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Thread: Blackwater?

  1. #1
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    Does anyone in here know anyone employed with them? I was looking into giving them a shot and was trying to see if anyone knows anything about them. I know what products they sell and what their missions are but I have no idea what kind of work load they require.

  2. #2
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    blackwater is a bunch of overpaid, unprofessional douches. if you wanna play war, go join the army.

  3. #3
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    been there, done that. Close quaters combat and urban tactical warfare instructer, NBC NCOIC. Read the name.

  4. #4
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    I am interested in the medic side not tactical. I want to get some good skills in SAR and tactical combat casualty care.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows View Post
    blackwater is a bunch of overpaid, unprofessional douches. if you wanna play war, go join the army.
    Wrong...most are ex-armed forces members or ex-def. dept employees. Like it or not our own Def. Dept. works alongside Blackwater more often than we know.

    My child's G-father is a Spec. Agent in the D. Dept. and he tests a lot of the new weapons Blackwater wants to take or use in Iraq.

    How anyone being shot at is overpaid is beyond me...

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    I always love people who have never has any experience in spec. ops. voice opinions. My buddy is just about to get out of the navy... He is an operator in the teams and he was offered a position there. I will call him tonight and PM you bro. He turned it down due to the fact he has a wife and baby boy. Hard to have a family as a S.E.A.L., Ranger, ect ect..

  8. #8
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    Blah blah blah....the truth is the majority of blackwater is a bunch of ex cops and bouncers looking for a thrill and good pay. Except when the shit hits the fan and they say "I quit" they get to go home...

    Surely if you're an ex-ranger you would know something of blackwaters work? Or maybe you could call one of your old army buddies and ask them? I'm sure they would know before a bunch of steroid users on a forum.

    Again, blakcwater is ex cops and bouncers. The Spec ops part made me laugh tjm...

  9. #9
    Still wrong...stop reading all day.

    Why do you think Blackwater is such crap?

    Like it or not they develop, and employ, technology that protect both your and my behinds.

    One Blackwater contractor shoots some Iraq 'civilians' and Blackwater is put in the liberal media's front page and characterized as Rambo. THe fact is that those supposed 'civilians' were likely not true innocents. The Blackwater contractor just doesn't have as much RED TAPE to wade through before firing like our Def. Dept. employees and troops do.

    Result = A few dead insurgents

    It is funny how the truth never reaches the front page. I can't imagine how hard it would be as a troop or Def. Dept. employee in Iraq to see ro read the crap in the media. Each time I read an article I call by friend and have him fill in the pieces that the media omits or twists.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Still wrong...stop reading all day.

    Why do you think Blackwater is such crap?

    Like it or not they develop, and employ, technology that protect both your and my behinds.

    One Blackwater contractor shoots some Iraq 'civilians' and Blackwater is put in the liberal media's front page and characterized as Rambo. THe fact is that those supposed 'civilians' were likely not true innocents. The Blackwater contractor just doesn't have as much RED TAPE to wade through before firing like our Def. Dept. employees and troops do.

    Result = A few dead insurgents

    It is funny how the truth never reaches the front page. I can't imagine how hard it would be as a troop or Def. Dept. employee in Iraq to see ro read the crap in the media. Each time I read an article I call by friend and have him fill in the pieces that the media omits or twists.
    Don't read MSN..I just talk to my brother. He served 2 tours in Iraq. He has no reason to lie about anything he has ever told me...

    Blackwater does a job that a member of the regular armed forces can do, they get paid 5x the salary, they go home whenever they want, and on top of that they prod around another mans country like the shit dosn't stink.

    They are a bunch of cowboys. He was on QRF and has had to medevac these ungrateful douches because their blackwater comrades wouldn't do it...


    no one is going to change my opinion about anything on this thread. If you want to do a soldiers job, be a soldier...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Like it or not they develop, and employ, technology that protect both your and my behinds.
    Yeah man...blackwater does it for the american people.. Let me tell ya...

  12. #12
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    Bro i promise you there are quit a few former spec ops operators employed at Blackwater.
    I think your just reading into what the media reports. Blackwater is very hush hush about there operations to protect their "operators". And not starting a pissing match with you, but what are you basing you claims on. And were you in the military? Just curious, not flaming.

  13. #13
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    If someone was going to pay me 5x the salary with vacations for doing the same job I think I would do it...

  14. #14
    I don't care to change your opinion, merely letting others reading this get the correct facts.

    I assume your brother was in the Army since that generally operate QRF squads?

    Are you aware the Blackwater and PMF were instrumental in readying equipment and personnel for the initial assualt on Iraq?

