Look at his fake ass delts. I mean the way they stick out are not natural. The look buldgy like Valentino. Do you guys agree?
Look at his fake ass delts. I mean the way they stick out are not natural. The look buldgy like Valentino. Do you guys agree?
Those don't look real, they look like he had plastic surgery. I got some big friends but never seen delts like that.
whats up with the makeup and eyebrows
I bet he isn't on steroids, just syntherol. What a moron.
his shoulders look seriously messed up.
he looks more and more like a cartoon character everyday
if he got animated he may actually be funny
He looks seriously messed up too, like a pumped up Ronald Mcdonald
def. something strange happening there.
there retarded looking...how could you possible think they look good...definately fake...
I used to be impressed with how he transformed his physique until I saw this. That doesn't look right at all.
Ye totally lol puzzles me why anyone would want to look that freaky
and.....he's one of those annoying examples of somebody that wears a muscle shirt out in public on a daily basis. I wear them at home by myself all the time, but not to Hollywood events that end up on TV or while eating at expensive restaurants.
Comedians hate him just like they hate Gallagher and Carlos Mencia. I would love to hear them cap on Carrot Top. He is a ticking time bomb of self loathing and insecurity. That roast of Flavor Flave was decent since 20 people made fun of him there.
from all television please.
Damn thats one scary mo fo, deffo like a tranny full of juice
lmao at his shoulders.
it looks like he has baseballs in his delts...
His whole body looks F%cked up.....
he slightly reminds me of michael jackson with the facial disfiguration but the body one is different....
His shoulders dont look the same. One looks like a different shape then the other
Yeah he looks weird! But he's a rich weirdo!
haha his career is gonna end sometime soon. then he will be just weird!
Lol....there has seriously been about 10 threads similar to this and for some reason I never get tired of them. Why do I loathe this man so much? I could look at his weird shitty pictures every single day.
^^^lmao...the only reason he wears those muscle shirts is because of those shoulders
what a ****in fool..he had a decent physique before too. altho he still looked like some kind of twisted buff transvestite.
Looks like Tank, if he had red orange curly hair
How does syntherol cause that?
if you check that youtube vid you can notice how it looks like an alien is living is his side delt... really unnatural shape like that is always synthol 95% of the time... its simply a depot of oil that is slow to breakdown... kinda like an oil filled balloon in the muscle.
Someone get that dick a mirror!
wow his delts def looks like valentinos biceps
Freaks must get a lot of money.
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