Last edited by TTTT; 03-04-2003 at 08:04 PM.
not too great, u just look fat to me
ColeD post your pics up badass. It seems like they're are a lot of asshole fucks posting tonight. Maybe you need to delete that post and share your extensive bodybuilding knowledge to TTTT intead of telling him he's fat. Your profile says your 5'11 130 so therefore you are an eithiopian malnutrition fuck. Get a life and get off of my board if all you have to say is negative things,
TTTT: You dont look fat at all to me. looks as if you are lacking in overall muscle maturity and density,my advice is to change up your routine and eat like a mad man.
How much are yhou taking and how often?? What weight did you start at?? Remember to EAT!!!!!!! Your receptors are begging for it. If you are on a 12 weeks cycle, make sure to eat an ass load the next 6 weeks. Is your source legit?
Give us some information...
Steak Helmet
ColeD, around here we encourage and focus on the positive's, no need for negative comments like that. Criticism is accepted here, but watch what you say. We're all bro's here. Keep that in mind for next time.
TTTT: Stick with what st82hellnbak said. Also, add in an intense partner or hit the weights extra hard. What's your gains in strength since starting the cycle? Weight gains also?
None of that shit here boy.Originally posted by ColeD
not too great, u just look fat to me
ColeD, if you havent posted your pic yet dont talk shit. Atleast he has the guts to post his pic. We dont flame on this board.
TTTT, do you have any before and after pics? Just like everybody else says, eat eat eat eat! You got a good frame to add muscle.
ColeD 5'11 can you do such comment to must be at least 14 to weight that much......
Sorry sir, I just saw your profil, your 17, I apologize....
the age 17 doesnt matter..... that was a fuked up comment for a 10 yr old. TTTT , sorry your first responce was from a dick
Don't stop now. Intense training and Lots of real food.
I was there once before too, eat plenty of quality food and change your work out routine every 2nd month to shock your muscles. Lift as heavy as you can.
Hey Cole it takes a lot of balls to post a pic on this board. So where's yours?
Well guys, ya know, I have lifted natural for 7 years, and I eat like a pig, and have put on about 25 lbs to my frame, I may not look like no muscle man, but I am strong, that is my main objective to stay strong, and get stronger, and add some deffinition to my frame. I expected much criticism, that is why I posted, but I did not expect people to be pricks! I am not fat either, you can see my abs in the second pic. please reply with helpful advice to motivate me, don't try to discourage me, cause it doesn't happen to me.
bro don't listen to that little skinny boy!! i was fat as a house until i was 17. now i am at 11% bf. i know that is nothin great but it is much better than the 20+ before. just set your mind to it and anything is possible. good luck on your cycle. keep us posted.
I am 23 years old
What is your training and diet like. Could you give an example of your typical days diet and your training split. What excersises do you do and at what weights. I think there will be some room for improvement in there somewhere.
coled WTF bro!! you're the fucking skeletor here dude!! TTTT just keep eating high protein and high carbs, and train like a MOFO! and yes, i can your abs in the second pic
every one has said it but coled, nothing i can add but i bet you could kick coleds ass, he wouldnt say that to your face bro, keep up the good work, lata-BOB
U got the frame needed to pack on the mass bro.Looks like u can gain hell of a lot naturally.Keep pumping!
Hey T stay with it bro...and if you don't mind let us know what your MGS are and exactly what you are taking....maybe we can be of some assistance for you...Keep lifting hard bro!![]()
well i am sure that this post is long dead but i have been reading some of the reply's on here a screw that little punk. 17 and he is 5 11 130 pounds if i were him i would stop at the nearest fast food place and chow down. as for your build man ya what i think would make you alot bigger is to build up your shoulders . i am all about being strong to man . jeez i can't get over that kid. peace
Originally posted by ColeD
not too great, u just look fat to me
i love how this guy calls someone fat.....your not exaclly ronnie coleman yourself
Arms! Your torso is very thick, and IMO you need to hit your arms more to balance them out with the rest of your body.
man if you're lifting for 7 years and you look this way then you may have some problems, most probably related to diet. it has been already said that your torso is thick...well that's lightly put. you really look like u should do some cardio, or at least cut down the beer
mind ur diet
just keep workin at it bro, some ppl take longer than others, the point is you're still doing what 80% of ppl wont get off there ass to do, keep it up
Originally posted by ColeD
not too great, u just look fat to me
thats harsh. jesus .and you 130lbs i've taken shits bigger than that.
Last edited by jon rock; 11-28-2002 at 02:29 PM.
coleD is that you in your avatar? if so your built like a wet cat...everyone has to start somewhere...and maybe you should be a little nicer. nobody like's a bully....especially one who's only 17 .
TTTT keep up the training. find a steady workout program and a good diet plan and stick with it..good luck...Madmax....
Last edited by Madmax; 12-06-2002 at 09:55 PM.
