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One of the best things I ever did with my Ex to win her over was this:
We got in a little tussle over somthing stupid when we first moved in. I don't really enjoy fighting, so I just left and went to get some photo albums to send my brother some pictures in while he was stationed in Iraq.
While I was gone, she broke 2 mirrors and the dishes. When I walked in, she was sitting on her knees crying, would not make eye contact with me.
I walked over, picked her up, I gave her a hug. I told her "Lets go get somthing to eat". I never brought it up, I took her out to dinner. We went home, I helped her clean up. She never broke the dishes again, she never broke a mirror again.
When you say "you yell louder" that's like saying you are more "jerry springger". You are not winning anything by being the louder or the most confrintational person.
I have a very close friend who reminds me of you. He wonders why he cannot find a good girl, and I suppose I understand his fustration. He trys to impress the girls by being the drunkest, "the most entertaining" and winning every argument with them. He'll never loose an argument with a girl, but eventually they will get sick of loosing no matter how much they love you. Girls are not always the best either, some times they don't have the courage to leave, instead they sleep with your friend, your brother, or get drunk and make out with a guy at a bar hoping you will leave like you've been threatening too.
If you have not caught on yet, I've been there, done that. Treat a woman like a queen and carry the confidence of a king.