ever donkey punch a chick? this girl that i hated, i mean hated. and she hated me. well one day we were at a party and got wasted and messed up on drugs (back in my drug days) we ended up fVuckin and we were doing it doggy style, i stuck it in her butt, she was so messed up that she loved it. but then she started reaching back between her legs and like smacking my balls with her hand. that shit hurt. i said stop and she said oh shut up you baby. so i donkey punched her in the back of the head. her asshole tightened up so hard i thought my dick was going to break off. hmm, i think ill call her this weekend.
Nothing wrong with having a plan my man.
dukkitdalaw!!! the man with the plan!!
im serious though abbot. we are going to do the electrical cord thing i was talkin about yesterday. you will like it. lol
you and some chicky. you know whats even better. when the house is freezing cold. you lay down on the cold floor, like the kitchen tile. and you use the electrical cord. cuz the coldness and the flow of the electricity feels so good together.
i should call my head doctor up. i havent been taken my medication. i feel really good. hahahahaah j/k j/k
Sorry I was helping the newbs, so so so clueless......Yeah, issues my friend, issues. I draw the line at electrocution. This chick use to make me choke her while we were fvcking and we would bite each other and she clawed the fvck out of my back. But thats as far as I guy on the pain/sex issue.
I need to revamp my diet. gains are lagging. strength is up, weight is down. ugh!!
i do eat eat eat. till i wanna puke all day. i just need to up my carbs. they have been slacking. im losing fat not muscle so thats good.
rough sketch of my diet is
8 egg whites, 2 cups oats. orange juice.
2 cans tuna
2 chicken breasts, brown rice
2 cups cottage cheesse, 2 servings of pineapple
sweet potato and lean ground turkey
whey shake with dextrose
dinner.. usually a lean protien and whole grain pasta
then a casien shake before bed. but im out of casien so thats why also.
then throw in the donuts, cookies, smoothies, ice cream in between the meals listed above. lol. i have a sweet tooth.
oh and dont forget the pV$$y, i eat lots of pV%%y. delice!!
we only want useless information on this thread. anything else is not welcome.
seattle has the highest suicide rate in america.
philly was voted = city with the fatest ppl.
i want a new tattoo.
i need to get some old ones finished though
you know you can make acid out of flour? well that and a few other things. lol. acid like the kind that the aliens have in the movie alien!! eats through anything!!
Last edited by Dukkit; 06-27-2008 at 01:34 PM.
did you know that the author who wrote Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde locked himself in a room with a whole bunch of cocaine and just snorted and wrote the book for like 4 days straight?
2 tbs of mildew will give you the same hallucigenic affects as a small dose of LSD
I keed, i keed!!
Last edited by Dukkit; 06-27-2008 at 01:33 PM.
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