Age: 22
Cycle History:
Cycle #1 Test E 500mg weeks 1-12
Clomid/ Nolva
Not really any side effects. But I did get minor acne from the clomid and mild mood swings.
Cycle #2 Test E 500mg weeks 1-15
Tren A 50mg ED weeks 2-9
PCT was not sent to me and was not done right. I suffered bad acne and really low natty test levels for the next 7 months.
I have been off 2 years and I am in shape and have been dieting and training for properly.
Gain 20lbs of lean mass and keep as much as possible.
Proposed Cycle
Weeks 1-7 Prop 75mg ED On Hand
Liquidex (from AR-R) .25 mg ED
Proposed PCT
Days 1-50 Tamox (from AR-R) 20mg ED
Days 1-28 Clomid (from AR-R) Days 1-14 100mg ED, Days 15-28 50mg ED
My only question is if clomid is beneficial for me to add in along with tamox? I would have liked to run proviron or aromasin but I dont have those available to me.
Any comments or corrections would be greatly appreciated.