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Thread: Need to come back from injuries.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Where there's food!

    Need to come back from injuries.....

    I have 2 injuries that I am trying to recover from and become YOUNG again. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    1st - Hamstring tear almost 2 years ago. The hammy is still really tight and tightens up as I run and if I flex it. You can feel a knot in it.

    2nd - Knee surgery about 2 months ago. Had an injury on the job and had to have knee surgery. It is getting better, but any ideas to make it stronger?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Did you go to Physical Therapy bro??? I had a shoulder injury and Knee injury. Did my therapy and kept working out. You will never be the same bro, just do the best you can to get to the point where you feel good enough. Well, I was not the same and everybody I know that had surgery is the same

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Where there's food!
    Yeah, I did that stupid rubber band stuff for a second. But I am just now starting to work the legs and stretch and run, but I was just wondering if like some kind of deep tissue massage or injection would help out.

    I have a pretty serious knot in the hammy. I was wondering if anyone asked their doctor for some kind of treatment besides those stupid rubber band exercises.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    You know bro, if you can afford one or your insurance will cover it, gt a tens unit. They work like a freakin dream.

  5. #5
    Tore my ham 5 years ago.

    Ham will probably always be finicky after the tear. Key for me was proper rehab and lots of stretching. Often people become totally inactive for too long after an injury and then think they are healed because the pain is gone. Ham needs active rehab. Stretching, gentle exercise, compression wraps...

    If you have a ham and a knee injury there may be an issue with your quad to ham strength ratio. NFL team Docs actually measure quad to ham strength ratios at the combine as an indication of possible future knee problems.

    Athletic women have more knee problems than men for the same reason...quads stronger than hams.

    Might talk to a PT about such. But I can tell you from experience you'll have to baby that ham.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Where there's food!
    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Tore my ham 5 years ago.

    Ham will probably always be finicky after the tear. Key for me was proper rehab and lots of stretching. Often people become totally inactive for too long after an injury and then think they are healed because the pain is gone. Ham needs active rehab. Stretching, gentle exercise, compression wraps...

    If you have a ham and a knee injury there may be an issue with your quad to ham strength ratio. NFL team Docs actually measure quad to ham strength ratios at the combine as an indication of possible future knee problems.

    Athletic women have more knee problems than men for the same reason...quads stronger than hams.

    Might talk to a PT about such. But I can tell you from experience you'll have to baby that ham.

    Yeah, for the first year and a half, I really babied it and didn't really stretch it and sat out of my games or limped around the bases. Now, I have the wrap, I'm stretching it and trying to get into running again.

    I actually have the hamstring tear and the knee surgery on two different legs.

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