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Thread: lets keep it simple =-).....Some help please

  1. #1

    lets keep it simple =-).....Some help please

    Hello all..

    LONG TIME READER!!...And now I decided I needed a bit of help in getting some muscle mass on these dam bones!! But I just cant seem to put all the pieces of the puzzle together!!

    My question is..I wanna keep it simple and light..That means I want a light light PH or strong natural test booster,But I dont want to be running the complicated cycles some people do..Since Im not as hardcore as 99% of people on here lol...I was thinking of taking something simple (oral of course) like maybe propadrol or something like that...

    MY question is what do you guys recomend? what to take with it and such..I know this is prob a bitch thread compared to alot but I just wanna keep it light and make some good gains since it will also be my first and prob only cycle...

    thanks alot means alot for the help!

    BtW,my labido is high..lets keep it that way =-)

  2. #2
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    And if you arent ready to inject you arent ready for AAS...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    yo momas house
    search 'oral only' for good reasons why its a bad idea

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I think the cycle that's least harsh on a person is basically just tbol for about a month on with nolva as pct for another month. Never tried it myself but I see a lot of newbs settling for it and they make small but quality gains. 5-10lbs solid muscle depending on dosage and cycle length of course. But really injections is the way to go as MR_T is onto.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake Hotel View Post
    I think the cycle that's least harsh on a person is basically just tbol for about a month on with nolva as pct for another month. Never tried it myself but I see a lot of newbs settling for it and they make small but quality gains. 5-10lbs solid muscle depending on dosage and cycle length of course. But really injections is the way to go as MR_T is onto.
    5-10 of solid muscle dude... that's some insane gains in a month...

  6. #6

    Cant post in my last thread idk why..But "lets keep it simple V2" needed please

    For some reason my account is not letting me post reply in my last thread so Ill make a new one..

    I asked that I would like to take something mild and not as serious to get some gains..I didnt realuze I left out so much info so ill do that now

    -19 years old
    -few years of lifting
    -My workouts always consist of 4-5 sets with high reps..I seem to not get responses when going lower than 8.Right now my split is like most 8-12 reps but some range in the 10-12..I do one body part a day a week and do them proper
    -My diet is not counting calories and such but I eat clean and constantly..I try to get 2-3 shakes a days,pasta with chicken post workout always..Oatmeal eggs,Whole wheat...I eat clean and also since Im living at home I have to lean more to what my mom cooks.But its wholefoods..Good clean home made foods..(spanish so mostly everything is made from nothing!_
    -What Do I want? Size.I want good clean size.I dont want to blow up but would love to put on a few more pounds of muscle..I will then lean out if I havent done so in my cycle
    -stats...5"9" 173 pounds wet BF is roughlt double digits but LOW double..Need to get that checked

    Reason for only wanting oral? I think that for one cycle oral wont be bad..If I were to get into this hardcore then I would start injecting but I would like something that I dont need needles and such since this is and prob will be my only cycle.Just enough to get me over that bump im encountering!.

    I was thinking something mild that requires a small pct..Maybe propadrol with some aplitude for pct...

    knowledge? Alot but its a mess.I read and read but I read and take in so much that I cant buffer it and comprehend it..I need to learn that its teh quality of what I read not the quanity...

    Im mature and plan on doing this right..I have alot fo friends who take m-drol h-drol deca and such and all I see if bitch tits,acne,freaks...Im not like them I want to do this right and mature..So any help is welcome..

    THANKS..Also why cant I post in my last thread?!!

  7. #7
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    And if you arent ready to inject you arent ready for AAS...

    You are WAY too small, and too young for AAS bro...

    Read this...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bernimx View Post
    5-10 of solid muscle dude... that's some insane gains in a month...
    Nah you got it mixed up there. I said, one mild cycle is tbol for a month. New sentence: Depending on dose and cycle length, gains may be 5-10lbs. I.e., shorter cycle = closer to 5lbs, longer cycle = closer to 10.

  9. #9
    hey I posted alot of the answers to your questions up there..
    I feel injecting is to drastic for a beginner like myself.

    And dude..I eat..My diet when it comes to eating is there!.I eat clean but I eat alot...I might sound like an avergag noob but I eat and eat..I keep getting "your getting bigger,husky ect."..Im eating!!!!

  10. #10
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    My recommendation, again, would be tbol. 40mg ed for a month, followed by one month of pct on nolva 20mg ed.

  11. #11
    didnt see ur other post in the other thread..Sorry..

  12. #12
    can I ask what the ED stand for?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by letskeepitr View Post
    can I ask what the ED stand for?
    Every day. In other words, 40mg turinabol daily for a month.

  14. #14
    thanks..I was looking into maybe some bold or 3AD

  15. #15
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    Go for injections man. I used to think about just doing orals but honestly if your gonna do it... DO IT. I probably wanted to do orals for different reasons (hated needles) but after the first injection ITS CAKE. Research it more til you feel more comfortable.

    If you just wanted to get your feet wet a 12 week cycle of Test would do you fine but must warn, once you start you'll be hooked

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by letskeepitr View Post
    thanks..I was looking into maybe some bold or 3AD
    Bold as in boldenone? Sure, but it's not an oral steroid.

    3AD? Keep it simple, do tbol. You'll find plenty of other cycles with it, and it's accessible.

  17. #17
    thats something I didnt wanna add...I cant inject myself let alone be injected..I cant overcome the fear of needles...

  18. #18
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    dawg i knew it without you even saying it, i was the same way, but i seriously look forward to them now. ITS CAKE after the first one. It not bad at all.....

  19. #19
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    as weird as it sounds.... i look forward to shot days!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by viciousANDdelicious View Post
    dawg i knew it without you even saying it, i was the same way, but i seriously look forward to them now. ITS CAKE after the first one. It not bad at all.....
    Yup I agree completely with this.

  21. #21
    well I just looked into some tbol..People report getting nice slow gains..Not just blowing up...

    I will one day bring my self to injecting but I think thats seriously TO drastice for me right now...please bare with me lol...Opinions on Tbol? anyone have logs on here? side affects? PCT?

  22. #22
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    the best thing about this website is there is a plethora of information everywhere you look. rather then asking just go search it and start reading.....

  23. #23
    Thanks alot!!!!

  24. #24
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    I merged your two similar threads so you won't have to check both for responses.

  25. #25
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    I know i will prob get slammed for this but:
    I think you need a few more years on you and a bit more size before starting on AAS, get the most naturally before starting to juice, you have a lot of time.


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter View Post
    I know i will prob get slammed for this but:
    I think you need a few more years on you and a bit more size before starting on AAS, get the most naturally before starting to juice, you have a lot of time.

    no slam here, if people only knew that even when recovery of natural test levels are acheived back to normal that they now have to live the rest of their life with a less responsive body to lifting or any exercise, they probably wouldn't do it.

  27. #27
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    actually, this should be in the supplement forum..

    if you want to just boost test.. there are many things that will get you there..
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