9 weeks of a strict lean bulking, I added 7lbs and gained 1% bf. I'm currently at 200lbs 9% bf. not too bad for a bulking diet..
I forgot to mention, since your currently on a cutting diet and will start ramping up your carbs and pro intakes, DONT up your calories all in one day. meaning work up your way to your new desired needed dialy calorie. that way you wont add a significant fat like what i did when i switched fron cutting to lean bulking..
about adding natty pb to your CC, thats a very good idea easpecially in your before bed meal. what I do as my last meal is;
- 150g cottage cheese
- 2 tablespoons natty peanut butter
- 1 scope whey protein
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2 packs splenda
- 3 pieces blackberries
blend all in a plate and put in the freezer for 10 mins then eat with a spoon. damn taste so good. its like a cheat meal everyday, lol.