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Thread: acne while on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic

    acne while on

    What's the best way to deal with acne on-cycle? I've got some accutane vut i've read up on it and it's some scary shit! It's also very hepatatoxic so i'm treating it as if it were anadrol as far as factoring it into my cycle. I was thinking maybe 10mg / day?

    Anyone have any other good products? I've heard about Skinoren and also about some vitamin that helps. I can look it up but for now let's just go with "the vitamin" - does it work well? I have really oily skin when i'm on - i get alot of clogged pored and blackheads - i'm squeezing blackheads on my face every day - worse than when I was a teenager. It's embarrasing and my face is getting ugly from the acne.

    Come on guys - let's make this a sharing thread about acne while on.

    From experience - what's the safest way to deal with it? I doubt accutane is the answer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    Accutane is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I am finishing it up and the results have been great. If you are acne prone then you will break out like never before. I had acne before my first test cycle and I broke out real bad. After my cycle I went to the derm and he put me on a few other things before the Accutane. I went on 80mg/day. I finished up a Test, Deca, Dbol and Fina cycle in December and have not had any breakouts. 10mg a day probably won't be enough if you get it bad. I would finish the cycle and see where your at. I would go to the derm after if you have insurance. I pay 20.00 a month for my script which is better then hundreds without insurance. The only sides I have had are dry skin, chapped lips and occasional bloody noses from blowing to hard when I had a cold. Get some moisturizer and chapstick and you will be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bros, im having trouble with acne also. Is Accutane topical gel, 30 grams any good? I can get some and was wondering if anyones has any experience using it? Thxs!


  4. #4 man. During my last cycle , I got acne on my back real bad. Went to the doc, he would not give me accutane. He said he can write a script for it, but refused. He showed me some info on the negitive sides of that stuff. He conviced me. however, I know there are many bro's that use it with no prob. When I go home tonite, I can tell you the name of the cream that he gave me. It works real well, with no sides.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Sweet Rich thxs bro! The Accutane im talking about is topical not tabs? does that make a difference?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Is that the ** acutane stuff?? I just got some topical stuff too that I got from my derm. I can check tonight,.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Originally posted by Ryanhallmark
    Is that the ** acutane stuff?? I just got some topical stuff too that I got from my derm. I can check tonight,.
    Hey Ryan, the only info i have is its Accutane topical gel, 30 grams. Its coming from mexico if that helps? thxs bro!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I used accutane and I thought it sucked. I guess it depends on the person but my eyes were dry as hell, sometimes hard to keep them open they were so dry. You constantly have to put on lotion. I thought it was fucking misserable. But the results are exelent, it deffinetly does the job. I just used differen gel for my last cycle, it kept my face almost completely clean but didn't work as well on my back.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the accutane im talking about is tabs, i just saw that u were talking about toppical

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Originally posted by dsc
    the accutane im talking about is tabs, i just saw that u were talking about toppical
    np. Does anyone ahve any info on the topical version of accutane? Is it as harsh as the tabs? Im having trouble with acne on my shoulders and back.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    I will suffer with the dry skin, eyes and chapped lips for acne free skin.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by OGPackin

    np. Does anyone ahve any info on the topical version of accutane? Is it as harsh as the tabs? Im having trouble with acne on my shoulders and back.

    Hey whats up brotha, I know what your talking about and I've already ordered mine last week

    The actuall drug name is isotrex
    heres a link on some info, you can also type the name in google and get tons of info

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey Pheedno my brotha thxs! So i guess u havent tried it yet? I need to do something. Iv been done with my cycle and i still cant get rid of it..errrrr


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by OGPackin
    Hey Pheedno my brotha thxs! So i guess u havent tried it yet? I need to do something. Iv been done with my cycle and i still cant get rid of it..errrrr

    Shit bro, my acne came in a few months after my last cycle when i was clean, I've been on this cycle and it just keeps chillin. Takes me 4 months to get a dermo appointment in this city so alternate means have to be persued.
    If that shit doesn't work, I'm going back to 40% benzoil peroxide with that stuff mixed in.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Knoxville, TN
    Guys I know this is totally different approach, but I can tell you first hand it will work.

