5 foot nine 190 lbsw 9 perc. bf.. my current cycle
weeks 1-12 deca 400 mgs ew
weeks 1-14 test enanthate 600 mgs ew
arimidex at .5 mg on hand in case of gyno symptoms..
i have two questions...
#1- when or what week could i bring in hcg and to make my recovery easier on my hpta and shbg so my balls dont shrink also. and what dosage shud i do on the insulin pin . should i bring it in the mid of cycle. theres been some talk in the past forums about bringing in hcg like mid of cycle and all the way thru for better recovery. could someone elaborate on that 1 for me.
#2 from weeks 12-14, I understand that it's real important to maintain anabolism as the enanthate ester is slowly clearing out of your system. what are the compounds i could run and at what dosages up until pct. im under the impression just var, prop, or proviron, or clen since im pre-disposed to mpb. id like to take winny since it raises shbg levels and i think it lowerws prolcatin levels caused by the deca? am i correct here? what compounds would you guys advocate for me to run and at what doses, and should i run them up until pct, (week15) or can i at least run say var, or winny for 3-4 weeks to get the effects of the drugs too..
thanks for all advice. very important to me!!