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Thread: Why do the big guys in the gym.....

  1. #121
    Join Date
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    I don't know about these 80 pound db curls, but I seen some massive guys at my gym that dont "seem" nowhere near as strong as me on certain exercises. Maybe I have freaky strength, maybe they are using form, maybe I shouldn't care!

  2. #122
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I don't know about these 80 pound db curls, but I seen some massive guys at my gym that dont "seem" nowhere near as strong as me on certain exercises. Maybe I have freaky strength, maybe they are using form, maybe I shouldn't care!
    i didnt know there was a difference, but watching vidoes on you tube i was referring to hammer curls...

    this was my original question... at least next time i know not to mention weight amounts in the question as in a body nuilding forum they all take any kind of statement as a challenge to their manhood... maybe next time i'll just discuss it with the guys in gym who see what i do or dont do and i see whatthey do or dont do...

    and why is it that when someone lifts mre, as i watch some of these videos, thast peopl that lift less call out foul on form... FORM THIS FORM THAT... form has it's place if your BODYBUILDING and want specific muscles to look a specific way... dont get me wrong, i know its ridiculous to throw ones whole body around like some videos show, but the nit picking and hating in some is just babyshit and excuses... but i'm sorry, regardless of a dudes form, the strength is applicable... the weight is moving, it goes up it goes down... if they are not doing it to body build, i dont see where form is applicable other then given another excuse as to why one guy doesnt move as much weight as another... it all seems to boil down to a complex in this forum... i'm bigger, no im bigger, i lift more weight, so what i have better form... just excuses thrown at excuses and it's really unbecoming of any kind of man... i'm sorry, if you cantliftas much as another guy, no matter how he does it, he is stronger... dont blame form... and if it's not the case probve it and use shitty form just to show your stronger... but nooooo, i dont wanna hurt myself is the next excuse that gets thrown out.... and when someone training for fighting is rushing through speed sets at high reps using explosive power, the big guys all stand around and go, bad form, to fast etc.... DIFFERENT PURPOSE OF THE LIFTS!!! there so much frigging hating going on in this shit when i thought it was a sport where people encouraged one another... seems to me only people that liftless then you get encouraged, but if they do more, SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG... think what you all want, i dont care... yup your all right, i'm a big fat liar trying to fly high on the curl monster... what a disgrace i am... such a fool i've been... how can i ever hold my head up high again... Like flagg said... Maybe i shouldn't care, and ya know what, i dont...

    with that, i'm done with this thread... just so you can all feel better about yourselves, yes i'm a big fat liar... i am twig man with no arms and cant do sets of 30 pounders let alone 80's you all caught me... there now you should all look a little bigger to yourselves in the mirror...
    Last edited by jsinur7; 07-10-2008 at 03:17 AM.

  3. #123
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    Aug 2005
    Yeh i am big on strength, i am not the biggest guy in the gym (about 205lbs) but i do notice when there are massive guys doing considerably less weight than me. And the form is not always that great. And muscle mass does not always correlate to strength and vice versa , although those with more muscle mass have the potential for greater strength, those that work more on increasing the muscles ability to recruit more muscle fibers are going to be stronger at lower body weights.

  4. #124
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    Aug 2005
    oh and for the record ill put up some stats:
    bent over row 396lbs for 3
    dumbell shoulder press 104.5 lb dumbells for 4
    dumbell bicep curls 88lb dumbells for 3
    deadlift 484lbs for 4
    and so on

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    just curious... i am not a big guy, i am 5'10 5' 11" 200 pounds... very little bf... i wanna know what's the deal with guys twice my size working out with such little weights in the gym... i mean why do they look so big or wanna look so big, yet appear so weak? (i know not all) but i mean, i work out with curls doing on average 3 sets of 10-12 with 75-80 pound dumbells, while the big monster dude nexttoo me is doing less with like 45 -60 pound dumbells... same goes with military press bench fly's etc... i dont understand the wanting to look so big if your not really "BIG" or should i say strong... again like i said, i dont mean everyone, and most will kill me on leg press (but i consider the fact they carry around more weight then me all day long everyday) i mean is it an intimidation thing or something? cause personally id rather be a sleeper that can explode then one of these big dudes who when he gets his bluff called by a little guy he falls apart... (AGAIN, I KNOW NOT ALL, But it is quite common)
    I would concider myself one of the bigger guys in the gym, 6'2 260lbs with about 13-14% bodyfat and I mix my weights up completely when i train. Sometimes I lift extremely heavy and sometimes super light. There could be a lot of reasons for this.

