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Thread: Subcutaneous T injection?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Subcutaneous T injection?

    I injected T today in the ventrogluteal site. When I stuck the needle in it felt a bit strange. Not that I've injected a lot, but still. Anyways, the needle only went in a little over an inch I guess and I didn't feel like pushing it in further.

    My question is, if the needle didn't make it through the skin and fat, and was a subcutaneus injection, what would likely happen? I imagine it's not a big deal, but I'd like to know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Your body just wouldn't absorb as much of the test

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Western US
    unless you have a lot of fat on your ass then 1" though not as good as 1.5" should be fine. More then likely nothing would happen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitali View Post
    I injected T today in the ventrogluteal site. When I stuck the needle in it felt a bit strange. Not that I've injected a lot, but still. Anyways, the needle only went in a little over an inch I guess and I didn't feel like pushing it in further.

    My question is, if the needle didn't make it through the skin and fat, and was a subcutaneus injection, what would likely happen? I imagine it's not a big deal, but I'd like to know.
    What ester of test ? I read about a year long study using test-c where one group of men were given intramusclar injections and the other subcutaneous. At every point in the study when they measured blood levels both groups were equal throughout the study. This was done using only cyp but the authur concluded it would give similar results using other esters. Moral of the story is test probably doenst have to be adminstered intramusclar to be effective-other steriods however is unknown.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by iagainsti View Post
    What ester of test ? I read about a year long study using test-c where one group of men were given intramusclar injections and the other subcutaneous. At every point in the study when they measured blood levels both groups were equal throughout the study. This was done using only cyp but the authur concluded it would give similar results using other esters. Moral of the story is test probably doenst have to be adminstered intramusclar to be effective-other steriods however is unknown.
    Id like to see the reasech on this.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Id like to see the reasech on this.
    It was researched and ran I believe by Danish scientists and I read the report in MD about 6 months ago. I thought it was pretty interesting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    theres also a chic dude tranny on youtube who did subcutaneous injections of test and well she went from an ugly fat chic to an ugly fat dude.. look it up. As much test as were injecting i dont think it would be a good idea to inject all that oil right under the skin. Other that a knotting issue i dont see why it would be any different that an i/m injection just that it would take a little longer to disperse and get into the bloodstream.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thanks for the replies.

    It was Test E.

    I'm not fat, 5'-9, 175 lbs.

  9. #9
    Intra muscular is the best rout for AS. There is no real danger in "missing" the muscle, and I'm sure you didn't miss, that is usually only achieved when the faint of heart need to use a slin pin because they can't handle a real dart. Even then, your body will still absorb it, just not as efficiently. I don't doubt that study, but they just concluded what we already know, that it will be absorbed, just not efficiently. And who wants a 3 ml knot of oil right under the skin of their ass, quad, or wherever?

  10. #10
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    the only real danger that can happen sub q is an oil abcess. i would make sure to get the pin in all the way for IM

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitali View Post
    I injected T today in the ventrogluteal site. When I stuck the needle in it felt a bit strange. Not that I've injected a lot, but still. Anyways, the needle only went in a little over an inch I guess and I didn't feel like pushing it in further.

    My question is, if the needle didn't make it through the skin and fat, and was a subcutaneus injection, what would likely happen? I imagine it's not a big deal, but I'd like to know.
    proper absorbtion is the problem.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    proper absorbtion is the problem.
    So what is the difference in absorbtion SQ and IM?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitali View Post
    So what is the difference in absorbtion SQ and IM?
    Google it and get back to us...

  14. #14
    I can tell you what will happen cause it just happened to me. I shot 1 cc of primo into my ass. Unfortunately, it was my first shot and i did'nt do enough research and ended up using too short a needle. I ended up pushing all that fluid into my subq tissue and now I have a nice hard lump on my ass. It's a little tender, but I'm hoping in time it will absorb and go away.

