i want my dungeon back.
that sucks, the swings at my old elementary school were huge, or at least they seemed huged at the time. An adult could easily use them and you could swing wicked high. so fun. the rest of the playground equipment was pretty dangerous too. Merry go round big enough to create g forces enough to throw people off. Monkey bars we're deadly, railroad ties, stuff like that.
ruhls computer just died
bummer for him
oh shit. just broke 10,700
Ernst you are more than welcome to come along if you want this weekend... trust me the drinks are good at badland sand at jet. LEt me know if you are down to come down for some drinks and shit. My straight female friend is coming along with me for this trip. So you wont be the only straight on there lol
i could clean my house, but i'm feeling pretty lazy today
this lecture is never ending. i'm ready to go, but she is milking this garbage.
Hello there Katz so how long is it going to take for your ne shades to be done?
i been stuck on texas hold em on myspace for the past 3 days LOL
Well hello there dukki cant say hi anymore.
enjoy it. just lay around, maybe check out www.watch-movies.net
i love lazy days, rest, rest, rest...
Don't be so greedy.
A dollar's a penny to you
When hearts are beating
Say what you want 'em to do.
Wasting away... I see you.
When the top of the world falls on you
Finally a day, don't wanna be you.
When the top of the world falls on you
Cool. Thanks for the offer. Will definitely consider it. Cute female friend? Unfortunately for me when it comes to girls and clubs I suffer from white mans disease-- the number one killer of rythm. Despite being a drummer and loving club music I can't dance to save my life. Takes quite a bit of tequila to get me on the dance floor. I do better in dive bars at a pool table.
bro happy hour 2X1 drinks any drink even tequlia shots are the best.... you will definatly will good to dance by three sets of those lmfao.
I will pm you my number so you can hit me up if you are down to hit it up with us we are a happy crowd and no drama is ever accecpted in our party mode.
She is good looking to me .... she is Japenese and German I think but she looks full on japense she is married though so I dont know if you will get lucky there mister.
i shaved my whole body this weekend
travel chicked enjoyed every inch of me
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