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This is my first cycle...
That said, in the first couple of wks, my nips felt odd. More like a burning sensation. I know that the thing that is said when someone has nip feelings, is to go on an AI, immediately.
At the time, I didn't have one. But I did have nolva for PCT.
So for a cpl days, I took 20mg of nolva. Then, I only started taking it when I felt the burning nips, and toward the end, it was only 10mg/ day... I was only on for about a wk, based on the amount of tabs I have left.
So, that was it. No more nip issues, except sometimes when I am sleeping (I sleep w/o a shirt), whch is probably from the sheets, etc rubbing them all night.
Anyway, I am not in a training bra at the moment - although, they feel a little sensitve from feeling them for hard lumps last night. No hard lumps, the area feels like it is carrying a little more fat from the cycle (500mg/ wk, test e).
All of which I hear will (most likely) go away during normal PCT.
Why am I posting this? B/c I am about to get some more gear and I was wondering if I should get an AI.
I was going to do dbol w/ my next cycle and I hear that an AI, or atleast nolva should be run w/ it b/c of possible gyno/ estro issues.
Does it sound like I am gyno prone? I don't think so, but I am asking since this is my 1st cycle. If possible, I would like to avoid the AI, as I hear that it can cut into on cycle gains...
Does it sound like I can get away w/ running nolva w/ dbol and 500mg test e, on my next cycle?