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Thread: F#cken Genetics Argh!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Thumbs down F#cken Genetics Argh!

    The other dude that posted the shit bout his mate eating shitty foods yet getting ripped in a month got me thinking about genetics & i feel it's time for a rant.

    I hate it bros, i hate genetics so f#cken much.

    One of my best friends has the best genetics i've ever seen firsthand.

    I do my best to eat well, usualy get my 8 hours of sleep, i lift hard in the gym, i do my cardio, i use effective supplements & i make some 'ok gains'.

    My friend on the other hand, eats shitty food for dinner practically every day, his family in general eats the most junk food i've ever seen anyone consume.

    Yet when he gets serious about going to the gym (which happens once every month or so)

    he'll eat like one half decent meal a day which is like say skinless chicken breast & pasta whilst still eating shitty foods for the rest of the day & he can get huge so easily.

    & when he cuts all he does is stop eating mcdonalds & kfc for a couple of weeks whilst still consuming alcohol & white rice, red meat, carbs etc & abra cadabra his abdominals pop out so solid & he manages to drop bodyfat like no tomorrow.

    I f#cken hate it bros, i'm so much more dedicated than he is yet he receives twice as many compliments.

    I've been by my own genetics.

  2. #2
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    Although I understand why you are so frustrated, you really shouldn't be.
    Don't ever compare yourself to others. Everyone is born with different capacities and potential for different areas of their life. I have bad genes, but I went from a skinny 120lb kid to a solid 192lb 5'8 15%bf 18 yr old beast in just over 1.5 yrs, through sheer hard work. I am so proud of my achievements and everyone around me commends me, not because I'm the biggest guy they've ever seen, but because of what I was, and where I am now.

    It's all about MAXIMISING YOUR OWN POTENTIAL, NOT comparing yourself to others.
    Be proud of what you have achieved, I'm sure anyone else out there with the same genetics as yourself wouldn't have made half the gains you did.

    Moral of the story: always try to better YOURSELF, if you keep comparing yourself to others you will lose focus, motivation, and end up worse off overall.
    Last edited by GT2; 06-24-2008 at 01:01 AM.

  3. #3
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    Honestly I'm not gonna try to make you feel better and I'm gonna be blunt. It really does suck for people with bad genetics, because I've seen some guys put so much time and effort into diet and training and either they gain at an extremely slow pace that is ridiculous or they reach a limit fast. There's nothing you can really do about it, just gotta work harder than most people and if you ever feel after a few years you've hit your peak and you just won't grow anymore then drugs is the next option. But I've even seen people be dedicated with diet and training while on pretty extensive cycles and still not much. Even if you raise your testosterone to high unnatural levels, there is just something about bad genes that don't let you gain muscle as fast and I don't know what it is linked to.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    Honestly I'm not gonna try to make you feel better and I'm gonna be blunt. It really does suck for people with bad genetics, because I've seen some guys put so much time and effort into diet and training and either they gain at an extremely slow pace that is ridiculous or they reach a limit fast. There's nothing you can really do about it, just gotta work harder than most people and if you ever feel after a few years you've hit your peak and you just won't grow anymore then drugs is the next option. But I've even seen people be dedicated with diet and training while on pretty extensive cycles and still not much. Even if you raise your testosterone to high unnatural levels, there is just something about bad genes that don't let you gain muscle as fast and I don't know what it is linked to.
    sad but true.

    but we all do what we have to do, as long as you keep going at it day in and day out the gains come.

  5. #5
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    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    fvck my genetics class im in right now

  6. #6
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    Right there with ya. After years of effort and dieting I'm *almost* as big as my old roommate. His diet and exercise program? Drink beer. Smoke. Sleep 'til the afternoon. Repeat.

  7. #7
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    Iv never met anyone who admits they have good genitics

  8. #8
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Read this, realize what you must do, and feel better.

    dante aka doggcrapp

    But Woody Im talking about the most rapid accumalation of muscle mass possible while trying to keep bodyfat in check------------im going to give you some observations as Ive been around this sport for a long time and seen too many competitors and what they do--and you can do what you want with it

    1) I've seen black guys gain bigtime muscle eating the crappiest diets in the world and the most half ass workouts you would ever see due to their incredible genetics

    2) I haven't seen a black guy yet with incredible genetics who didnt have to eventually boatload the food to get above that 260lb mark and into the superhuge pro 300lbs plus range (vic richards, ronnie coleman etc(8000-10000 calories a day as per his interview in latest musclemag intl)

