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Thread: Dianabol Only Cycle

  1. #1

    Dianabol Only Cycle

    Hey I was thinking about doing a dianabol only cycle and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I'm planning on doing the 14 days on and 14 days off. Would I need any PCT or am I fine? I wanted to work with 10-15 mg. I am around 165 pounds and about 5'7. I have done a turanabol only cycle and went from 155 pounds to 166 pounds in only 3 weeks, but I am looking to gain more size and strength. Can anybody give me any recommendations.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Louisiana. Source checks
    Welcome to AR...

    Can we get more stats from you? Age, workout hx.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Louisiana. Source checks
    And you obviously need to stick around here and research before starting and other cycle, be it oral or injectable.

    I am not flaming you, because that isn't allowed on this board but I don't believe your results of the 1st cycle you say did.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Dianabol only stacks are the pits..
    nothing worse than gaining 9 kilos after 150 tabs and losing it again in 2 months.
    Dbol is a good kickstart but shouldnt be used on its own.
    ive done one of these
    180 tabs i went from 82 to 97 eating and sleeping right every week after that i lost at least a kilo. then a month later when ur training ull notice that the only way ull see the same size as when u were on the stack is when ur at the gym. when u leave its gone.
    injection is perfection.
    ur liver will thank you

  5. #5
    yeah i'm kinda a newbie here, i'll admit that. pretty i've been taking turanabol for about 3 months and have noticed that within 3 weeks it has given me the weight that i want but not the size that i want. i'm just looking to bulk up really fast and i'll cut up from there. but my main objective is bulking. i've increased my protein intake to 1.5g/lb and also increased my caloric intake to about 3k-3.5k cal/day. My intensity is really hard, I push to failure all the time, but just have a hard time gaining weight. I am stronger than a lot of people here(hawaii) at the gym, but just remain smaller than them. The strength is there and is achievable but size gains is what I am looking for.

  6. #6
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    3000 cals isnt enough to grow bro....

    Youre too small to be cycling anyway... You have plenty of room to grow naturally!

    Dbol only cycles suck IMO. Especialy the way you wanna run it... 2 weeks on 2 weeks off at 10mgs? Wtf? What have you been reading? Thats not enough for a bridge!

    If you dont like injections, then AAS are not for you...

    I can tell your diet needs work just from you saying how big you are and saying you only intake 3k cals a day...

    Give us these stats


    diet summary/# meals per day (I want to see a FULL MEAL PLAN! Include a regular days diet with marcos and/or how much the food weighs. I DONT wanna see "I eat 5 times a day and get plenty of protein.")

    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)
    Last edited by WARMachine; 09-22-2008 at 12:45 AM.

  7. #7
    age-19...yeah i know pretty young
    weight-166 pounds(as of right now)

    Diet summary-I'll provide you with one a.s.a.p. i promise

    years lifting-6-I used to lift with bryan clay and train with him as I was a sprinter in track. I work out about 4 days a week using Jay Cutler's current on season method.

    I don't have much experience with cycles but my main goal is just to bulk up and I will gladly do the cutting on my own. But other than that I just have tried out turanabol and got some awesome results from it with weight gain. 11 pounds in 3 weeks is great I would love to get to about 180 by the end of the year or actually late january.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Thats not answering all my questions bro...

    But im telling you right now you have a diet problem...

    You are WAY too young and too small to be cycling IMO.

    You have plenty of room to grow natually...

    Lets see the diet...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    And you obviously need to stick around here and research before starting and other cycle, be it oral or injectable.

    I am not flaming you, because that isn't allowed on this board but I don't believe your results of the 1st cycle you say did.
    It's not very unbelievable, the dude simply ate more food during the cycle and therefore he gained a lot. Some was thanks to tbol, but much was from eating better. You know how it goes

    To the thread starter, I'd say 10-15mg 2 weeks on 2w off is not enough. 15-20mg ed with excellent food for 6 weeks would give you good results. That's a low dose that'll give you a boost, not build muscle for you. No use in going too high.

  10. #10
    say i did that dose drake hotel, would i need any pct or anything else or would it be safe to take it at 15-20mg/day?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    pct would still be necessary

  12. #12
    what would you recommend for pct?

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
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    You are definitely too young, and your diet is obviously sub-par, but if there is no changing your mind look into tbol or anavar, far superior to dbol for a oral only cycle.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    You are definitely too young, and your diet is obviously sub-par, but if there is no changing your mind look into tbol or anavar, far superior than dbol for a oral only cycle.
    agreed. listen to the man, he knows his stuff.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    agreed. listen to the man, he knows his stuff.

    though i'd still like to see your diet before you cycle

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by islandsaint808 View Post
    say i did that dose drake hotel, would i need any pct or anything else or would it be safe to take it at 15-20mg/day?
    Always use pct, regardless of cycle strength and length. I'd go with a standard pct on clomid and/or nolva. It's really not rocket science.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by islandsaint808 View Post
    . Can anybody give me any recommendations.
    Stop using the new thread button and start using the search button.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I dont think there is anything wrong with a dbol only cycle... I ran one back in the day and gained 25 lbs and kept about 15 lbs.. It will deff help you bulk cuz it will make your appetite go threw the roof! At least it did that for me but everyone is different.

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