I don't think my arms are getting any bigger naturally......but my legs could.....but I can't wait for them to catch up
ruhl has been traumatized enough for one night between my get laid thread and kat being a retard
What did Kat do to you Ruhl..
post em up Reed..
No need for a silencer Ink.....I like up close approach....use the baseball bat lol....that always gets there attention......
Ink he is talikng bout my pic of vida guerra......bubble butt from he^^...google it....
Oh and turnips are awesome......just eat a few for bulking and a lot for cutting lol
I just put a few up it was taking to long to load. Now remember no AAS yet just them prohormones so don't make fun.
Not too shabby Reed! lol You're looking real good bro! Keep that shit up!! Now wheres Ruhl's pics...................I'm waiting ...tic toc...lol
Here is a better lat spread. I'm just a country boy on the rise!! Trying to be much better than this
Reed not bad at all........like the delts and back.........maybe more hammer curls and incline bench, can't really see the legs and abs
Ink........I like the hands on experience it really lets me know what they are thinking
How much money does she have?
good spread Reed
Damn all this clit talk has me going!! Too bad the bitch is on the rag, and I already earned a red cross so I'm not doin it.
Dam I was getting ready to dig.....had my shovel and hard hat
Hey guys!
If you can walk through mud you can......
Nevermind never eat anything that bleeds for seven days then gets up and walks away lol
I finally washed the scoot today, then almost got caught in the rain!!Haha I'm too fast !!
Uh oh.......nice post I made right after Kats came in....oops
So anyways Hey Kats lol
Ink you took care of our problem yet? Time is money
no way! Reed, you sure that spread isn't Lou?
here you go. sorry my camera sucks, It makes me look small, you'd have to see me in person. First leg pic is me this spring after shredding up, then me at the current moment. and I threw in a front double bi. Sorry I'm little watered up right now, definately not stop conditioning but I am bulking
Ruhl is going to get mad and listen to me and Ink information.....use the bat and get close to see them think......lol
The last leg pic, one leg is more forward than the other so it looks like one is smaller than the other.
Ok done showing off my weak sauceness. Back to some jokes...
Good work Reed....I see the water weight......but it goes quick...
Every other day on those calfs though......they need some work but other than that I am impressed.....
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