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Thread: Test E + Tren E cycle advice

  1. #1

    Test E + Tren E cycle advice

    I am 24, 5ft9 170lbs, 14% bf

    I have:
    2 10ml bottles of Test E at 250mg/ml
    2 10ml bottles of Tren E at 150mg/ml
    50 caps of clomid at 50mg/per cap

    I was thinking of doing the following cycle:
    Weeks 1-10 500mg Test E each week (250mg on Mon and 250mg on Thu)
    Weeks 1-8 300mg Tren E each week (150mg on Mon and 150mg on Thu)
    PCT clomid week 1: 100mg a day (2 caps a day)
    week 2: 50mg a day (1 cap a day)
    week 3: 50mg a day (1 cap a day)

    1. Is there anything else I should add for PCT and does the PCT structure look ok?
    2. Is there anything else I should be running throughout the cycle?
    3. When should I start PCT?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    start pct 2 weeks after last injection. definitely get a stronger and longer pct. add in nolva with an ai and possibly hcg.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    First I have a question for you: Is this your first cycle?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    start pct 2 weeks after last injection. definitely get a stronger and longer pct. add in nolva with an ai and possibly hcg.
    2nd this

    and so you use all your 20ml of tren, you should shoot 1.25ml every shot instead of 1.0ml and thats 375 a week instead of 300, and no waste

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