Hey wats your reply to the title!
Hey wats your reply to the title!
There is no point to threads like this, there are a bazillion threads all over the board about the right age to start. My neighbor thinks it's ok to live with 65 cats and says they talk to her. People say lots of stupid stuff.
ur roomate is a ****in idiot. steroids shoud not be used by teenagers. why anavar? you dont produce anavar so why is it best? ask your roomate where he gets his gear from?
I'm curious how old you really are? Look at all the posts you've made about kids doing anavar, it goes well beyond just curiosity.
my reply is that you make too many of these topics. have you ever tried anavar? if not, why do you run around promoting it so much?
at night i here kitties lol, classic no roids for 16 yo period son!!!!!!!!
What Happened To The Thread On The Muscletech Stack Changed Your Mind That Quick?
is that member you?
IM 23 and just now getting into it , resist the temptation i did and was a nationally ranked wrestler in high school with a scholorship to ohio state and never got the chance because of a fallout with the coach i was ranked number one in the state my senior year and didnt even get to wrestle the bastard never even seeded me in the tourney!!!!!! sorry for the rant but anyway just leave it alone for awhile i did
damn.. missin out on ohio state. i know some kids going to oklahoma state and penn state for wrestling.
wolverine, i can't tell if you're serious or not. with all the other ridiculous things you've posted, it really wouldn't surprise me.
Lappy, Tenara, and Wolverine91 are all the same little punk I think, I play poker really well. Someone run these IP's and quit wasting your time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. They all say Mate
2. They all inquire about anavar
3. They all have the same paragraph and sentance structure
4. check the handles
5. their all 18y.o., which I'm betting is less
Someone blow him away, wishing I had the resources
yeah cheers bro, finally someone who actually understands what im trying to say!
No Sarcasm, No Knockdowns...just an Honest opinion!
Thats all ive been wanting all day was an Honest opinion!
Maybe I wouldve only posted one thread if everyone just replied honestly, but i had to keep making up bullcrap threads because everyone was just being GAY!
Anyways, To answer your post and to everyone out there, THANKS VERY MUCH FOR YOUR REPLIES!
I am very young and very new!
And am looking forward to hearing more!
or related
im pretty sure wolverine is 29
new thread for each personality? lol jk man thats crazy its too much to keep up one account in good standings let alone three, nice eye mercydog
whatever it is he is one weird dude..
just leave them alone for now bro and diet and train natural for about 6 more years youll shut your system down maybee for good at your age trust me its a bad idea
Wolverine, ok sorry. You could have simply came out straight and I would have answered any of your questions.
yup yup
yessir. i'm not tryin to be harsh or hate on you, just sayin all this talk about anavar and young kids is pointless, which brings out the worst in people. be honest and you'll get better help
Last edited by 200byjune; 07-04-2008 at 12:05 AM.
16!!! come on man. When people go out and damage there body by abusing these hormones it adds to the negative stereotypes of anabolics. You or your friend still have growing bones and a natural high test level all which you can permanetly ruin by using AAS at such a young age!!! Imagine college and you have to take viagra to sleep with a girl. Not to mention being on a HRT for the rest of your life.![]()
dude he's 16. he DOES NOT need test.
wolverine- you havent been asked this yet, why do you want to take steroids?
nothin put protein powder for you sonny boy, stay safe bro dont be another statisted or a reason to launch another raw deal
(statistic) sorry
i agree how many jay cutlers have you seen? or ronnie colemans, this stuff is hard son and you live the life 24/7 bro theres a reason why there are only so many pros theres nothing easy about it you want it or you dont
Another useless thread...
stop it!!!!!!! lol no such thing as useless knowledge son
If I win the lotery, I'd buy you all some Var.
(anyone want to paypal me some money so I can buy a ticket?)
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