    1) Maybe the lifts you are referring to or see the big guys doing with light weight like (db curls and flies) are not their core lifts. Typically for me and a lot of guys these would come after a lot of heavy sets in other lifts such as heavy flat bench and incline bench then you do the db flies, or a full back workout and then you train biceps. These probably arent their first lifts of the day. For me, I do about 16-20 sets per bodypart. And I always start with core lifts like heavy bench, heavy rows, heavy squat, etc. now if I am doing heavy sets of 3-6 reps in my core lifts, that is pretty taxing on the muscle group. So even if I'm benching in the high 300 lb range or low 400lb range for bench, by the time I get to flys I have 15 sets of chest work behind me, so I am doing flys with like 40lb dbs. Or If I do a back workout and am hitting biceps after, my biceps are pretty taxed by then so by the end of my back and bicep workout, I may be doing iso db curls with 25lbs.

    2) Another reason may be that when you've been training with heavy weights for a long period of time, maybe months, your joints start to suffer. I cycle my workouts so that I take a few lights weeks where I lower the weights to half my normal amount and just work on proper form and get a good pump.

    3) And lastly, sometimes just because guys are big doesn't mean they are really strong. A lot of pro bodybuilders do not lift extremely heavy weight. They arent powerlifters, they are bodybuilders. You can also train high volume and grow muscle without lifting heavy weights. People's bodies and their training methods are all different and what works for one may not for the other.
    (Sorry about the long post)
    Last edited by VeraDeMilo; 07-10-2008 at 07:44 AM.

  6. #126
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    Feb 2006
    I believe you. My best friend is some sort of alien freak when it comes to strength. He is slightly shorter in stature but weighs about 30 LBS less than me. I am of average strength, but my friend in some areas is more than 2 times my strength. I call him a freak, but scientifically I can not explain it. He too has most of this "freak strength" only in his biceps, triceps and forearms and wrists. He also has small legs but not weak or small. Just not equal to the strength in these other areas.
    Someone has to know someone like you to know or believe you exist. Unlike bigfoot, I have seen one of you and wish you would post a video just to show everyone you can.

  7. #127
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    well, if it makes your e-penis bigger, congrats

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    lol i just want to know how the hell you got so big and you said you have never done dead lifts? that's a key lift for overall body strength

  9. #129
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    just curious... i am not a big guy, i am 5'10 5' 11" 200 pounds... very little bf... i wanna know what's the deal with guys twice my size working out with such little weights in the gym... i mean why do they look so big or wanna look so big, yet appear so weak? (i know not all) but i mean, i work out with curls doing on average 3 sets of 10-12 with 75-80 pound dumbells, while the big monster dude nexttoo me is doing less with like 45 -60 pound dumbells... same goes with military press bench fly's etc... i dont understand the wanting to look so big if your not really "BIG" or should i say strong... again like i said, i dont mean everyone, and most will kill me on leg press (but i consider the fact they carry around more weight then me all day long everyday) i mean is it an intimidation thing or something? cause personally id rather be a sleeper that can explode then one of these big dudes who when he gets his bluff called by a little guy he falls apart... (AGAIN, I KNOW NOT ALL, But it is quite common)
    so.. you know to be successful, you do what others are doing correct... those that are being successful that is..

    just a thought..
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  10. #130
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    Theres a lot of big guys that lift light at my gym, theres one dude that seems to only do 50kg incline bench and light flyes for bench, but hes pretty large, and he used to compete. He is old though and most of the guys like him are also old, I guess muscle maturity and awesome diet is enough to keep mass when you have been training for that long. There is one old guy that is insanely big, got a bit of a stomach, but must be nearing 60 and is rocking at least 19 inch guns at about 5'8.

  11. #131
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    you edited this to add the last part... when i put up the video everyone eating their words will be payment enough... this post wasnt about bragging, it was about learning... i dont need anyones money to feel better about myself the way they need to rag on someone that lifting in one area better then them because they have a little man complex at 270 pounds... i really find it amusing...
    Obviously you are the one with a size complex because your posts begins with a question about an assistance exercise that no true bodybuilder or strength does for maximum weight. The whole point of your thread was to point out that you believe you are stronger than most guys much bigger than you at something. Its guys like you who do nothing but curls. Take up time in the squat rack curling all so you can walk around in you XXSmall t shirts to sport your 15" 'Gunz' with your 30" chest and 12" neck! God knows that you won't do any real strength related exercise! Your bench is whack, you don't squat or dead! You do shoulder press with weak ass 135 for 3 sets to failure and god knows you probably don't know what a clean is. That's why I call this thread bullshit. Most forums require that if you post outlandish claims you should post vids. But in reality dude is you are defined by an assistance lift, you are truly pathetic. This next thing you know another pencil neck is going to post that he does more on lat pulls than all the big guys in his gym...FVCKING PATHETIC!!!!!

