Sus / EQ
2 / 1
2 / 1
2.5 / 1
3 / 1.5
3 / 1.5
2 / 1
2 / 1
1 / 0.5
1 / 0.5
Some say go 1 5000iu in the middle of the cycle
Some say wait until 21 day after the last injection becasue if the Equipoise.
When should I start and how much and how long?
Also, what about clomid, when, how much, how long?
I am uning Nolv and Proviron everyday and will do so on my PCT, i just am seeing too many different opinions.
I have never done HCG in the middle but thought it may be good as my balls always shrink a little during cycles.
Last, How is my cycle? I am a moderate user,have done around 6-8 cycles in my life. Should I use more or go longer?