yawn.....Evening ho's how goes it?
my squats were low tonight too, I bitched at this little high school football player to get back to the flat bench, cause that's what high school football players do. Then complained about his squats not going low enough. He's a cocky annoying little sob. So anyway, he stood behind me the whole time making sure I went lower than he did.
Kratos I was thinking of that 10 week cycle and throwing in some Proviron (75mg) to bridge between this upcoming cycle and the contest one. I'll do a PCT but I understand that dose of Proviron will not interfere with getting my HPTA back functioning, even it is only for 6 weeks.
Sup Nova, oneshot, and AJ
same ole shit ya know. i could really go for a thigh massage right now.
Practice kill you today.
what's your first cycle gonna be?
Question for you boys??? do you think in your opinion, If i ran 3 miles a day or HIIT for 3 miles a day except leg days, that it would totally speed up the process of me getting leaner im currently 13-14% BF i think from the guesses you all have gave me. just wanted some opinion
wk 1-10: Prop 50 mg ed (thats all I got)
wk 1-3: dbol 30 mg ed (all I got as well)
wk8-11: Havoc 30mg ed- This was suggested by a mod to use a compound that will help lean me out and this one my choice as I understand it adds b/w10-15 lbs of solid muscle and its also slighty anti-estrogenic. Like superdrol but far far less sides
Then bridged together with Nolva/Aromasin 4 weeks and Proviron 6 weeks into my contest cycle
In Rhode Island those places are psudo legal
They give you the best massage you've ever had in your life
flip you over, massage the front of your legs and work their way up
next thing you know you got a diamond cutter in your pants
and they say "is there anything else I can take care of for you?"
and you point to your dick and say "yeah, this."
I haven't gone, but know people who have
Yes I realize its weak but thats the best I can do with what is givin to me.
What would you think would be the least amount of time b/w a cycle. 8 weeks It would be the first time ever running anything so close together and I start to lose that ripped up retarded look when I come off. I still maintain size but it isn't that roided up look, know what I mean. Remember this is competitive purposes and the general rules of steroid usage really don't apply. Like time on+ pct= time off. That aint happening with any top competitor
Last edited by Reed; 10-14-2008 at 10:15 PM.
i would love to do autopsies all day
well this will some it up. today i ran a mile in 8mins this was the 1st straight mile i have ever ran in my life, i'd same im in the best shape I myself have ever been in.
^^^^so what daya think boys 3miles ED except rest and leg days=Shredded
I think there doing it for health reasons like we do cause after a while shit will start messing with your kidneys, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. Especially tren.
Here look at this, I think this is fvcking crazy with Phil Heath. He did the Arnold in March in the first picture the second picture is 22 weeks out from the Olympia and he looked like he lost size then at the Olympia he looks retarded.
Thats why I wanted to use tren at first during the beginning of the contest diet cause I know Ill still gain up until probably 8-6 weeks out. At least thats want some competitors told me. You make a lot of gains in the first 8 weeks of your contest prep
i run a 5:32 mile
these people wanting to give birth without pain killers are nuts
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