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Thread: Here we go, the first cycle!

  1. #1

    Here we go, the first cycle!

    Just wandering if you could Critique this

    my stats are,
    been working out for about 3 years solid.

    Ive been all natural until now, im kinda interested in starting a small mild cycle

    Ive got my hands on some Dbol and Stanol ( 50 tabs each ) so im thinking i should just go for a 6 week cycle with danabol / sust 250

    like run sust for two weeks on its own, than add the dbol last 4 weeks than finish off with nolva / clomid as pct and maybe throw in trib to get the natty test levels up

    than ill wait 6 weeks and do my cutting cycle which will be the same except ill put the stanol (winstrol) in, instead of the dbol.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Not a fan of this brother.... An unwritten rule of thumb is for a first cycle you should run Test only... I happen to agree with it completely. Its a good way to see how your body will react to the substance you putting into it. For now, put the orals aside for another day. Run a nice test only cycle for 10 to 2 weeks. Make sure you diet is great because thats the secret to building a great body. Do your Test only cycle, PCT and come off for a bit. Always keep reading because you will learn something new here everyday. Then after that for a second cycle, maybe throw in those DBol as a nice Kick Start.
    Whats your BodyFat coming in at??? And hows that diet looking? Thats what I would do if I were you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Lift weights, eat steaks
    Quote Originally Posted by infearandfaith View Post
    like run sust for two weeks on its own, than add the dbol last 4 weeks than finish off with nolva / clomid as pct and maybe throw in trib to get the natty test levels up

    than ill wait 6 weeks and do my cutting cycle which will be the same except ill put the stanol (winstrol) in, instead of the dbol.
    If you had read all the "noob stickies" you would realise a few things...

    1) You don't run sust BEFORE dbol, and you certainly don't run it for only two need to run sust for atleast 10-12 weeks
    2) D-bol is generally used as a "kickstart" for the cycle, as you run it for the first four weeks of your cycle before the test (in your case sust) kicks in.
    3) You don't wait only 6 weeks before jumping into another, dare I say ORAL ONLY cycle, because that's plain stupid.

    Take TJM's ^ advice and run a test e only cycle. Throw out any advice from the dude who sold you the gear, and instead do LOTS (hours upon hours) of research on this site, because it has the answers to 95% of your questions.

  4. #4
    Im finding it hard to locate where to get test e in aus, all i can get is sus :S

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Lift weights, eat steaks
    Quote Originally Posted by infearandfaith View Post
    Im finding it hard to locate where to get test e in aus, all i can get is sus :S
    Out of curiosity, is the sus your referring to Sustanon 350?

  6. #6
    sust 250 mate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    I heard its hard to find gear down under....True?????
    Listen man running the Sust as a first cycle is not the worst thing you can do. I would really try and find some E or Cyp. Sust is a very powerful Steroid. Its a lot you are going to be putting in your body. My friend is running Sust as a first cycle against my advice!!!!!
    Put it aside for now and look for some other type of test. If you found the Sust you can find some E or Cyp. Go with that for a first cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Keep this in mind bro.... You only get one body in this life time... Take care of it

  9. #9
    thanks for the advice mate, ill look around for some test than

  10. #10
    I've heard its near impossible to get anything through australian customs, and sources that do post there do not offer a resend policy if order gets seized, so it's customs reputation must be true.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    test is test is test is test . . .

    You have the sust, run it. There is NOTHIGN wrong with it.

    I would run it at .5ml EOD for 10-12 weeks, then PCT as appropriate. That will average you at 437.5 mg/week. A fine cycle for a first one.

    The only that sucks about sust as a first cycle is having to shoot eod.

    I would keep an AI on hand like arimidex (my fav) just incase you start to get a little puffy and want to dry up some estro. But, remember, you do not want to dryy up ALL the estro, it will hinder gains. Estro = good to a point.

    ALso be sure to have Nolva/Clomi on hand incase you see signs of gyno. No one likes pecs with man boobs. ;-)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Aussies rule.... Such nice and friendly people..
    Dude find some other test...DONT get rid of the Sust though!!! Dude go to the lounge, make some post whore threads and PM me. You seem like a great guy who knows hes new to this and will listen. Get some posts and PM me

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    Aussies rule.... Such nice and friendly people..
    Dude find some other test...DONT get rid of the Sust though!!! Dude go to the lounge, make some post whore threads and PM me. You seem like a great guy who knows hes new to this and will listen. Get some posts and PM me
    Curiousosity question. Why are you against him using sust for a cycle? Test is test. He has it on hand. If its good enough to save for later, why not now?"

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