    Order the proactive skin care kit. its about 35 for a 3 peice kit.

    If you use regular No chance of acne, if you start to get some it will kill it in the first use. If you have superbad ooozing running all over acne it will prolly be gone in 2 days.

    Beware there customer service sux hard, but they have the best acne product I have ever seen.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I have had the same problems usually when the cycle is over. I went to the dermtologist and she reccomended a over the counter soap called "Panoxyl" it comes in a blue box and works great.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Eastcoast U.S.A
    Try look for the black drawing ointment it works on those deep down under the skin chumpies that really hurt.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I also got some acne..not in the face though, but mostly shoulders and chest/back..just a few zits, but enough to annoy me..i wash two times a day with a special otc shower gel..and try to go the sun studio at leat once a works though, but i am also looking for a better solution..i dont want to use accutane though..its not that bad..and i have seen what it did with some friends of mine


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I was glad to see you posted this thread Hammerhead because I know this a thorn in many AR member's butt's. I deal with a lot of patient's who have acne scarring so this is something I have done research on for treatment options.

    Hammer, the first thing I would tell you is to stop squeezing your blackheads. I know it is very tempting, especially since they are a little ugly to look at, but this can cause more severity in your condition. When you squeeze, it forces the bacteria deeper into the pore and inflames to site. HANDS OFF!!

    Accutane is a great med for a VERY limited segment of patients. I personally would NEVER prescribe it to anyone because the side effects can be too severe for many and lead to conditions that are much more difficult to treat. Severe dry skin, dry eyes, painfully chapped lips, HAIRLOSS, yes hairloss!!! It can also cause liver damage in some and it is rather hard on your system. Like I said, this is only my personal medical opinion and some Doctors do prescribe this so it is a decision between you nad your Doc. I would say to definitley not buy this medication from overseas and try to self administer it because of the possible complications that can arise.

    There are ways to combat breakouts with OTC products. I will outline a brief start that may require tweaking for your personal skin type, age, and severity of breakouts.

    1.) First make sure you are properly hydrated and try to throw in a Vitamin E supplement daily at 400 iu

    2.) Keep in mind hair gels, mousses, etc, can cause breakouts, especially if you work out and sweat with these products in your hair. Often you will see breakouts in the scalp, face, neck, and shoulders/back. Try to rinse this out before hitting the weights or cardio.

    3.) Shower as soon as possible after sweating. This is often a culprit because people wait awhile before showering and this helps harbor bacteria and inflame pores leading to breakouts. When showering, start from the head and work your way down so you do not leave any residual soaps or conditioners on the skin.

    4.) The back is often the culprit and this requires special attention since it contains a large volume or sweat/oil glands. There are many OTC products out for example Nuetrogena makes a body wash that contains a salicylic acid in it. This is used in most acne medications and is quite effective in drying out and healing breakouts. Get a loofah with a handle and scrub your entire body down with the wash. Use gentle pressure without scrubbing yourself raw. After you work the wash into a good lather, leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse. Do this 1-3 times per day depending on your severity. If your skin starts to really dry out then decrease the usage slightly.

    5.) A facial scrub is essential to keeping your face clear. Hammerhead, this is especially something you need to use since you have a blackhead issue. There are several products out for this as well and it is usually personal preference. Again, get on with a percent of salicylic acid in it. I have used everyhing out from cheap to the very expensive. My personal preference is one that is sold at Walmart for $3.00. It is made by St. Ives and it is a medicated apricot facial scrub with salicylic acid, menthol, and other scrubbing materials. I use that on my neck , face, and throat 2 times per day leaving it on for approx 2 minutes. Scrub it gently, but firmly. This will help remove blackheads and clear up the skin.

