Alright, well for the past year Ive hardly had any sex drive... I've been with a few females and when the time came I really couldn't perform, but it just wasn't that, I just did't "feel" like having sex. I remember probably 2 years back when I'd look at a good lookin' chick and want to f$#@ her brains out, but not anymore. I did my first cycle at 17, like an idiot, but after pct I was fine.. My second cycle was at 19 and I ran D-bol and Sustanon for like 6-8 weeks and after pct felt fine... it was probably a month after my last cycle that I really started to notice. I'm 20 years old now, in the militay, and being at tech school have so many oppurtunities but know that I can't really do anything. It's honestly f%&$#*& killing me!!! I don't feel like going to the doc's in the middle of tech school trying to get my hormones checked so I was wondering if there's anything legal I can buy around or online that will help me sex drive out... I'm in fantastic shape, I can still get boners (just not as much) and I jerk it probably once a day, but when a female comes into play I get anxiety and bs and my sex drive kind of turns off because of it... ANy help you guys can throw my way will be awesome