    3) I've seen a million and one bodybuilders with good genetics get into the 210-230LB (stripper look) range with nutrient dense 2800 calorie diets and heavy drugs but then top out at that 210-230lb range (and not know why they can't get any bigger)

    4) I've seen people with incredible genetics build muscle on 200-250 grams of protein a day (nasser el sonbaty, flex wheeler, paul dillet and some other incredibly gifted pros --remember i said gifted PROS)

    5) The people out there who have incredible genetics are so very few and far between its pathetic

    6) I've seen millions of people training for years eating squeaky clean nutrient dense low volume food diets with average genetics who never get bigger--ever

    7) I've seen superheavy powerlifters who gain alot of bodyfat with muscle in the offseason, diet down and CRUSH everyone in their area in bodybuilding shows

    I've never seen a white elite bodybuilder with slightly above mediocre genetics get superhuge without boatloading protein in the 500 and upward gram range (jimmy mentis, I also put Greg Kovacs in here as he isnt even close to colemans or wheelers genetics, kamali, palumbo, mike francois etc)

    9) I've seen too many bodybuilders who are stuck at the same size and think the problem is their drugs, their training, everything else except their diet.

    10) Nine out of ten times when i help someone who is stuck as a bodybuilder--getting their protein grams up to 500 from the 280 or so they were eating sends them into muscle accumalation overdrive.

    11) Very rarely have I seen a person who could stay incredibly shredded in the offseason and gain bigtime muscle at the same time (and again the only ones Ive seen do it are black guys)

    12) I've seen alot of natural guys who eat incredibly clean all year long put on 1-2LBS of muscle a year (great in 5 years they will be 5-10lbs heavier)

    13) Thinking off the top of my head I cannot think of a over 250lb bodybuilder onstage who eats less than 400 grams of protein except nasser el sonbaty (who by the way hasnt gotten any larger for about 5 years) and Dillett

    14) How many millions of bodybuilders with average genetics are using the same drugs, training the same way as each other and eating 200 grams of protein a day--alot!!! How many of those guys have 4lbs of muscle per inch of height?

    15) Some years ago a study was done on sumo wrestlers, elite bodybuilders, and a untrained group of people trying to determine the upper limit of lean body mass in a human being. The sumo's while having the greatest bodyfat percentage also had the greatest lean body mass above the elite bodybuilders and way above the untrained. Why? Sumo's for the most part dont weight train but eat excess amounts of rice and fish...shouldnt they have less LBM than the elite bodybuilders? How are they developing that kind of muscle mass if they are not weight training to get it? Obviously some kind of adaption is taking place with the excess food intake allowing for great amounts of muscle mass. What would happen if they took the precautions to keep their bodyfat in check with cardio day and night?

    I personally am an overkill guy---I would much rather maybe take in too much protein and excrete the excess than worry about taking in inadequate amounts of protein and losing out on muscle mass I would of gained and wasting these workouts (that Im killing myself with)---I'd rather use cardio and low/trace carbs after 6pm to keep my bodyfat levels in check than be safe and take in 2500 calories and worry about half filled glycogen stores or worse yet catabolism of muscle. My mindset is to turn someone into a machine--heavy weights, high protein, filled glycogen stores, use the treadmill to solve the excess--it sure as hell isnt easy but its the fastest way Ive found to get someone from point A to point B. And woody if you think a 6 foot 170lb man with average genetics can turn himself into a 6 foot 300lb superheavyweight bodybuilder on 2500 calories a day, and 200 grams of protein a day your sadly misinformed. You can look at world class powerlifters in the lower (under 200lb)classes. They are lifting shit heavy, many are using boatloads of drugs, why the hell arent they getting dramatically bigger if thats all thats needed? Food thats why. Now you put a superheavy 360lb powerlifter on the treadmill 6 times a week for 45-60 minutes a day and low trace carbs after 6pm and Ill show you a massive bodybuilder in about 3 months.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    fvck my genetics class im in right now
    Man, I really enjoyed that class.

  10. #10
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    On the flip side, most people with good genetics aren't forced or driven to improve. What happens to some of them is they hit a point where they rely too much on their genetics and after several years of training without that improvement, they slowly can be surpassed by those who were forced to learn how to train right, eat right, and who have the drive. But then again, there are those freaks who have good genetics and still are driven. they turn out to be freaks of nature. We all hate them.