    6.) Try using a mild, non-alcohol based astringent after your shower. A lite moisturizer is always a good idea as well. Make sure it is non-comedogenic, oil free, alcohol free, fragrance free, and allergy tested.
    Neutogena, Nivea for Men, Aramis, and Estee Lauder have very good products.

    7.) This is an importnat one! Do Not over cleanse!! I know this sounds a bit ironic, but over cleansing can increase breakouts. When you wash your skin you strip it of it's natural oils and in response the skin increases oil production. 2-3 times daily should be sufficient.

    Try these suggestions and after 3- 4 weeks if you do not see a marked improvement, you may need to see a dermatologist. Follow these steps as I have written them. I know it seems time consuming and inconvenient, but it can make your skin and complexion much healthier and ease your self conciousness all the while saving you a trip to the Doctor.

    DOC M

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    WOW!!! excellent contribution DOC M...thanks a lot for the info


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    San Diego
    St. ives apricot scrub is da shiznat! And I used proactive for a while, very good as well but it took me too long and i eventally went to just the scrub and hit the tanning bed 2x a week witch works the best, plus it hides any redness and irritation.... word! good post doc

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i'll put in a vote for accutane. the gelcaps, not the topical. when alls said and done, there are lots of ways to keep acne at bay, but so far the only thing that will have any permanent effect is accutane. i'm sick of putting creams n crap on my face.

    i've been using low dosages of 20mg ED/EOD and its rather amazing how my skin has cleared up. the only negative sides i have are slight dry skin and lips but thats it. none of the heavy duty sides that people taking high dosages report.

    this is the legit pharmaceutical gel caps, not the brand X tabs which from most reports dont seem to compare very well, tho a lot cheaper. fortunately i have a pretty good line on accutane. you cant find the stuff cheap anywhere but you can get it "not so expensive" . i've seen some places selling 30 caps for $500. wonder if a capsule made of gold would cost less. lol.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    san diego
    Hey guys ive accutane twice before. I would go to the doctor and he would prescribe this to and i would suffer the dried lips skin all that shit. Eventually i told him i used steroids. He was pissed i never told him because of the potential liver effects but mainly becuase accutane is not a good products for steroids users.
    YOu see gear enlarges your sebacious glands and increases you sebum production. Accutane only decreases your sebum production but does not tighten the sebacious glands. This results in the ance coming back. My advice which is from personal experience is use a antibiotic with a topical like retin-a or tazorac. Tetracycline is the antibiotic which i found works best. give it like 2-3 months to really start working. Im telling u it worked better than accutane and its way easier on your system. I had acne bad to the point where i wanted to stop training. Also like doc said DONT over wash trust me. THe proactive trio works well. I dont wash more than 2 times a day morning and after work outs.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    this comment is for calpersuasion21
    dude, iam on steriods, this is my first cycle
    and iam on acutane the same time
    my acne is so bad that shit wont go away man. this is my 4th week on acutane and 3rd week on my cycle. ive been getting some horrible bumps on my back and chest.
    iam wondering if i take the docycycline with the acutane would that help because tetracycline dont do shit for me.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    I was glad to see you posted this thread Hammerhead because I know this a thorn in many AR member's butt's. I deal with a lot of patient's who have acne scarring so this is something I have done research on for treatment options.

    Hammer, the first thing I would tell you is to stop squeezing your blackheads. I know it is very tempting, especially since they are a little ugly to look at, but this can cause more severity in your condition. When you squeeze, it forces the bacteria deeper into the pore and inflames to site. HANDS OFF!!

    Accutane is a great med for a VERY limited segment of patients. I personally would NEVER prescribe it to anyone because the side effects can be too severe for many and lead to conditions that are much more difficult to treat. Severe dry skin, dry eyes, painfully chapped lips, HAIRLOSS, yes hairloss!!! It can also cause liver damage in some and it is rather hard on your system. Like I said, this is only my personal medical opinion and some Doctors do prescribe this so it is a decision between you nad your Doc. I would say to definitley not buy this medication from overseas and try to self administer it because of the possible complications that can arise.