  12. #132
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    Simple answer really...he is doing the movement properly whereas you aren't and I would alsmot bet on that.

    It's not about the weight, its about targeting the muscle and breaking that tissue down. You will end up injured one day, trust me and probaly **** up your tendons.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 07-10-2008 at 12:28 PM.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  13. #133
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Strength training is retarded, whats the point unless you compete in bench, dead, squat, whatever competitions....What so you can come on this discussion board and post your stats and feel awesome, or hey maybe it helps you get laid, I bet girls panties just fall off when you tell them how much you bench (like they give a rats ass). I love watching these guys in my gym that come in and do the exact same routine every week, and there lifts do increase, but for some odd reason, there physiques are pathetic and they never get any better, hmmm i wonder why. Just my two cents, but I would rather lift to gain mass or to retain muscle (depending on what your goals at the time are) than lift to show off for an hour in the gym. Strength will come as a by-product of growth and muscle-maturity, you dont have to lift specifically for it, all that is is muscle memory.

  14. #134
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    Back to the original question that you asked. Who cares how much weight they are lifting, their big your not so big who really cares. Frank Zane was one of the most symetric pro's, his figure although not so massive was fantastic, and you would never see him db curl more than 45's ever. Some peoples genetics respond differently to different types of weight training. On the other side look at how Jay Cutler lifts. Almost looks sloppy and having no control, almost throwing around the weights and he is massive. Also helps he's a genetic freek! All i am saying is whatever it takes to get your muscles to respond per individual thats what you should do. It takes years for guys to figure out what works best for their bodies. I will say this though i can move some weight but when i db curl 65's my body is swingin like a MF. So thats why you are getting the response you are about the 80's. Hope you figure it out bro!!

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    logger... I aint no logger... i am a tree climber... I have to do these things cause we remove trees from peoples yards in crowded ass new hersey... i dont clear feilds and get to use machines to do my work like you... LOGGER!!! LMAO... you cut a tree and let the machines work...
    So your a landscaper??? Still no intelligent person would move the 400lb log on their back they would simply cut it into smaller pieces. Im still calling bs on the entire thing, I notice there is still no video...

  16. #136
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    1. Who Cares.
    2. No you cant.
    3. Who cares.
    4. Wow.
    5. Not everyone works at a desk.

    Sorry dude, just came off as arrogant and ignorant.

  17. #137
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    The Ultimate Warrior was the shiiiiiiitttt! Sorry, but it was worth the high jack.

  18. #138
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    wheres the video? MWAHAHAHA you are trying desperatly to make fake 80lb dumbells arnt you?

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    The Ultimate Warrior was the shiiiiiiitttt! Sorry, but it was worth the high jack.
    He was the Sh%T i agree!!!!!

  20. #140
    Join Date
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    I don't get it. You're 5'10, 200lbs, can curl 80lb dumbells, carry 3-400lb logs onyour back, and only eat 1200 kcal a day, while being hypoglycemic? Something just doesn't add up.
    Last edited by bulldawg_28; 07-10-2008 at 06:25 PM.

  21. #141
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    i see guys in the gym doing SO much weight. like...fuktonnes. 3 plates.

    yet they are fat, or their development isnt so great.... i do less than most, but i have already surpassed people that have been there 6yrs+ apposed to my 3yrs.

    though, different training will work for different people. i just doing see the point of the whole tossing shit around...

    as for "the weight goes up, the weight goes down, i see no difference" attitude - wrong.

    most let gravity do half the work on the way down. that's some good resistance and a great way to train. why let gravity or half assing it ruin half the exercise?

    i know if i half ass it and not do proper form/control up AND down the whole rep, i don't get nearly quite the pump/hit like if i do extremely clean reps.

    anyone can toss around weight. i guess it makes their penis bigger.

  22. #142
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    a trash can
    Grr! World's Strongest Man here. You are so strong man, pound for pound champ, there man, is that what you wanted to hear?

