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Aight boys so check it out... Admin killed the Bachelor Party Thread on us..... I know guys it sucks but what can you do. It kinda went off topic about 26 pages ago....LOL. I know you guys loved our antics and sex stories because there was always 20 something people viewing it while we were on. SO WITH THAT SAID...............
Dukki Emilio and I are worse than woman. We talk and text each other everyday all day. I know, I know but its usually talk about our sexual conquests so there.... I have decided to bring my baby bro Dukki up for a pre game party at my house in Vermont on August 9th and 10th Emilio sucks and wont come because he's a sissy...jkjkjk, He's got mad responsibilities in New Orleans so it sucks but what can you do. I am officially giving an open invite to whoever wants to come up and party and hang with us. I have a huge apartment so you can crash if you like but Dukki has the footon. I have two couchs and a shit ton of floor space. Vermont sucks, BUT, Burlington is awesome on weekend nights, full of drunk girls WHO ALL LOVE MUSCLES!!!!.
If you wanna come post here on the thread. As long as it is not like 30 people the more the merrier. Peace out Brothers!!!!