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Thread: Anavar cycle log

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    from what i have read u wont lose muscle from dieting on this drug, thats why its so popular for being used as a cutter.

  2. #42
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    Ok, so here are pics I took today. This is after 22 days of Anavar. The first 3 days were 40 mgs, and the rest were 60 mgs.

    Today was the first time I felt more pumps than usual. I was doing chest flye with the ropes, and my Bi's felt like they were going to burst. However, I don't know if that's from the Var or the NO Xplode kicking in! As far as any strength gains, I don't feel anything beyond normal progression, but I am keeping a log so I can document it. I don't feel any different physically, or sexually, I only feel more lethargic and have trouble waking up on time. I know I'm being impatient, but I would definitely like to experience more noticeable results. We'll see how this week goes.

    Again, if anyone has any opinions on diet and dosing, I would appreciate it. The question was whether to keep it at 60 mgs everyday for the remainder of the 8 weeks or take it up to 70 mgs and cut it to 6 weeks. Also, should I lower my calorie and carb intake, or is my diet that I posted earlier suffecient for my goals.

    Thanks for the input!
    Last edited by NewMuscle83; 06-20-2009 at 02:04 PM.

  3. #43
    are u just running var alone ? if so thats a bit weak bro !!!!

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfreak1978 View Post
    are u just running var alone ? if so thats a bit weak bro !!!!
    Weak in comparison to what?

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Hey bro, been following your posts. I am running a var cycle also. Started mine on 7-4 w 40mg per day split 20 in am and 20 in pm. Uped the dose to 60mg per day (20am/20mid/20pm) on 7-24. I have been experiencing some of the same as you, so don't get too disappointed. However, I have put on like 12lbs and dropped a couple % of b/f. I am definately feeling more solid and hard, but haven't seen the strength increases that I read about either. Maybe it is too early. My muscles do feel tighter and I see a slight increas in vascularity. I guess we will see how things go in the next couple weeks. I haven't seen any sexual benefits either and am feeling pretty lethargic too. Just thought I would shoot you a quick update to compare notes.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by browboy View Post
    Hey bro, been following your posts. I am running a var cycle also. Started mine on 7-4 w 40mg per day split 20 in am and 20 in pm. Uped the dose to 60mg per day (20am/20mid/20pm) on 7-24. I have been experiencing some of the same as you, so don't get too disappointed. However, I have put on like 12lbs and dropped a couple % of b/f. I am definately feeling more solid and hard, but haven't seen the strength increases that I read about either. Maybe it is too early. My muscles do feel tighter and I see a slight increas in vascularity. I guess we will see how things go in the next couple weeks. I haven't seen any sexual benefits either and am feeling pretty lethargic too. Just thought I would shoot you a quick update to compare notes.
    Damn! 12lbs!! What are you eating?

  7. #47
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    Dude, that's the crazy part. My diet is pretty spot on-with some exceptions. I am eating roughly only 2100-2200 calories, with the following macros; 50g protein, 30 g carbs, 9 g fats. And the thing that trips me out is I have put on that much weight in that short of time, and I am looking leaner! I can see a bit of a "fuller" look in my chest, arms and legs but not that much. I am trying to figure it out myself. But like I said, with the weight gain, my bf% is still dropping. Hopefully things will continue to go in the right direction.

  8. #48
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    Also, I am not sure how much it is having an affect, but I am doing a 8 week routine of an EDT program. I have like 3 weeks left of that, and then will go back into a heavy lifting program.

  9. #49
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    [QUOTE=browboy;4105106]I am eating roughly only 2100-2200 calories, with the following macros; 50g protein, 30 g carbs, 9 g fats. QUOTE]

    Hmmm, are you sure this is accurate?

    In any case, what are your stats?

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Yep, pretty sure. 42, 5'11, 187 (now) 11%bf.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    yea the other guy said his bench went up 60 pounsd from a var only cycle so i dont see why u arent seeing strength gains yet, and the only people who say var is weak is the guys who want to weigh 250. i think this is a good steroid for someone who wants to lean up and look cut with a decent amount of muscle.

  12. #52
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    well I took it up to 80mgs as of yesterday, and my friend says he's got some liquid clen, so i'll throw that in there also. we'll see if I can get any results this way..

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    So its been how long now? Any you honestly don't see or are feeling any change?

  14. #54
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    The only changes I see are the normal progression from dieting and working out properly. Either Anavar is the weakest substance on earth, or the shit I got is fake. Either way I'm fvcking pissed; what a waste of money.

