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Thread: Tren A. HELP PLEASE ?!

  1. #1

    Smile Tren A. HELP PLEASE ?!

    I just started my cycle of Tren A. I use 1cc 2x a week, and have had no gains in strength or mass, i know its only the 1st week, but should i up the cc's or take it more often? Should i add any other supps. w/it >?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    stats? tren A should be shot ed or eod at the least

  3. #3
    5'11...182lbs....11.9 B.F.....21....First Cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Kind of young for this stuff if its your first cycle tren is a terrible choice & even worse if your not running test with it.

  5. #5
    Yea its the 1st cycle, a few friends have taken it as a 1st as well. Im not taking anything w/it @ all....i have researched quite abit, and asked around some....when u say test you mean like nolvadex ?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    Yea its the 1st cycle, a few friends have taken it as a 1st as well. Im not taking anything w/it @ all....i have researched quite abit, and asked around some....when u say test you mean like nolvadex ?
    oh my god!! are you for real?
    it sounds like you haven't researched anything. take a step back and get informed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    testosterone maybe a mod will chime in but you should have done alot more research.

  8. #8
    hey cj1capp......thanx 4 the help bud.....

  9. #9
    Im already elbow deep in the cycle so any suggestions or help is appreciated.

  10. #10
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    stop! your only a week in you should just stop now before you regret it and start feeling all lethargic & cant get an erection. Not trying to bust your balls but straight tren is a wack cycle.

  11. #11
    i also have winstrol 4 a cut is ther anything that i can get besides tren ? there nothing i can do to make the tren work 4 me ?

  12. #12
    I appreciate your input man, thank if i ass test will it be ok then ?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    i also have winstrol 4 a cut is ther anything that i can get besides tren ? there nothing i can do to make the tren work 4 me ?
    i have to agree with the rest of them. You should stop your cycle immediately. Do a little more research. get a hold of some test and, personally, being your first cycle i'd go with test only.(see how you react to it). tren is a pretty harsh AS in terms of sides and recovery for some people. Also 1cc 2xweek is nothing. If it's tren A then you should be going ED to help minimize fluctuations in blood levels which should help with some sides. Doing ti 2x wk you're just asking for a whole slew of sides.


  14. #14
    Hey man, thank you for your concern and info....i prolly will hold off on the cycle and save it. maby go to the test...any suggestions on an ammout per week on test ?

  15. #15
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    dont go to the test...research how anabolics work first....doesnt sound like friends know what they are doing so dont take their advice either...good luck

  16. #16
    Well, if I drop the trend, do u guys have any specific suggestions ?

  17. #17
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    Apr 2008
    what is the mg/ml of the tren

  18. #18
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZRSOIZE View Post
    dont go to the test...research how anabolics work first....doesnt sound like friends know what they are doing so dont take their advice either...good luck
    stop the cycle, run your pct, and take some time to learn what to do.

  19. #19
    10 ml vial

  20. #20
    Big, should I just research more and take the tren and winni latr or get rid of the stuff?

  21. #21
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    save it, it's good for years, store it in the dark at room temperature.

  22. #22
    I guess my real Q. Is wat the hell should I take insted? I've been a boxer 4 over 13yrs and now I'm done w/it. I wana take sumthin that will bring noticable gains wat the hell should I take ?!

  23. #23
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    Big, should I just research more and take the tren and winni latr or get rid of the stuff?
    yeah get rid of it and send it to me......................
    now seriously mate do some research on 1st cycles,a nice 12 weeker of test enanthate would do nicely.
    stop the tren as you have been advised and start reading ............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  24. #24
    Well I'm only taking 1cc @ 100mg...I've had friends take this and they were totally fine...just saying that's all...

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    Well I'm only taking 1cc @ 100mg...I've had friends take this and they were totally fine...just saying that's all...

  26. #26
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    Learnin from the best...
    1. stop you "cycle"
    2. start your pct.
    3. read and research here more, ask more question BEFORE you start anything again.
    4. save the stuff for another day, it wont go bad for years.
    5. keep reading

  27. #27
    Ok. So I stop it and read till I'm blue in the face! Got that part! Let's pretend its a year from now and I've read it ALL...ok? u guys have any suggestions other than reading???...wat would u tell sum1 taking tren and winni 2 add in or do ? I just want ur opinion...

  28. #28
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    Ok. So I stop it and read till I'm blue in the face! Got that part! Let's pretend its a year from now and I've read it ALL...ok? u guys have any suggestions other than reading???...wat would u tell sum1 taking tren and winni 2 add in or do ? I just want ur opinion...
    we would tell them to stop their poorly planned cycle, and read for another year (maybe more in this case)
    this is really rediculous. we are telling you to research so you know what to do, and you're saying ok, lets pretend I researched, what should I do? I have a lot of patience, but I'm giving up on this one.

  29. #29
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    if you do the reading like we suggeest you wont need us to tell you what to take...your question will be doses, timing on other side effects....not about the products to use...after your reading you will come to us with a cycle laid out with duration, compounds, and doses....thena dn only then will wwe go over it and tell you what you should change...we arent going to do all the work for you...

  30. #30
    Thank you...b back soon...ha! Sorry 4 being a pain in the ass, just new 2 this stuff...appreciate it....thanx webb!

  31. #31
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    your not being a pain at leasst you listen, lol...i will be one of the guy sthat will do anything to help you, if and only if you do some of the leg work yourself...i will answer an PM or post you have that is a valid and to the point question...i am here to help so ask just gets frustating having guys ask question and they want us to do it all for them...i kno wyou will not have ahard time finding the answers you need man...i look forward to helping you out...

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    1. stop you "cycle"
    2. start your pct.
    3. read and research here more, ask more question BEFORE you start anything again.
    4. save the stuff for another day, it wont go bad for years.
    5. keep reading

    wow.. you clearly are not ready for steroids based on your knowledge and stats

  33. #33
    Matty, I'm glad u jumped on the banwaggon bud ! Like I didn't kno that? That's y I came here if u don't have any positive info please, and I mean please don't reply! Thanx guy!

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    Matty, I'm glad u jumped on the banwaggon bud ! Like I didn't kno that? That's y I came here if u don't have any positive info please, and I mean please don't reply! Thanx guy!
    positive info:

    stop cycle, research a ton more, learn how to diet and train

  35. #35

    Thumbs up

    Well thanx! I've got the training part down 2 an art and the diet 2 a science! Been doin er awhile bud ! But seriously thanks !

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    Well thanx! I've got the training part down 2 an art and the diet 2 a science! Been doin er awhile bud ! But seriously thanks !
    not really...

    most natural 16 year olds, who have trained for like a year, have the same stats, if not better..... no offense

    5'11 180 lbs and 11% bf(which is probably underestimated, I wouldnt be surprised if you were actually higher)..

    If you have been at this for awhile, what have you been doing?

  37. #37
    Alrite thanx again webb.! I'll get back @ ya after research !

  38. #38
    Haha! Go tryn bust sum1 elses balls guy! Take ur 7 posts and inform others w/ur great experience, I don't need it lmao!

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by cpainte1 View Post
    Haha! Go tryn bust sum1 elses balls guy! Take ur 7 posts and inform others w/ur great experience, I don't need it lmao!
    and what does my post count have anything to do with you obviously not knowing how to cycle, train/diet?

    it is obvious to anyone with a half brain

    do more research before using steroids.. any nitwit is gonna know tren only for a first cycle is a very stupid idea.

  40. #40
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