    My second shot went well, or so I thought. I injected 2cc into my thigh two days ago. The next day (yesterday) my leg began to swell about 7 inches below my injection site near my knee. The injection site itself and the surrounding area is fine. but just above my knee is swollen/painful. I'm having trouble walking. I went into the doctor today, fessed to injecting, and he said it was likely reactive bursitis from the steroids. He gave me antibiotics as a precaution, being unable to rule out bacterial infection... but i used proper medically clean precautions when injecting...and am in the medical field...highly doubt infection. Anybody have any ideas or similar experiences with migrating inflammation from injecting?

  15. #15
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    Mar 2008
    I dont think an abcess is worth the risk of a Sub Q shot, just go deep.

    3panther, my buddy did a shot in his inner lower thigh.He was trying a spot injection. It migrated to his knee and swelled to the point he couldn't walk. The doctor gave him some antiboitics and told him to use a heating pad. All cleared up but know he refuses to pin the quads!

    I don't think it was an infection,but inflamtion or a reaction to the oil migrating down.

  16. #16
    I've definitely had oil migrate to my joints... had a bad hip one time from a high quad inject, and bad knee once from a mid quad inject. My BB friend had an EFFED up elbow for a couple weeks once from a bicep injection... It happens, and you just gotta treat it with heat and ibuprofen.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowledbetter View Post
    I dont think an abcess is worth the risk of a Sub Q shot, just go deep.

    3panther, my buddy did a shot in his inner lower thigh.He was trying a spot injection. It migrated to his knee and swelled to the point he couldn't walk. The doctor gave him some antiboitics and told him to use a heating pad. All cleared up but know he refuses to pin the quads!

    I don't think it was an infection,but inflamtion or a reaction to the oil migrating down.
    i dont shoot quads for this same reason.

    i hit a nerve and my knee swelled up like a motherfvcker.

  18. #18
    i like that... "i'm in the medical field" a medical secretar doesn't

    ok, does anyone not see what i'm seeing here? i don't see why injecting into fat would matter much. a true sub-q would be bad do to the size of the injection, but into fat shouldn't make much difference. oil based steroids are stored in adipose, which is....wait for it....wait for it.... FAT!!!! so if it's stored in the fat, that means it's released from the fat therefore injecting straight into the fat shouldn't really mess it up. it might not circulate to other fat sites of the body as it would if it went into the muscle and then bloodstream, but it'll still be released from that adipose the same.

    i'm not the best on knowledge of growth steroids (other than medicinally), but i can tell you one thing, i don't have a problem knowing the human's kinda what i went to school for.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i dont shoot quads for this same reason.

    i hit a nerve and my knee swelled up like a motherfvcker.
    hitting a nerve causes nerve damage, not fluid build up on the knee. the swelling was due to another cause. most likely bursitis of the joint.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    i like that... "i'm in the medical field" a medical secretar doesn't

    ok, does anyone not see what i'm seeing here? i don't see why injecting into fat would matter much. a true sub-q would be bad do to the size of the injection, but into fat shouldn't make much difference. oil based steroids are stored in adipose, which is....wait for it....wait for it.... FAT!!!! so if it's stored in the fat, that means it's released from the fat therefore injecting straight into the fat shouldn't really mess it up. it might not circulate to other fat sites of the body as it would if it went into the muscle and then bloodstream, but it'll still be released from that adipose the same.

    i'm not the best on knowledge of growth steroids (other than medicinally), but i can tell you one thing, i don't have a problem knowing the human's kinda what i went to school for.
    If you're so sure, why you askin us? We've only been doing this for years.

  21. #21
    are you a doctor or what

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    hitting a nerve causes nerve damage, not fluid build up on the knee. the swelling was due to another cause. most likely bursitis of the joint.
    um, what's yer point? Are you here to debate something?

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterShake View Post
    um, what's yer point? Are you here to debate something?
    why are you trippin about this guys comment? he's just giving his input. and if thats you in your picture then i wouldnt think youve been doing this for years

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by hdrider135 View Post
    why are you trippin about this guys comment? he's just giving his input. and if thats you in your picture then i wouldnt think youve been doing this for years

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