  23. #143
    Join Date
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    "Unlike bigfoot, I have seen one of you and wish you would post a video just to show everyone you can."

    I think that sums it up. Freaky strength obviously exists. Why not? Look at pro football players abilities. I went to highschool with Brian Scott, the falcons safety. He has a lean build and even before he touched a weight he could easily embarass most peoples lifting numbers.

    Still, I want to see the video...

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post

    anyone can toss around weight. i guess it makes their penis bigger.
    That could be taken so many different ways

  25. #145
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Strength training is retarded, whats the point unless you compete in bench, dead, squat, whatever competitions....What so you can come on this discussion board and post your stats and feel awesome, or hey maybe it helps you get laid, I bet girls panties just fall off when you tell them how much you bench (like they give a rats ass). I love watching these guys in my gym that come in and do the exact same routine every week, and there lifts do increase, but for some odd reason, there physiques are pathetic and they never get any better, hmmm i wonder why. Just my two cents, but I would rather lift to gain mass or to retain muscle (depending on what your goals at the time are) than lift to show off for an hour in the gym. Strength will come as a by-product of growth and muscle-maturity, you dont have to lift specifically for it, all that is is muscle memory.
    Spoken like a true wearer of a XXSMALL sleeveless tshirt at the club. What a stupid statement and one of the dumbest I've read on this or any other forum!

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Spoken like a true wearer of a XXSMALL sleeveless tshirt at the club. What a stupid statement and one of the dumbest I've read on this or any other forum!
    Ahhh you must be a powerlifter.....And yeah you got me dude, I love me some clubbing, thats all I do actually, I dont really even lift, I just run deca cycles in the winter and winny cycles in the summer so I can get RIPPED....Blow me chief, make sure you know someone before you pass judgement on them.

  27. #147
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    And dont put me in the same category as the idiot that started this thread.....If you notice in my post I said, UNLESS you are a powerlifter and compete in powerlifting or strongman competitions, it is useless to train for strength.

  28. #148
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    Wether he can curl 80's or not isnt important to me. I just thought it was silly to see a guy lifting a weight, make a judgement about him based on what you see without knowing his routine for the day/week, and then caring about it.

    Maybe they are coming back from an injury, maybe they just lifted the heavy weight and are burning it out. If he's big good for him.

    If you are way stronger than everyone and you run around with 500 lbs logs, good for you.

    Why do rich people sometimes spend small amounts of money?

    As for abbot, you sound angry and ignorant. Does that make ME a power lifter? Then you jump on guys doing the same routine every week. What business of it is yours? Why are you watching people to the point where you know their routine when you could put more effort into your own? How do you know the guy isnt getting results? Are you weighing and measuring him? I hope no-one knows my routine, that would be a little fruity.

    You jumped on people for judging you, after making dumb prejudiced statements about others, and by prejudiced, I mean like the definition. To pre-judge. And then you call the OTHER guy an idiot? IDIOT FIGHT!

    Basicly, sounds like a bunch of people hating on others. You both give body-builders, power lifters, xxsmall shirt wearers, lumberjacks,
    Americans, and retards, all a bad name.

  29. #149
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    I know a natural freak aswell with no cycle experience. He's been in the gym for little over a year and can bench about 350, squat 350 and dead 400. He can't curl any 80's or carry 400lb logs but he's a genetic freak none the less. He trains like a body builder too, not for strength.

  30. #150
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  31. #151
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    I'd do her

  32. #152
    Join Date
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    Now here is jsinur7 -

    I'm just playing bro...

  33. #153
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  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    I'd do her
    ... then she could return the favor by bending you over and doin you back.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmg View Post
    ... then she could return the favor by bending you over and doin you back.

  36. #156
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Whatever skippy , bodybuilder chicks are pretty wild

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    ummmmmm i dunno how to address's called FORM
    I don't have to read any further...this post is DEAD ON! Well put Ruhl

  38. #158
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    im just sayin... im pretty sure she has a penis... so whatever...

  39. #159
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    Why are you watching other guys in the gym anyway? That's why they started putting tv's in people who like to watch can watch tv. keep the focuss on yourself and you'll go alot further..don't worry about what everyone else does.

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxex View Post
    Why are you watching other guys in the gym anyway? That's why they started putting tv's in people who like to watch can watch tv. keep the focuss on yourself and you'll go alot further..don't worry about what everyone else does.
    He is making baby steps.....

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