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Thread: Update deca gyno & Nolvadex treatment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Update deca gyno & Nolvadex treatment

    Deca + Nolva = gyno! Hell no bro, it'll get worse! Never use Nolva on deca...that's what I heard from most on this board. Well, let me set some straight here. That may be the case in some circumstances, say you let it go till you had a full blown man boob, but I am here to say that in my case that's not so. I'm on day 4 of 40mg of Nolva and my lump is 80% gone! YES GONE! No soreness anymore either. I even got some stuff today that will work, but I'm not going to take it as I want to see what the outcome of nolva is. Right seems to be reversing it very well! Like I said, there are different opinions on deca gyno, and some very informed experts say that the odds of progest/prolact effects causing the gyno are really not going to happen in most cases. Also, a lump under nip without swelling nips usually means estrogen related, while juicy dripping wet nips would indicate prolactin. If estrogen is left unchecked for a long time it could help the progest/prolact take over, but damn if you wait that long you deserve boobs! Anyway, that is my opinion, and that of several authors on steroids, as well as a close personal friend that is an equine vet. Take it for what its worth, but I am proving all those wrong right now. I think before you jump off on someone saying deca and nolva will make it should find out if the gyno has gotten to the point of lactating, otherwise you might make someone get worse by not taking immediate action with nolva, which most juicers have on hand. This is just my opinion and what is working for me at the stage that I am in with gyno.

    Just to clarify for anyone reading this.... I got a very tender lump under one nip and left it along for 5 weeks until it got too sore to touch and my pec swelled a bit. My pec never looked like a boob, just a tad bigger than other pec. I did not have puffy, red, itchy, enlarged nips, just a sore ass lump, and no lactating!

    If you are in my boat, and dont have letro, then by all means start some nolva. I do agree that letro would probably work much better, and i will have some on hand if i ever do deca again..which i wont...going back to eq!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Was your cycle deca only or was there other AAS involved?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nah...sust and deca. As of now the lump is 90% gone...Nolva is working very well... I am so freakin happy...was scared shitless when i thought i was screwed for not having letro.... I give Nolva thumbs up!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Well then your gyno could have been caused by the sust and not the deca.
    If you was treating the gyno caused by sust its not 100% that
    the nolva MUST also cause a gyno just because you was running deca in the cycle also.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by NightWolf View Post
    Well then your gyno could have been caused by the sust and not the deca.
    If you was treating the gyno caused by sust its not 100% that
    the nolva MUST also cause a gyno just because you was running deca in the cycle also.
    I was just going to say that! Either way its working.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I agree with you on the test causing the gyno sides, but what really got me was that noone ever tried to determin what type it was, so I asked 1000 questions and took some heat for it. Prolac/progest would have shown different signs, which is why I chanced it and went with Nolva. Just to update, gyno be gone! Nolva kicked its ass in less than 5 days. Lump went from size of nickle and sore as all get out, to less than a bb, and I'm not sure if that is even a lump anymore. Also, my pec swelling went to quickly and no longer exists. Just wanted to share that with everyone. IMO, if you just have a lump thats doesn't swell or puff nips then it's most likely test related. Puffy red, itchy, wet nips could be more progest/prolact related. Nolva worked very well for me...just hope it stays away!

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