  11. #11
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    I hate that shit! People who don't even try and are lean as shit. Scientists need to get off their dead asses and leave the ****ing animals alone and start figuring out how to improve my genetics.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  12. #12
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    Shut up tubby!!!!^^^^

  13. #13
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Well man if your healthy who cares. If you give your very best than that should be good enough. Don't beat yourself up man, its not worth it. Do the best with what you have and be happy. Then take a ton of Steroids!!!!.....LOL, jkjkjk

  14. #14
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    I look at were i was 5 years ago and now. I am happy with my self and how far a long i have come.

    try being me at 5.3 120 pounds and then lets talk about fvcking genetics

  15. #15
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    what are your stats after 5 years? ^^^^ just curious!

  16. #16
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    Still 5.3 right now just about 175 11%bf

  17. #17
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    Look at it this way. No matter how bad we think we have it, there is ALWAYS someone else out there who is worse off than us.

    I think that is VERY important to remember.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    Look at it this way. No matter how bad we think we have it, there is ALWAYS someone else out there who is worse off than us.

    I think that is VERY important to remember.
    very true. just like there is always someone bigger than us, there is most likely a greater amount much smaller.

  19. #19
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    Everyone knows someone with those genetics.
    I know a guy that works in a bar - gets drunk almost every night, eats donuts at 4 am, does zero cardio, doesn't pay attention to his diet AT ALL.. and he's got probably the best physique on anyone I know. huge arms, 8 pack abs.

  20. #20
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    I think there is something to the shit food factor.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    Look at it this way. No matter how bad we think we have it, there is ALWAYS someone else out there who is worse off than us.

    I think that is VERY important to remember.
    exactly!!! you know, you could have had muscular distrophy

  22. #22
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    i know i have good genetics. i work out at home with one dumbell and do pushups and am bigger than most people i know. im not tooting my horn, i just know its the truth. i know theres people who will juice thier whole lives and bust thier ****in ass to pieces to get to the size i am while i barely work out, and i agree, it sucks. but unless you are competing you cant worry about anyone but yourself. i see plenty of guys bigger than me but why am i gonna get not tryin to be the best in the world, im just making sure im doing the best with what ive got. im way more inspired by what i used to be and the changes ive made then anything or anyone else.the most undeniably fair competition in life is challenging yourself brutha, **** the rest of the world.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetank View Post
    i know i have good genetics. i work out at home with one dumbell and do pushups and am bigger than most people i know. im not tooting my horn, i just know its the truth. i know theres people who will juice thier whole lives and bust thier ****in ass to pieces to get to the size i am while i barely work out, and i agree, it sucks. but unless you are competing you cant worry about anyone but yourself. i see plenty of guys bigger than me but why am i gonna get not tryin to be the best in the world, im just making sure im doing the best with what ive got. im way more inspired by what i used to be and the changes ive made then anything or anyone else.the most undeniably fair competition in life is challenging yourself brutha, **** the rest of the world.
    well put sir.

    i wish i had your genetics though

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetank View Post
    i know i have good genetics. i work out at home with one dumbell and do pushups and am bigger than most people i know. im not tooting my horn, i just know its the truth. i know theres people who will juice thier whole lives and bust thier ****in ass to pieces to get to the size i am while i barely work out, and i agree, it sucks. but unless you are competing you cant worry about anyone but yourself. i see plenty of guys bigger than me but why am i gonna get not tryin to be the best in the world, im just making sure im doing the best with what ive got. im way more inspired by what i used to be and the changes ive made then anything or anyone else.the most undeniably fair competition in life is challenging yourself brutha, **** the rest of the world.
    I'm in the same boat as you tank. Sometimes it's not a good thing though because people think we don't work as hard. I know in the gym I bust my ass. My diet can be more perfect but since I see progress very easily it makes you lazy.

  25. #25
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    Some awesome & inspiring replies in here.

    I know bros, it's all about challenging yourself. It's just that i hadn't seen my friend in a little while then i see him next & he's made so much progress.

    But i agree, i mean i saw this one guy in the gym that would of been seriously 6' 120 pounds. He was the skinniest guy i'd ever seen in my life.

    & the dude was in there busting his hump doing squats etc.

    So yeah, no matter now bad we think we are i guess there are always people out there worse than us.

    I'm bout to have breakfast then am going to pump some serious iron.

  26. #26
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    Well at least my cock is huge!
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  27. #27
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    u gotta start somewhere, it could always be worse

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