Sorry if I offended you. Just the way I was raised. No need to be an asshole.
Haha, I agree that SOME of it is, for sure. But definitely not all. However, if you consider 'preppy' attire as old man style, then I'd have to agree with your entire comment - Minus the negative connotation in your word choice.
It might be out of style in your network of friends, however, I'd argue that its totally not out of style.
About your word choice. Why would you be 'Sorry' that Ralph is old man style. There's an obvious insinuation.
well you first post was making it sound how special ralph lauren purple was. So i was sorry i had to let you down,
Not just saying my network of friends. I lived in alot of major cities and that's not style at any of them. I never heard a female comment on a guys clothes dressed like that
If you aint wearing purple polo;
You aint one of my peeps,
because diz how I be raizd;
from the city to streets;
hustling to get some eats,
.. right by the perty trees, while I'm wearing some new capris.
um ch um chh bi bi bi bum bum
No No. I think you misunderstood my comment. See, it was you who asked about 'word choice'. To which, I explained the connotation, ergo I'm aware of what you meant.
Really, this is what you based your conclusion that the style is out? Surely you can see the ignorance in this comment. Again, in your networks the style might be dead, but the style globally is not my friend. Refer to 'The law of small numbers', if your having trouble seeing how your erroneously generalizing.
I agree, purple polo is def 'in':
link not workn
Last edited by Bojangles69; 08-26-2008 at 10:37 PM.
Ok fixed:
I only said it wasn't merely dead, or out of style globally. Operationalize the term 'in style'. I also respect your opinion, and if I sounded like an ass, I apologize, I forgot this is all hearsay and opinions anyways. Oh, and Ralph Lauren Co. is making more profit than it did 5 years ago, but it could be to all old men -- and my friends and I.
Anyways, this is off-topic, and to see that I don't ruin the thread:
DSM whats the next fashion tip of the day?
When I go to the gym I usually wear bball shorts but they do tend to go below my knee.... but I would never personally wear carpies. thats just too faggy for me.....
Most of my regular shorts will go below the knee because that is just the way they are made.... I guy the urban brands like enyce, g unit, sean john so those are made to be baggy and below the knee.... but I never pull them down to that they are sagging under my ass lol.....
who the hell would wear sandals to the gym lol other than at the sauna or steam room come on you are going to work out not to the beach lol.....
The dress shirt with jeans and flip flops is the new "In" style it comes from Frisco... Trust me I was up in Frisco two weeks ago and thast all you saw. Even tourist from Europe were digging that....
I do agree I wouldnt go with Flip Flops to a club or bar.... I dont know about you guys but I wouldnt want my toes to be stepped on.... I already have a hard time with having an ingrown nail problem... I dont need some big ass 500 pound guy stepping on my toes to make it worse.... not pretty.
I must add to this thread...... if you are going to the gym to work out..... please please please dont wear your lil brothers tee shirt.... We dont want want to see your stomach and underwear while you are doing overhead extensions not sexy or cool..... dont be scared to buy one size bigger....
so let me get this straight...your wife picked out your clothes and since you got compliments on them you think its still ok....your wife picks out your clothes....that should be your first problem...i know she liked the look, but she couldve dressed you in a dress and said you look "cute" would you still wear it.....hahahahhahah
Whatever happened to a clean T-shirt and jeans?!
Some eyecandy for DSM...
Jeans and tee thats how i be doing it lol... at home bball shorts and a beater......
The eyecandy looks so plain lol....
bump for more dsm tips
so nobody cares that this guy is wearing brown and black and those BLUE asss jeans? is this from a jordache add in 1985 or something??
funny stuff though, I told a friend of mine recently I liked his shoes like this "hey bro, nice shoes!!!" he says "thanks man" I say "yeah, i was about to get the same pair but my quarter got stuck in the machine and the handle didnt turn all the way...bummer"
than I get on him about his little ass feet "damn are those perscription shoes homey?" he doesnt liek this obviously
and I fully agree men should not wear capris, even if they are being made, i mean, phat farm makes cologne too, but it smells like assballs
i buy my jeans at bass pro shop for $5
me too, I ma the tshirt and jeans guy. I wear a snugger fitting tee with some nice (NOT TIGHT) jeans and some brand new white kicks about everyday if not at the office. DKNY and Armani make good fitting durable tees with good prints on them.
Thats why I said that he looks pretty plain lol..... and yeah that look reminded me of the 80's lol.... so not in style right now......
NO thanks dont care much for purple polo shirts, dont kno what seersucker shorts are, boat shoes are for grampas so yeah..... nope that wouldnt be me lol.....
Ill stay with my blue, green, black, grey polo shirts.... my button down short and long sleeve shirts and my levis 501 and my plain white nike air force ones.
WTf lool....... never even heard of purple label before ....... personally dont care for all that uppity shit...... dont like to be someone i am not....
PJs are cool when you leave the gym lol... well since I work out at night.... that way you get home and go right to sleep lol.
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