I just pulled together everything I need for a cycle. I chose test p due to I read that it causes less bloating. I was reading a thread yesterday where a member said that the pain from a test p injection was crazy. Is this true?
I just pulled together everything I need for a cycle. I chose test p due to I read that it causes less bloating. I was reading a thread yesterday where a member said that the pain from a test p injection was crazy. Is this true?
hey dude, i hit porp and test e and i just hit it on my ass for ten weeks, the 1st and 2nd week it was a bit sore but then i got use to it, but i notice i had pain wen that are got cold, a warm shower helped me, just keeping it warm.
mr. wizard, test p soreness is mostly due to injecting into virgin muscles for the first time. However, test p injections could be painful (or more precisely, muscle soreness could be painful) depending on bacterial levels in the solution itself. Most advanced users cut their test p with oils to ease the pain when on test p cycles.
Is "Test P. Cream" a myth like the yeti or bigfoot?
read this it might help http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=358386
I am week two of prop ed 75mg and the first week was pretty tuff. I understood that prop had the potiental to hurt like hell so I was ready. This is my experience. What ever I inject starts to feel sore after about 10 hours. Within 2 days I l feel like I have a deep muscle bruise. There are no visual signs of bruising but it feels like it. This is my 10th day and I already able to better tolerate the injections, not as much pain and mentally.
just remember no pain no gain!
I jumpstarted my current cycle with Prop (100mg EOD) and the pain was minor, very maneagable. Compared to the pain I experienced from T400, it was a walk in the park
depends on the lab and recipe
at worst, cut it with sterile oil
this is not true for me. I know it gets said a lot but the time I ran prop by itself @ 600mg/week I blew up like a ballon. My diet was beer and pizza. and that is what it comes down to for most. if your diet is crap you will bloat. my diet is tight now and I can run a gram/week of test enan w/ 100mg/day of anadrol w/o any bloat.
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