    Are you aware that PMFs operate the communications for the NORTHCOM (responsible for protecting and responding to any attack on the US)?

    Are you aware that PMF actaully work WITH most branches of our military?

    Your assertion that 'If you want to do a soldiers job, be a soldier...' is ridiculous. Like I stated before my friend works for the Def. Dept. as a Special Agent. Basically he is a step down from Secret Service. He guards people like C. Rice, Congressman, Foreign Heads of State on trip in the US and on trips abroad. He is not a soldier but he damn sure trains and gets shot at like one. In fact he does all that in a suit sometimes. And has much more training than most Army infantry soldiers.

    Same with some Blackwater and PMF employees. The British special forces have seen an exodus of troops directly related to PMF. So you are wrong saying that PMF aren't hiring ex-special forces.

    Without PMFs help our Military is hurting here in the US, in Iraq and elsewhere.

  15. #15
    In fact I believe PMFs have suffered more casualities (dead and wounded) than coalition forces lately. And before you can say something like 'it's becuase they suck', it is becuase our goverment askes them to go places our military can't whether that be due to politics or economics.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows View Post
    Surely if you're an ex-ranger you would know something of blackwaters work? Or maybe you could call one of your old army buddies and ask them? I'm sure they would know before a bunch of steroid users on a forum.
    As "No One Knows" says, why come on a steroid forum and ask that, if you are what you say you are, and thats an if, then surely you will have better connections to ppl who can advise you.

    If you are still certain you want to know more about them then post on the forums here , there are a few guys on there who are working for different security companys in-country, but be careful, the site has a few armchair commandos and they are kept in their place by current and ex armed forces, they sniff out bullshitters at a wink........
    Last edited by RAF3070; 07-17-2008 at 12:03 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    In fact I believe PMFs have suffered more casualities (dead and wounded) than coalition forces lately. And before you can say something like 'it's becuase they suck', it is becuase our goverment askes them to go places our military can't whether that be due to politics or economics.
    Kinda like how blackwater sent those 4 suckers through downtown fallujah in unarmored SUV's w/o a gunner and they got slaughtered like a bunch of pigs?


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAF3070 View Post
    but be careful, the site has a few armchair commandos and they are kept in their place by current and ex armed forces, they sniff out bullshitters at a wink........
    that made me lmao

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    were did you do your ranger training and what year did you grad. from ranger school? are you stationed with the 75th ranger division by chance?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  20. #20
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    I actually want to go into the police force just so i can join blackwater. Just a dream, that hopefully i will be able to do once i get done with school.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    were did you do your ranger training and what year did you grad. from ranger school? are you stationed with the 75th ranger division by chance?

    last time I checked it was the 75TH Ranger Regiment

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewerpi View Post
    last time I checked it was the 75TH Ranger Regiment
    no need to be a prick, when your driving in your car and typing its possible to make a mistake. maybe i'll go thru all your past posts and see if you ever made a mistake here bro. wait a minute, your a member of a steroid board yet all 350 of your posts are in the lounge
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  23. #23
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Oh Shit...SNAP

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    no need to be a prick, when your driving in your car and typing its possible to make a mistake. maybe i'll go thru all your past posts and see if you ever made a mistake here bro. wait a minute, your a member of a steroid board yet all 350 of your posts are in the lounge
    which is it bro or prick? I meant no offense, as to where I post, I don't recall seeking your approval...

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    no need to be a prick, when your driving in your car and typing its possible to make a mistake. maybe i'll go thru all your past posts and see if you ever made a mistake here bro. wait a minute, your a member of a steroid board yet all 350 of your posts are in the lounge
    Ft. Lewis, WA.2/75 Bravo. I am out now though. I see this thread went from a simple question to a pissing contest...lmao. I was at school and missed all the action. I am back now though so bring it on. LOL I sense some blue falcons in here.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    LOL I sense some blue falcons in here. military slang. Think he should change his screen name?

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    Ft. Lewis, WA.2/75 Bravo. I am out now though. I see this thread went from a simple question to a pissing contest...lmao. I was at school and missed all the action. I am back now though so bring it on. LOL I sense some blue falcons in here.
    yes it did because that kid tried insulting me because of a simple typo and we suspend members here for flaming like that. my best friend was in ft benning ga training other potential ranger candidates. he is 31 now and joined the army at 18. he completed ranger school at 21 and was stationed in a platoon and restationed a few years ago back in ft benning as an instructor and he loves it there. he also used to goes to camp merrill to instruct the mountain and rough terrain section of ranger school
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  29. #29
    No one Knows you can't generalize a whole organization just because your brother says that they are all cowboys and a bunch of bouncers and ex cops. When I was over there I conversed with them every once and awhile and all of the men I talked to were former military and former police officers....actually the ones that were police officers were still "police officers" because they can't lose their job for going to work for a security company. I never once met someone who was an "ex-bouncer".

