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Thread: Clen / T3 first timer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Clen / T3 first timer

    I just started using this combo to drop a few more BF%, is it normal to basically feel like you have the flu. Hot / sweaty...slight headache...i get minimal shakes which i can handle but feeling like shit all day is going to kill my workouts. Just wondering since this is the first time ive every used anything like this. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    What dosages are you using?

    You have to ramp up from a small dosage with these substances. Ramping up has multiple uses... one being that you have no idea how your body will react and you need to gain a footing with a low dosage (multiple other reasons to ramp up with T3... and ramp down).

    This is a common reaction to T3 and Clen, specifically to some people with a low tolerance. If it is as unbearable as you say, you need to lower the dosage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Its not unbearable, i am ramping up but im only in the first week and i figure my body just isnt used to it yet. Like i said it feels like i have the flu. But i started the clen at 40mcg, 60, 60 80, 80 100 (and i will work up to 120) and with the T3 i ramped slower at 40, 40, 60, 60 etc...(will hold at 100mcg of T3 for entire 6wks) I just dont want it to fuk with my lifting because i dont want to lose muscle mass just some abdominal fat i cant get rid of. thanks for the quick responce,

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