    There are ways to combat breakouts with OTC products. I will outline a brief start that may require tweaking for your personal skin type, age, and severity of breakouts.

    1.) First make sure you are properly hydrated and try to throw in a Vitamin E supplement daily at 400 iu

    2.) Keep in mind hair gels, mousses, etc, can cause breakouts, especially if you work out and sweat with these products in your hair. Often you will see breakouts in the scalp, face, neck, and shoulders/back. Try to rinse this out before hitting the weights or cardio.

    3.) Shower as soon as possible after sweating. This is often a culprit because people wait awhile before showering and this helps harbor bacteria and inflame pores leading to breakouts. When showering, start from the head and work your way down so you do not leave any residual soaps or conditioners on the skin.

    4.) The back is often the culprit and this requires special attention since it contains a large volume or sweat/oil glands. There are many OTC products out for example Nuetrogena makes a body wash that contains a salicylic acid in it. This is used in most acne medications and is quite effective in drying out and healing breakouts. Get a loofah with a handle and scrub your entire body down with the wash. Use gentle pressure without scrubbing yourself raw. After you work the wash into a good lather, leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse. Do this 1-3 times per day depending on your severity. If your skin starts to really dry out then decrease the usage slightly.

    5.) A facial scrub is essential to keeping your face clear. Hammerhead, this is especially something you need to use since you have a blackhead issue. There are several products out for this as well and it is usually personal preference. Again, get on with a percent of salicylic acid in it. I have used everyhing out from cheap to the very expensive. My personal preference is one that is sold at Walmart for $3.00. It is made by St. Ives and it is a medicated apricot facial scrub with salicylic acid, menthol, and other scrubbing materials. I use that on my neck , face, and throat 2 times per day leaving it on for approx 2 minutes. Scrub it gently, but firmly. This will help remove blackheads and clear up the skin.

    6.) Try using a mild, non-alcohol based astringent after your shower. A lite moisturizer is always a good idea as well. Make sure it is non-comedogenic, oil free, alcohol free, fragrance free, and allergy tested.
    Neutogena, Nivea for Men, Aramis, and Estee Lauder have very good products.

    7.) This is an importnat one! Do Not over cleanse!! I know this sounds a bit ironic, but over cleansing can increase breakouts. When you wash your skin you strip it of it's natural oils and in response the skin increases oil production. 2-3 times daily should be sufficient.

    Try these suggestions and after 3- 4 weeks if you do not see a marked improvement, you may need to see a dermatologist. Follow these steps as I have written them. I know it seems time consuming and inconvenient, but it can make your skin and complexion much healthier and ease your self conciousness all the while saving you a trip to the Doctor.

    DOC M

    hey DOC!!! good advice!!!!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by calpersuasion21
    Hey guys ive accutane twice before. I would go to the doctor and he would prescribe this to and i would suffer the dried lips skin all that ****. Eventually i told him i used steroids. He was pissed i never told him because of the potential liver effects but mainly becuase accutane is not a good products for steroids users.
    YOu see gear enlarges your sebacious glands and increases you sebum production. Accutane only decreases your sebum production but does not tighten the sebacious glands. This results in the ance coming back. My advice which is from personal experience is use a antibiotic with a topical like retin-a or tazorac. Tetracycline is the antibiotic which i found works best. give it like 2-3 months to really start working. Im telling u it worked better than accutane and its way easier on your system. I had acne bad to the point where i wanted to stop training. Also like doc said DONT over wash trust me. THe proactive trio works well. I dont wash more than 2 times a day morning and after work outs.
    Everything here describes my dermo to a T!. When the nurse came in she asked if i had gained/lost weight within the last 12 wks. the kind of guy i am i had no thoughts what so ever about it and said i gained 20lbs within the last 12 wks. duh, the dermo must have known what was up when he saw me and heard what was wrong, acne on my back/sholders. he perscribed me just what you said up there, and it did work, but the scars are still there....

    I wanted to bump this old thread....its a good one.

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