I would go to funeral If I were you. Help you get some closure. IMO
I would go to funeral If I were you. Help you get some closure. IMO
Just an update if anyone was interested. Yesterday was the service and I did go with my fiance. It was very sad, but yet at the same time I was filled with a sense of happiness. I know she is in a better place now. The hard part was the burial since I knew it was the last time I would physically see her. I tried my best to keep it together but emotional is an understatement! My girlfriend is a real great person in how she really was there for me.
We ended up staying over the night because her brother had told me that today himself, mother and grandparents were going to plant flowers at the site and he asked me if I would like to. I was hesitant but agreed to it. So today we went up to the cemetary and we each planted a small bush. It was pretty somber but I think we all got a bit of joy out of it. My girlfriend stayed at my parents while I did this as she didn't feel it would be right for her to be there. Before leaving the cemetary Erin's mother said that they had a few picture boards at the calling hours and that she had decided to put a picture up of the two of us from the Christmas before we ended. She said that it was one of the last times she actually saw her daughter genuinely happy and it was because I was with her. She gave me the picture to keep. She also thanked me for being there for her one last time and then we both started crying and collapsed into one anothers arms.
After we were done at the cemetary me and her brother just drove around talking for an hour. He told me how much she still cared and loved me even after everything had happend a few years back. He also said that she wanted to get back together with me many times and eventually get married like we had originally planned on but it was just too hard for her knowing what she did to me emotionally and mentally.
In the end I am very upset that I have lost a very important person in my life but I also know that she will live on in my heart and that the things she has taught me about life will always be there.
Look bro I am not very good with words but I will put out what I am thinking and hope that it will make sense.
You did every thing right...till the end. She was the one who was fooling around....I dont know should I say it cause she is in better place now. but she is the one who screwed up..Yeah she cared about you and you cared about her. But you are not at fault here and Yeah I can understand its hard to let her go but remember you have a fiance and she care about you try to get back to your life ..It will be hard but it will be the best thing you can do.
you are a credit to us cock-wearers, and its a situation that i can thankfully, at this point in my life, only imagine, but imagine i do that it is a truly life changing experience.
Sorry for your loss, sounds like you may have gotten the closure you needed, and that she did to. Going by your story on here, you should have no regrets in this matter, and treat your fiancee well!
Best wishes to you and your fiance. I think you may have found the person right for you. Think about it this way, your ex-erin, if she hadn't called you, you would have never been able to know how committed your fiance is to you. Before going away your EX gave you a gift in a way, someone you can trust on for the rest of your life. You seem to have found a gurl that cares for you alot. Best wishes and as said before time will heal.
It's a pity you couldn't patch it up earlier with you ex earlier obviously not your fault. You're present fiance sounds awsome I hope for the sakes of both of you you can love her just as much. Good luck and God bless.
I dunno if it the low test levels bro from coming off a cycle, but this reminded me of someone that was in my life and that had moved on to the next life and reading this thread from the day you posted it and again now made my a$$ cry. I'm not gonna say I know how you feel because each of us feels differently, but you did the right thing and you are a true man for doing so. My best wishes to you and your new girl in your new life together, she sounds like a great woman.
I'm glad I can be a part of a group as supportive as all the people on this board.
sorry for you loss bro that was a real sad thing to hear made me fill up reading your story, keep your chin up you did the right thing going to see her in the hospital, but now its time to think about your current fiance and be there for each other, best wishes to you mate
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