6 foot 200 lbs. once again you are a plethera of wisdom.

  39. #39
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    or here better yet you can always use this for the little edge you are looking for. this is from the mind of deen54 himself............

  40. #40
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    ok he is 5 11 and 170 and now you think he is 200lbs..and 6 foot.

    come back to reality!

    Gsp is thinking of fighting Anderson Silva but he has to gain how could
    he be walking around at 190lbs?... once again you are clueless about this subject.
    You are arguing with a wrestler about making!!
    Gsp is always in top condition he is not a guy that gains 30 pounds and then loses it.
    He is disciplined.

    btw lex what is it that you contribute to this board other than hate?

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