PCT and all, my sex drive and stiffenning abilities are off the fukkin chain!
damn i haven't been whoring at all today...i need to go do something before i go insane
Skullster! You wanted to know about clen?
been alright...partied hard this weekend...thats my last time partying like that for a while LOL
MMMM I just got served din din at the computer! lolI am sooo GOOD!!
DAMN lol... you shot yourself right now after eating lol..... well the good thing is that your wifey is home so she better brace herself lol....
Ok I think I am going to stay away from the steds because as it is I natrually have a hgih sex drive.... all it takes its a simple touche from someone I find attractive and I will be with a full on boner... I dont want to imagine when I am in the steds.
not much
Let me tell ya something, during one of my first cycles, she said that my cockk looked and felt bigger. I tend to agree,it DID. I guess she's used to it by now.
I might be movin to Orlando here pretty soon, Wooo! Might be a little culture shock tho...
What up Kneeg Roids!!
oh it definately helps...my ex told me that on my first cycle lol
Seein shiit? hahaha been there. Of all the drugs I used to do, I miss the trippy ones the most.mmmmm the colors lol
well i went crazy saturday night LOL...i had some chicken soft tacos from del taco...just added some mushrooms lol
rihgt on you fvcker i hate you now lol... made me remember how good it was when I was with my ex could have that shit anytime anyday anyplace lol..... damn damn damn.... and shit I am getting steds once i lose the weight lol. As it is I have noticed it that its getting bigger as I am losing the weight lol.... so yeah... steds would be good lol.... would bulk up both muscles .....
Got me a nice chicken lettuce and tomato with chunks of grapefruit salad goin on. yuummmeee
Hell yah man, I'd love to see that shit!! It'd kill me though cuz i'd wish i was still playin! A lady that works in my department at work has 20 acres right by the entrance to disney world and wants to build a kinda classy RV park. She wants me to help get it started and run the thing.
Bro I'm eating salad cause I used to be "el lechon""hahahah
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