anyone want to go camping
anyone want to go camping
ok guys. I REALLY need some help.
my dr had me stop my test AND fina %100 with no gradual decrease.
he wants me to test when my system is at an all time low.
i did my last shots monday. 1ml sust 250, 1ml fina 70mg/ml.
if the half life on sust is 14 days, when would i get checked? i dont wanna wait too long so my body starts producing again. when is a good time to get checked so im crashed as low as possible?
TJM be happy im not going to your house brother...i think i would prob get you banned from your neighborhood
stay on the fina at least another week
your test levels will probably be high 2 weeks after last sust inject
fina is enough to nix out test on it's own very well
I'd stay on two more weeks and get your levels checked in just under a month
will it kill my erections? :\
how hard will fina shut down my nuts?
yes...but isn't that what your going for?
I mean you're trying to knock your test levels in the dirt and asking will it hurt my wood.
true enuff.
who needs erections anyway :P
it will blow but getting put on hrt will be so worth it
and dont any of you guys have lives outside of this thread? i leave for a couple hours and come back and the same people have added at least 5 more pages onto the thread lol
whore for life muda trucka
pay day tomarow, going to go on a supliment shoping spree, pct is fixing to be starting and going to need a lot of shit to make up the dif for the gear. yeah i know, i need the placibo affect lol
oneshot so your a powerlifter? what federations you lift
i love the fat guys in my gym...
i mean.."power lifters"
Haha Inky i was born with game, believe me.
But there is always so much a young jedi can learn.
hey nicotine, what kinda carbs did you consume pre and post workout when you were cutting
i wanna see bigger stronger faster!
bastards need to log out when not whoreing, gets my hopes up
man i have whored it up today
tricept is getting a hair bit tight from my first inject into it
im ready to get on some fina next go round, but terified of prolactin lol gotta have some caber or bromo
really excited about making it, and i want to learn how to make synovex really bad, i will never do anything but tren prop then![]()
wonder how dukkis date went with the hottie?
i need pictures if you read this in the morning dukki
i got a free freezer the other day, its old but it works
i wanna see that step brother movie
my personality is to adictive to be in here i think
i cant stop and i know i need to go to bed
wow i feel sorry for you that you had to read all my post to find that question lol
what federation you lift in?
we have wabdl and spf down here
none of the ones ive competed in were too competetive. she competes in apa and usapl and one other one im forgetting
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