Later Mex... Get lucky.
alright. gotta find some hot water
oh, you can edit that out now to avoid trouble
still didnt find any hot water. going to the other office.
Good evening whores!
sup voland?
2 more hours then i'm supposed to be leaving to help a friend with a job. get to scrape acoustic off a ceiling today woohoo LOL. i'll leave the texturing to him, don't wanna do it all for him
hello Voland
I've just came back from seeing this 3:10 movie.
Whats going on in whoreland?
i should probably go grout the tile i set yesterday but fukk i feel lazy
Yep. I give the movie a 6.5.
The ending....mmm...could have been better.
fukk man i wish we got rain here lol
new page!
so dukkit when should I call that hott chick I met on Wednesday? I txted her yesterday, we got really drunk so I said "work was no fun today" she txted back "I slept til noon gags"
Not sure what my next move should be. She has the loser bf that she doesn't like so I don't want to wait too long and let him wezel his way back in there.
Normally one would wait, but it's Friday night tonight, and you can't risk sleazy weasel xboyfriend making a move. Invite her out.
send a text and ask her how her weekend looks. wait for her reply, if she doesnt have anything going on at some point. just put it out there if she would like to meet up for some coffee or breakfast. or catch a movie. something simple and that can also be taken as a thing friends would do. since you dont know exactly where you stand yet
im the type that makes plans with chicks ahead of time. in that respect my view will be different from yours. like you dont have plans this weekend (at least not with girls) so dont wait till sat and ask her if she wants to do something. this day in age...ppl do things. so most likely she'll be busy. so youll be left sitting on your hands till then go numb and then jackin it.
text her today. for the weekend.
i wouldnt be worried about the b/f. obviously he wont last long. even if he gets in her good graces, it wont last. all you have to do is convince her to come out. and then you have your chance to put that distance between him and her. even if he weasels back in. he wont be in, in. cuz she will be hesitant cuz she knows hes a loser. and dont let her go without thinkin of you for to long. like 1 text a day, just sayin hi, how is your day. that will keep her mind on you, and off him
I want to have sex with her really bad...goddam her bf for catching us out at the bar together.
you forget that there are 24 hours in a day. you dont have to take a girl out fri and sat nights. in fact... i never do. for one i dont go to bars and such. truthfully.. my dates are the bookstores, cafes, movies, pool. and so on. and those things you can do anytime of day.
im going to miss the game of dating if i do settle down
cant wait to teach my son all i know
What if you have a daughter, dukki?
no worries, I firgure you'll only stay married long enough to pump out some kids...then you'll be back to the dating scene.
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