  15. #55
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    idk man i seen good results in the pix u posted after 2 weeks.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batlin MD View Post
    Yes Niacin is good against cholesterol, I personally HATE taking it. For me it takes about 10 minutes and I get flushing really bad. My skin gets red, puffy, and feels likes needles all over. I look bloated with a sunburn then 15-20 minutes later im back to normal. Let me know if you take niacin/b3, if you get the flushing. Good luck with your cycle, I'm looking var for a future cycle myself.
    There is a time released version of this substance, 'slo-acin' or something like that. I have taken straight niacin and suffered the uncomfortable flushing and red skin, feeling hot, etc but with the slo-acin I didn't have that effect at all.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    Well, I've been doing my research for over a year now, and from everything that I've learned, I found that for what I'm trying to accomplish, Anavar will have good results with minimal side effects. Some may find it pricey, I really didn't. But I guess I'll find out how well-spent my money was!
    where did you get it? e mail me [email protected]

  18. #58
    Join Date
    May 2002
    On that much var you should at least be getting killer pumps by now -at least that's what I got after only a couple weeks at 40mg/week. I was on test & EQ too -but the killer pumps only started on the var. I'd really question if it's the real thing. It got so bad for me I couldn't walk uphill without getting such bad shin pumps I couldn't stand it.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody View Post
    On that much var you should at least be getting killer pumps by now -at least that's what I got after only a couple weeks at 40mg/week. I was on test & EQ too -but the killer pumps only started on the var. I'd really question if it's the real thing. It got so bad for me I couldn't walk uphill without getting such bad shin pumps I couldn't stand it.
    Well I posted pics of it on the pic forum and someone verified it was real. Honestly, I'm not experiencing any of the things other users noted, so I don't know what to think. I'm going to continue taking it until the cycle is over, working out hard and dieting correctly. If turns out to be fake, at least I'll get some results from normal excercise. I know one thing for sure, next cycle will not be a mild one, it's not worth the money. I'm def considering a test/tren/winni combo....but that's not gonna be for a while.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody View Post
    On that much var you should at least be getting killer pumps by now -at least that's what I got after only a couple weeks at 40mg/week. I was on test & EQ too -but the killer pumps only started on the var. I'd really question if it's the real thing. It got so bad for me I couldn't walk uphill without getting such bad shin pumps I couldn't stand it.

    Dude, I hear ya on the shin pumps! When I do my 10 minute treadmill warmup my shins kill me! I am just over my 4 week mark and I am really starting to feel the pumps, definately gaining weight (and the right kind), still loosing body fat, and vascularity is starting to pop. We will see what the next four weeks brings.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    Well I posted pics of it on the pic forum and someone verified it was real. Honestly, I'm not experiencing any of the things other users noted, so I don't know what to think. I'm going to continue taking it until the cycle is over, working out hard and dieting correctly. If turns out to be fake, at least I'll get some results from normal excercise. I know one thing for sure, next cycle will not be a mild one, it's not worth the money. I'm def considering a test/tren/winni combo....but that's not gonna be for a while.
    I was following your thread on this and hopeful that you would get results with just anavar. Maybe they were fake. Good luck with the next step.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    The only changes I see are the normal progression from dieting and working out properly. Either Anavar is the weakest substance on earth, or the shit I got is fake. Either way I'm fvcking pissed; what a waste of money.
    I do have a suggestion invest on tren a prop and mast plus the anavar u have in hand Definitely will make u jacked for sure or ur money back LOL

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by gym_rat_jason View Post
    I do have a suggestion invest on tren a prop and mast plus the anavar u have in hand Definitely will make u jacked for sure or ur money back LOL
    Thank you for your suggestion.

  24. #64
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    Well, this week is the last week of my cycle, tomorrow will be the last day at 80 mgs. As of Monday, I will do 3 days of 40 mgs, and then begin PCT on Thursday. It will simply be 100 mgs ED of Clomid for the first 5 days, and 50 mgs ED for 5 more days, along with some Tribulus.

    Overall, I must admit I felt stronger and recovered faster. Changes in my weight and bf is lackluster to say the least. I weigh 195 today, which is only 5 lbs less than when I started. I haven't tested my bf yet, but I can tell I've lost some. Reading the profiles on Anavar gave me a completely different idea on what to expect. I feel like I could've accomplished the same with hydroxycut instead. Whatever. Next time it's test for sure. Here are the pics taken today. I did back and bis and hit the steam room for 10 mins to get rid of some water.

    Feel free to comment/ask questions.
    Last edited by NewMuscle83; 06-20-2009 at 02:05 PM.

  25. #65
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    In case you want to compare, here are the pics from before cycle.
    Last edited by NewMuscle83; 06-20-2009 at 02:05 PM.

  26. #66
    Join Date
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    your now pictures show a good improvement. noticiable in every muscle group, chest is much more muscular, biceps are alot bigger and have more curve at the top, shoulders have become more cut and taken shape, back looks alot better too, stomach is noticable thinner with more ab muscles. lookes like your on your way so be satisfied even though it wasnt the greatest cycle results, i would say it was a 7 out of 10. let u on a little secret about having muscle, when u have it, u dont really feel that muscular or that great, but if u stop working out and it goes away, u notice it BIG TIME and u realize just how much muscle u had before u lost it, and i have a feeling if u lost what u have now and went back to what it was 2 months ago, ud be upset. so just keeping building what u have now and get better and prepare for your next cycle.

  27. #67
    Join Date
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    your var is fake.

  28. #68
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by zedded
    your var is fake.


  29. #69
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zedded View Post
    your var is fake.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post

    Well, it's probably out of date at least by now

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I didn't know doing only Anavar qualifies as a cycle.

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