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Thread: When to start Clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    When to start Clen

    I did a search and cant seem to find an answer to this question. (Yes I read Beasts Clen thread).
    My question is wehn is the best time to start a clen cycle. I am currently on the second week of what is going to be a 12 week cycle. 1-4 anadrol, 1-10 deca and 1-12 sust.
    then I will do Ar's pct. so when is the best time to start clen. I have never used it before. Can I start during pct or should I wait till after? Im am 5'8 225 obs. I am in the high teens in bf now and would like to get to the low teens. My diet is pretty good right now. I am gaining weight on only about 2500 calories/day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    cycle exp.

    are you running a bulk, lean bulk, cutter?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    by the looks of your cycle it looks like your more trying to bulk than a lean bulk cutter. I think to lower your bf down your doing the wrong cycle. Anadrol is gonna give you some bloating. But given the input you gave us, I'd switch the anadrol to maybe tbol or if you can afford it anavar. The sust and deca will raise your test levels therefor increasing your fat burning. The deca and anadrol will have water retention. One way you can combat this will be using an AI. It all depends on your goals like phate asked tho.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    my plan was to add some massbut im trying to keep the fat gain down.,then lean out after that. I am 38 and this is my third cycle. Would it be alright to add the clen during the last couple weeks of test only? should I wait until I start my pct or should I wait till after pct. Please help with some advice guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    if you are running a lean bulk then i would hold off on the clen until after your pct, i wouldn't run clen during pct ever because pct is when your trying to keep all your gains and you need all the calories you can get, so to speak, if you focus on your diet then you shouldn't have a problem not gaining much fat, here's a couple threads on lean bulking and dieting to help you out

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