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Thread: Review my 2nd cycle

  1. #1

    Question Review my 2nd cycle

    My 1st first cycle (Feb 23 - April 23) was 250 Deca, 250 Test E, Dbol (accompanied with creatine, gainer, aminos). Lasted 8 weeks, and with HCG/Nolva PCT I kept 50% of my gains, assuming much was water from Dbol, had huge bloat, pumped.

    My 2nd cycle now as of September 3 (November 3 planned) is 250 Deca, 500 Test E. Without Dbol and supplements however. I am 25, height 190cm = 6"4(was 5"4 before cycle j/k)

    1st cycle results:

    Weight (before cycle -> end of cycle -> 3 months later)
    Pounds: 166 -> 190 -> 180
    Kilos: 75.5 -> 86.5 -> 81.5
    No significant difference in fat

    2nd cycle (current) started at 81.5 as of September 3 with weekly shots of:
    Test E 250 / Deca 250 / Test E 250 (monday/wednesday/friday). Now after 2 weeks I weigh 85.5 (188.1), no bloat

    Current diet is restricted by my heavy work/life schedule, such is my diet:

    09:00 Bowl of oats mixed with banana, honey, milk, 2 eggs
    11:00 Bagel (big one)
    13:00 Pasta, chicken 150g, salad, 2 eggs, chicken soup
    16:00 Cottage cheese 175g
    20:00 Rice, Tuna 300g, salad (go to gym)
    11:00 Pasta, Tuna 300g, salad (right after gym)
    01:00 2 potatoes, beef 150g (before I sleep)

    So what does this look like? (the only picture I have at office PC, 5 months old)
    Last edited by termostat; 09-18-2008 at 10:33 AM.

  2. #2
    is that photo after ur first cycle?

  3. #3
    Yes, that is correct. And it is pretty much what I look like now (1/3 of cycle)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Where to start:

    -first cycle was onyl 8 weeks? What a waste test e and deca take 4-6 weeks to fully peak
    -You started cycling at 6'4 166lbs my god your diet and training must suck
    Test E 250 / Deca 250 / Test E 250 (monday/wednesday/friday). Now after 2 weeks I weigh 85.5 (188.1), no bloat
    -Terrible injection schedule your test levels will be fluctuating, you should have been injecting both twice per week spaced 3.5 days apart.
    Current diet is restricted by my heavy work/life schedule, such is my diet:
    Then forget steroids if you cant make the effort to eat then dont waste time and money on steroids. I work 47-50 hours a week and still manage to chow down some chicken breast and sweet potatoe every 2 or 2.5 hours. Diet is so off there is no point in giving you any other advice on steroids.

  5. #5
    please elaborate why is diet "so off"?
    I've seen many 2 month long cycles promoted here on forums which included deca/test e/p

    "hen forget steroids if you cant make the effort to eat" you sound like a bandwagon flame troll who hasn't even understood my post amigo

    "stop cycle because life is hard" doesn't look logical neither constructive to me

    How on earth can test levels fluctuate when they are injected Monday 250mg & Friday 250mg - 3.5 days... it is. If you can spread it better please enlighten.

    So again what's wrong in my diet? It was arranged few months ago to be close to what perfectbeast told me (with respect to my financial situation). I take about 250g of protein, and most meals are accompanied with full carbs, fat being cheese, olive oil, fish oil.

    I am very eager to hear anything to improve my schedule (no turning back). Those with "kid eat more! lift hard!" gang can skip this topic.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    "hen forget steroids if you cant make the effort to eat" you sound like a bandwagon flame troll who hasn't even understood my post amigo
    I`m not flaming im telling you the truth.
    Your diet has a huge problems
    -A bagel does not constitue a meal
    09:00 Bowl of oats mixed with banana, honey, milk, 2 eggs
    -Drop the honey, add 4-5 egg whites to this breakfast
    20:00 Rice, Tuna 300g, salad (go to gym)
    -White rice? its a no no
    01:00 2 potatoes, beef 150g (before I sleep)
    Why the hell would you eat 2 potatoes before bed? also you should eat sweet potatos instead.

    The injection scedule is just messed up in that you should inject the deca and test at the same time it was my bad I guess on the test fluctuating.

    I am very eager to hear anything to improve my schedule (no turning back). Those with "kid eat more! lift hard!" gang can skip this topic.
    You do need to eat more....... You are arrogant and need to listen to people you are very small for your height and it is primarily because of diet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    've seen many 2 month long cycles promoted here on forums which included deca/test e/p
    just because people do that doesnt mean you should, use short esters and inejct ed if you want an 8 week cycle Get test prop and npp.

    "stop cycle because life is hard" doesn't look logical neither constructive to me
    I never said stop I just said why bother if you arent doing it right.

  8. #8
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by termostat View Post
    My 1st first cycle (Feb 23 - April 23) was 250 Deca, 250 Test E, Dbol (accompanied with creatine, gainer, aminos). Lasted 8 weeks, and with HCG/Nolva PCT I kept 50% of my gains, assuming much was water from Dbol, had huge bloat, pumped.

    My 2nd cycle now as of September 3 (November 3 planned) is 250 Deca, 500 Test E. Without Dbol and supplements however. I am 25, height 190cm = 6"4(was 5"4 before cycle j/k)

    1st cycle results:

    Weight (before cycle -> end of cycle -> 3 months later)
    Pounds: 166 -> 190 -> 180
    Kilos: 75.5 -> 86.5 -> 81.5
    No significant difference in fat

    2nd cycle (current) started at 81.5 as of September 3 with weekly shots of:
    Test E 250 / Deca 250 / Test E 250 (monday/wednesday/friday). Now after 2 weeks I weigh 85.5 (188.1), no bloat

    Current diet is restricted by my heavy work/life schedule, such is my diet:

    09:00 Bowl of oats mixed with banana, honey, milk, 2 eggs
    11:00 Bagel (big one)
    13:00 Pasta, chicken 150g, salad, 2 eggs, chicken soup
    16:00 Cottage cheese 175g
    20:00 Rice, Tuna 300g, salad (go to gym)
    11:00 Pasta, Tuna 300g, salad (right after gym)
    01:00 2 potatoes, beef 150g (before I sleep)

    So what does this look like? (the only picture I have at office PC, 5 months old)
    Heres my 2 cents worth....The test dosage is fine but a Monday and Thursday would be better....I think the deca is dosed too low....I wouldn't shoot anything less than 500 mg's of deca per if you can get more..then better...just combine in the same needle as the test for fewer injections...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    agreed^^^you could make better choices, but don't get all upset and mad at people's opinions since you are asking advice. people on here will help you out.

  10. #10
    How necessary is it to add +250 deca? Please explain. If so I will make

    Monday 250 deca / 250 test E (mixed in 1 needle/injection right?)
    Thursday 250 deca / 250 test E (mixed in 1 needle/injection?)

    Just added some more protein in my diet accprdomg advices that were given.

    Btw should I restrict my carbs? I'm a little afraid of growing the belly & side-belly that I am genetically reluctant to get.

    I also do 500 iu HCG every 5 days to keep balls going (altho I never had any shrinking in 1st cycle except AFTER 8 weeks, maybe deca just kicked in then?). I also have sex every day to be on safe side

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Thats a pretty crummy diet IMO.

    That was a horrible injection schedule you did have...

    And yeah the Deca is doses low.

    I would just do 200mg every 3.5 days though.

    Of course i would never do Deca... hehe

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I would not restrict carbs if I were you. Also HCG through the whole cycle is over kill imo but to each his own. Other than that the injections will work better now the way you have it laid out.

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