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Thread: gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    This is my first cycle...

    That said, in the first couple of wks, my nips felt odd. More like a burning sensation. I know that the thing that is said when someone has nip feelings, is to go on an AI, immediately.

    At the time, I didn't have one. But I did have nolva for PCT.

    So for a cpl days, I took 20mg of nolva. Then, I only started taking it when I felt the burning nips, and toward the end, it was only 10mg/ day... I was only on for about a wk, based on the amount of tabs I have left.

    So, that was it. No more nip issues, except sometimes when I am sleeping (I sleep w/o a shirt), whch is probably from the sheets, etc rubbing them all night.

    Anyway, I am not in a training bra at the moment - although, they feel a little sensitve from feeling them for hard lumps last night. No hard lumps, the area feels like it is carrying a little more fat from the cycle (500mg/ wk, test e).

    All of which I hear will (most likely) go away during normal PCT.

    Why am I posting this? B/c I am about to get some more gear and I was wondering if I should get an AI.

    I was going to do dbol w/ my next cycle and I hear that an AI, or atleast nolva should be run w/ it b/c of possible gyno/ estro issues.

    Does it sound like I am gyno prone? I don't think so, but I am asking since this is my 1st cycle. If possible, I would like to avoid the AI, as I hear that it can cut into on cycle gains...

    Does it sound like I can get away w/ running nolva w/ dbol and 500mg test e, on my next cycle?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by akaz13 View Post
    This is my first cycle...

    That said, in the first couple of wks, my nips felt odd. More like a burning sensation. I know that the thing that is said when someone has nip feelings, is to go on an AI, immediately.

    At the time, I didn't have one. But I did have nolva for PCT.

    So for a cpl days, I took 20mg of nolva. Then, I only started taking it when I felt the burning nips, and toward the end, it was only 10mg/ day... I was only on for about a wk, based on the amount of tabs I have left.

    So, that was it. No more nip issues, except sometimes when I am sleeping (I sleep w/o a shirt), whch is probably from the sheets, etc rubbing them all night.

    Anyway, I am not in a training bra at the moment - although, they feel a little sensitve from feeling them for hard lumps last night. No hard lumps, the area feels like it is carrying a little more fat from the cycle (500mg/ wk, test e).

    All of which I hear will (most likely) go away during normal PCT.

    Why am I posting this? B/c I am about to get some more gear and I was wondering if I should get an AI.

    I was going to do dbol w/ my next cycle and I hear that an AI, or atleast nolva should be run w/ it b/c of possible gyno/ estro issues.

    Does it sound like I am gyno prone? I don't think so, but I am asking since this is my 1st cycle. If possible, I would like to avoid the AI, as I hear that it can cut into on cycle gains...

    Does it sound like I can get away w/ running nolva w/ dbol and 500mg test e, on my next cycle?
    you most definitely need an AI in your next cycle,,,no question.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by akaz13 View Post
    Does it sound like I can get away w/ running nolva w/ dbol and 500mg test e, on my next cycle?
    I've never used nolva alone to inhibit estrogen. Nolva should be used to help reverse gyno or help restart natural testosterone production in PCT.

    It's must more effective to run arimidex or a low dosage of letrozole with the cycle you're planning above.

    Do some research on PCT...one8nine's educational thread is a good place to start.

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