im going to be using eq for the first time in my next cycle. I've read the profile and it's sound alot better than what everybody else says. is 400mg/week enough or would i need more? if so, whats a good dose to get results from it?
im going to be using eq for the first time in my next cycle. I've read the profile and it's sound alot better than what everybody else says. is 400mg/week enough or would i need more? if so, whats a good dose to get results from it?
400 is exactly the amount I used. I loved it. Tons of vascularity and kept literally everything I put on. Dropped some fat also and had zero sides. If you're just a regular guy not looking to get cartoonish big, then eq is definitely for you.
EQ is fairly mild....what else are you using with it?
yah if you are trying to get alot bigger than I wouldnt recomend taking it unless you incorporate a decent amount of test with it.
let's get some stats so we know exactly how to help.
I ran Eq at 400mg along with 500mg of Cyp.. A little more vascular and a great appetite but thats about it. Run it at 600mg if you want my opinion
well eq is mild but i think deca is more for u but if ur heart is set on Eq then u need to run either anadrol or dianabol along side of it if u desire to get big
hair thinning coulld be fromm deca as well as the test so....have u used tren?
run the eq at 600mg or better for atleast 12weeks this is from my personal experience
test prop and tren ace.
test cyp or enanthate and tren enanthate or tren ace.
Either combo will work but you'll like the results better then deca. EQ is crap, mild, and doesnt do anything in terms of real muscle growth IMO. It takes way to long to reach peak blood concentration and the results arent all that great. Id rather spend money on something else.
Have you thought about lowering your test and upping your deca? Yes deca can affect the hairline but it is usually rare and if so just mildly. Have you looked into tren at all?
yea i wanted to do tren but i know its very androgenic and that its very possible it'll make my hair fall out thats why im looking into things that are easier on the hair. my plan is still to get as big as possible and deca is really helping me get there but i dont want to use it twice a year just yet because im starting to do 2 cycles a year now
i've done 3 cycles, im still a rookie but steroids are working very well for me
i did a first cycle then took 8 months off then did another cycle and took another 8 months off and now i wanna start only doing 4 months off and im planning to do my next cycle in about a month
Id lower the test and up the deca then if you dont want to mess with tren yet. If your genetics are that you'll be bald then its just a matter of time before you loose it all.
vascularity can be achieved thru diet alone. if you ran this cycle and then ran the exact same w/ the eq dropped you would not be able to tell the difference between the two.
400mgs will do good. 500 to 600mg/week for 12 weeks like buddy says is a whole lot better, you wont notice much at first.. give it 8 weeks HOLYSHIT! eq rocks
eq is great for gains without water weight. Go for 600mg/wk for at least 12 wks. And Frontload. Ive done that amount + 250mg test e/wk and made great gains. However, eq will not give you the most bang for your buck, its kinda like primo, but cheaper. EQ was very kind to my hairline too.
ive done two cycles, test 250mg/wk + eq 600mg/wk, and another cycle consisting of test 250mg/wk + deca 400mg/wk. The first one was a bit longer. I can say for sure that i was way way more veiny and hard when i used eq, but a lot bigger, puffy with the deca
IMO unless your getting it for free, spend your money on something else... Just me though
ummm dude just run propecia throught cycle and that shampoo stuff..and ur good to go!
It was definitely the eq. I ran anavar weeks 9-12 but the vascularity was already there.
The stories of vascularity with eq certainly held true with me but the stories of increased appetite did not. My appetite actually decreased a little and when I threw in the anavar I had to literally choke down my food.
Eq is the mildest aas imo...Results are very minimal if any 4me..If i use it I throw it in2 a great cut stack 4the hell of it like tren a/test p/mast ect....
if you got xtra money to blow, get the eq. If youre on a budget, dont
Yeah I ran it with test enan. I realize everyone's body comp is different but for me eq made a HUGE difference in regards to vascularity.
I remember talking to a buddy of mine on the phone while I was outside on my porch in about week 7. I looked down at my calf and with the way the moonlight was hitting it, I literally had tree branches crawling down the inside of my calf. Pretty badass. Didn't see it before and haven't seen it since. It was the eq.
why would you think I havent used it. I read the profile and was sold on it. just like everybody else who starts a thread like this one. I then I found it did nothing. I couldnt even tell it was in the run. a waste of money. most people report an increase in vasculatiry or appetite. neither of which requires aas. Ill I can say is pos works very well for you
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