    But I did see some problems with them having no one to answer to and also I think their ROE could use some revising.

    I think it is just like any other have people that are good at it and people that are douche bags....just like when I was in the Marine Corps.

    Also when I was out there Blackwater had their own QRF teams.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    But I did see some problems with them having no one to answer to and also I think their ROE could use some revising.

    The new laws that Congress passed make them armed combatants and they have the same (supposed to) ROE as D. Dept/military. If they break ROE then I believe they are handed over to Iraq courts or can actually go through military tribunals now.

    They have the same tactics as other military personnel when attacked...push through first.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    I need to join Blackwater

    I need money

  32. #32
    ^^^Ha! Porn pays too...and no one shoots at you. Well...bullets atleast...

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    yes it did because that kid tried insulting me because of a simple typo and we suspend members here for flaming like that. my best friend was in ft benning ga training other potential ranger candidates. he is 31 now and joined the army at 18. he completed ranger school at 21 and was stationed in a platoon and restationed a few years ago back in ft benning as an instructor and he loves it there. he also used to goes to camp merrill to instruct the mountain and rough terrain section of ranger school

    No we do not suspend people because of that.....

    Why?? Because he was not flaming anybody....

    He pointed out your mistake or a typo whatever no biggie....In all honesty you are coming allot closer to flaming than he is ....

    He's not the one that called you kid or a prick after all....

    PT we all have bad weeks every once in awhile and I understand that but try to lighten up on the guys a bit Please....

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    No we do not suspend people because of that.....

    Why?? Because he was not flaming anybody....

    He pointed out your mistake or a typo whatever no biggie....In all honesty you are coming allot closer to flaming than he is ....

    He's not the one that called you kid or a prick after all....

    PT we all have bad weeks every once in awhile and I understand that but try to lighten up on the guys a bit Please....
    horse, if you dont have anything nice to say or anything topic related can you please not post on a thread. i assume your having a bad day but this is getting insane. i love this board and care about it wellbeing so i ask you again to please only type constructive posts. thank you
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    horse, if you dont have anything nice to say or anything topic related can you please not post on a thread. i assume your having a bad day but this is getting insane. i love this board and care about it wellbeing so i ask you again to please only type constructive posts. thank you

    My post was very productive and gave guidance....

    I don't believe I said anything that was not nice per say, you on the other hand called him a kid, a prick and threatened to suspend him for correcting you....

    That in my eye's was not nice....

    Take care....

  36. #36
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    come on bro lets stop this. are you mad that i got promoted? if thats it tell me because we were cool until that happened. can we please put this behind us because im sick of this. i NEVER threatened to suspend anyone because i cant horse. as you should know, only admins can do that. i said we suspend for flaming. im done here so if you care to say anything else you'll be talking to yourself.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    yes it did because that kid tried insulting me because of a simple typo
    'That kid' corrected you.

    Is a correction an insult?

    You were wrong.. he was right... get over it.

    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    and we suspend members here for flaming like that.


  38. #38
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    Back on topic:

    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    Does anyone in here know anyone employed with them? I was looking into giving them a shot and was trying to see if anyone knows anything about them. I know what products they sell and what their missions are but I have no idea what kind of work load they require.

    Why are you interested in them exactly?


  39. #39
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    Blackwater are a bunch of psycho morons running around in Iraq pretty much unchecked. They run security for diplomats and military bases.

    Blackwater is a farce and has no business in Iraq. Anyway..carry on.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Blackwater are a bunch of psycho morons running around in Iraq pretty much unchecked. They run security for diplomats and military bases.

    Blackwater is a farce and has no business in Iraq. Anyway..carry on.
    Clearly you have not taken the time to educate yourself about exactly what Blackwater does/has done because each statement you made 100% inaccurate.

    Unchecked? That's funny...maybe you should take the time to read the laws that state PMFs (such as Blackwater) operate by the same ROE as the military and are subject to military tribunals. That is all stated above...

    And that they are protecting you each night from having a nuke dropped on your head.

    They run security for MUCH more than diplomats and military bases. A simple Google search will prove a foolish statement like that false.

    Please take the time to truly educate yourself on said subject before sharing your opinion...

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