oh geez...lol sorry i feel dumb
sounds like a cool job
not dumb just me and dukkit have been whoring together longer haha
ok time to get off my ass and go run...later guys and girls
later skully
I need to shave...my face, it itches soo bad.
I'm not sure about baby's. I think I'll have kids someday, but the whole concept is strange to me.
what you do this weekend kratos? i drove over 300 miles to see some friends and family. had alot of sex with random girls and then came home.
i'm not ready for a baby now...maybe a few years down the road, i just have so many friends who's lives are consumed by their child, and i really want to travel when i get done with school. Not really like travel the world, but i like vacations.
and I'm kinda indifferent to my own life, I get up and do it everyday and it's ok I guess. I'm not sure if it matters that I'm here or not though. If my parents never had me, I'd get over it.
OK Dukki, I broke down and read your weekends worth of adventures....geez I think your peter might fall off
Hey whores...just got back from gym...about to post a lil pic of me
yeah i have a moped
here is a crappy pic of me just now
Ooh it was an amazing workout...great pump...heres a pic of me, 134lbs
he has a car too, he doesn't like to fill the tank though
omg, he looks so gay riding to work in his business clothes and sunglasses on
I was riding it over to a friend's house on Friday to do the work on it and someone yelled out their car window at me "just get a purse."
Moped's also seem to make everyone who rides them look fat.
if i had another person here now i could take some better ones of my back and stuff but heres an idea of my base right now...i need to bring my legs up before i start my cycle...i'm at the very tail end of recovering from this ^^^
yeah i really need to work on symmetry too
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