Built like a wet cat!!! LOL LOL LOL
bump...just saw this old thread, I remember when it started...but never saw how funny it got! LOL
(and you guys know i don't play that flaming shit), but no one has mentioned the fact that we have a guy here who is in his 6th week of a cycle in which he appears that have made no noticable progress.hell, it's not flaming to say it doesn't look like the guy has legit gear, even works out, or knows what the hell his training/diet/ and recovery shouls look like.
yeah i know, no one wants to be ripped on on here, but fuck, i think we need to(and i've seen it on many other boards about all of us here at AR) start getting real w/ people to motivate them.we tell people who in all honesty look like they have never seen the inside of a gym(who claim to have worked out for 12 years) how fucking great they look!!!!sometimes we skirt around people's feelings too much.honesty is the best tell some shit bag how good he looks and watch how fast his traing and diet will suffer if he's already not dedicated, which is obvious by some of their pictures.
none of this is directed at TTTT, BTW.i'm just ranting today.i have the flu and i'm in a bad mood,haha
Last edited by partyboynyc; 02-13-2003 at 02:59 PM.
I was going to post the exact same thing...but you beat me to it!...Flaming is one thing, and honesty is another. I agree we should not flame, and post comments in better taste, however in many cases, the truth is the truth. As partyboy said in many cases, what might seem like a "flame" will greatly motivate the person to try harder! I see more then anything the phrase "good-base" which has lost all its meaning because of its overuse with people who don't have the look they are quite looking for. There is no need to be mean, cruel, or vulgar, but some honestly and quality critiques might be nice.Originally posted by partyboynyc
(and you guys know i don't play that flaming shit), but no one has mentioned the fact that we have a guy here who is in his 6th week of a cycle in which he appears that have made no noticable progress.hell, it's not flaming to say it doesn't look like the guy has legit gear, even works out, or knows what the hell his training/diet/ and recovery shouls look like.
yeah i know, no one wants to be ripped on on here, but fuck, i think we need to(and i've seen it on many other boards about all of us here at AR) start getting real w/ people to motivate them.we tell people who in all honesty look like they have never seen the inside of a gym(who claim to have worked out for 12 years) how fucking great they look!!!!sometimes we skirt around people's feelings too much.honesty is the best tell some shit bag how good he looks and watch how fast his traing and diet will suffer if he's already not dedicated, which is obvious by some of their pictures.
none of this is directed at TTTT, BTW.i'm just ranting today.i have the flu and i'm in a bad mood,haha
Well im not going to bullshit you, you said your abs show in the second pic, thats probaby because your hands are holding your stomache down, if you look closely. Age wise its ok for you to do AS, but if i were you i wouldn't have even thought about doing AS untill i dropped the body fat and put on some more muscle, it looks like you just toured the gym for years using the machines, but didnt really work out and bust your ass. I suggest you actully put in 5 days a week in the gym and not 2 over the next 7 years. You have potential your just not trying and it really show's. TRY harder bro.Originally posted by TTTT
Well guys, ya know, I have lifted natural for 7 years, and I eat like a pig, and have put on about 25 lbs to my frame, I may not look like no muscle man, but I am strong, that is my main objective to stay strong, and get stronger, and add some deffinition to my frame. I expected much criticism, that is why I posted, but I did not expect people to be pricks! I am not fat either, you can see my abs in the second pic. please reply with helpful advice to motivate me, don't try to discourage me, cause it doesn't happen to me.
please reply with helpful advice to motivate <-- sorry bro not this time this is anabolic body building forum, not some men's help group like testicular cancer like in fight club.
Last edited by Decoder; 02-13-2003 at 07:28 PM.
why is this post being brought up, it's old as a hill and I got hold of some real gear and have made some better gains. But I will add this to everyones comments about me not busting my ass in gym, eating right, and knowing what I'm doing...... I will post pictures of me a few years ago and you will see that I was a puny misquito looking dude, absoutely no muscle mass at all....... I will prove this with pictures, I will digthem up and post really really soon.... and the reaction from everyone can be based on that...... I was wrong to have not done this before... I hate to continue resurection of this old post, but I will. By the way, I did not take the criticisms as a flame.... Also I will post pictures of me here in the next month of my progress...... Stats are, 200lbs 12 percent body fat, 6'1', but I will post pics for proof.
well peace bros.....
You posted a pic already?????? Sorry, all I can see are those nice boobies in your avatar!!!!!! LMAO
You must of had some bad gear bro......just from looking I would never have guessed you had been on for 6 weeks. Keep at it bro and you'll get there.
Post some more pics of the chick in your Avatar. Not that we don't want to see your progress as well, but with Jugs like hers, I could give a flip what you look like!Just kidding bro. You'll have to excuse my momentary lapse of descency. 1500mg of test/week and 100mg of dbol/day will do that to you.
Don't talk shit about TTTT's GF... at least he told me she's his GF.
Yeah, more pics of her!!!
sadly, she is now my ex........... but I will keep up the avatar cause everyone enjoys her pic.
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