I am 24, 5ft9 170lbs, 14% bf
I have:
2 10ml bottles of Test E at 250mg/ml
2 10ml bottles of Tren E at 150mg/ml
50 caps of clomid at 50mg/per cap
I was thinking of doing the following cycle:
Weeks 1-10 500mg Test E each week (250mg on Mon and 250mg on Thu)
Weeks 1-8 300mg Tren E each week (150mg on Mon and 150mg on Thu)
PCT clomid week 1: 100mg a day (2 caps a day)
week 2: 50mg a day (1 cap a day)
week 3: 50mg a day (1 cap a day)
1. Is there anything else I should add for PCT and does the PCT structure look ok?
2. Is there anything else I should be running throughout the cycle?
3. When should I start PCT?