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Thread: Ask the Exercise Scientist

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    Uhhh I've been like shitting dark green idea why...what might cause this?
    red food coloring....

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    what the hell are these "forearm splints" they feel like shin splints but in my forearms. Hurts to curl anything in a supinated position and it is hard to release the bar.
    Forearm splints are kinda of a catch all term for pain in the lower arms when doing such things as arm curls. Like shin splints it is cause by inflammation of the connective tissue of the arm. For some it is the inflammation of the interosseous membrane that is between the radius and the ulna. Usually there is no nerve involvement but there can be in severe cases. This is not the same thing as carpel tunnel syndrome. Which is compression of the median nerve due to decreased space under the flexor retinaculum.

    In other causes it is the fascia of one of the forearm flexor muscles being inflamed due to chronic stress. In most cases simple rest and ice therapy can help alleviate the symptoms. There are severe cases where someone actually tears these fascial coverings and may need surgical intervention to resolve.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 03-25-2009 at 12:19 AM.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Are you born gay or is it a choice ?

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    Uhhh I've been like shitting dark green idea why...what might cause this?
    There are a plethora of causes that can cause the poop to turn green, food additives, iron supplements, even lots of greens in the diet can have an effect.

    Often what happens in this instance is that the food stuff travels through the intestines to fast. One cause is activation of Adenylate cyclase by either infection, supplements or drugs. For example ephedra works on the this system and eventually causes the increase in enteric motility.

    In any case the decrease in time that the food stuff is in the Intestinal tract causes bile that is secreted into the duodenum (which is the first part of the small intestine just after the stomach) to turn the poop green. Bile is green in color, decreased transit time causes the bile to not be diluted and reabsorbed by the intestinal tract before it is excreted.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 03-25-2009 at 12:20 AM.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Are you born gay or is it a choice ?
    Do you seriously want me to answer that or are you joking around???

  6. #126
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Do you seriously want me to answer that or are you joking around???
    lol Depends, is it going to be based on your opinion or a copy paste from somewhere ?

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    lol Depends, is it going to be based on your opinion or a copy paste from somewhere ?
    Well nothing I post about is really my opinion per say at least scientifically speaking, unless it is politically related.

    I can give you the current thinking (scientific community) on the subject if thats what your after. As far as the social and religious views I will not speak on that.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Well nothing I post about is really my opinion per say at least scientifically speaking, unless it is politically related.

    I can give you the current thinking (scientific community) on the subject if thats what your after. As far as the social and religious views I will not speak on that.
    Naaa i dont need information on what i already know but i wouldn't mind hearing your opinion.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Naaa i dont need information on what i already know but i wouldn't mind hearing your opinion.
    Sure I will send you a PM....

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Oh no that is very very true. Probably the strongest instinct humans have other than eating is to reproduce. Women especially as they get towards the later years of child baring can experience and increase in libido related to the womens body basically telling her that its now or never. A women unlike a man is born with only a certain amount of eggs that is stored in her ovaries. As she sexually matures these eggs as they process through the ovary release sex hormones based on what day the women is in the menstrual cycle. For example a structure called the Corpus Luteum is responsible at one point in ovulation for producing estrogen. This structure is related to the egg and basically is a cyst like structure that forms in the ovary.

    When a female runs out of eggs in her ovaries her sex hormone production is arrested. It is thought that a women has somewhere around 1000 to 3000 eggs at the time of birth.

    I just turned 24 though and feel strange changes in my body, I think more so now than when I reached puberty. I feel like my body is trying to tell me to hurry up and have babies, but of course my mind is nowhere near ready for any of that. It's strange because I've always said that I never want to have a baby and now I feel like my thoughts are shifting, this is just crazy.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    I just turned 24 though and feel strange changes in my body, I think more so now than when I reached puberty. I feel like my body is trying to tell me to hurry up and have babies, but of course my mind is nowhere near ready for any of that. It's strange because I've always said that I never want to have a baby and now I feel like my thoughts are shifting, this is just crazy.
    you know I said the same thing and about a year ago it started to change for me to. I found myself looking at women and thinking to myself that her and I could have great kids together. Instead of oh man i would like to well you know what guys think...LOL

  12. #132
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    did you like my explanation DSM

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    did you like my explanation DSM
    No, i PM'ed you

  14. #134
    Ok, how about this: I remember a few years ago i got really really really drunk and my face was really flush but the area around my eyes was white. what the hell was happening there? i looked like a godamned owl. Note: i have normal bp.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    How can i fool good looking men into thinking they have to let me spot them on squats?
    Lmao convince them to max out every set, then they need a spot! goodluck with that DSM

  16. #136
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    I'm not a guy but DSM can spot me anyday

  17. #137
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    I'm not a guy but DSM can spot me anyday
    We will have to "workout" on a weekend where the b/f is away on business

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Ok, how about this: I remember a few years ago i got really really really drunk and my face was really flush but the area around my eyes was white. what the hell was happening there? i looked like a godamned owl. Note: i have normal bp.
    alcohol causes flushing of the skin. I cant really think of any reason why the orbit of your eyes wouldnt be effected, other than compared to the rest of the face there isnt as much muscle underlying the skin.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsm4life View Post
    we will have to "workout" on a weekend where the b/f is away on business

    love it!!

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post

    love it!!
    hey hey hey, I get to come to.....

  21. #141
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hey what is the explination fo beer shits? Im sure i could find the answer somewhere and I used to know. (saw it on Manswers) but since your an encyclopedia i though id ask for others who may be curious as well.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    Hey what is the explination fo beer shits? Im sure i could find the answer somewhere and I used to know. (saw it on Manswers) but since your an encyclopedia i though id ask for others who may be curious as well.
    beer shits as in the morning after a night of drinking, or beer shits as after you start drinking you have to poo?

  23. #143
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    I'm going to go out on a limb for Fuzz and say the morning

  24. #144
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    The Beer Shit is a phenomenon that occurs the day after a particularly heavy drinking session. Students are particularly vulnerable.

    The 'victim' awakens and spends the first few minutes in a daze, trying desperately to remember where they were last night, when they came back, who they came back with and how they managed to take their jeans off and climb into bed the wrong way round without taking their shoes off. The 'victim' then becomes aware of the irresistable urge to empty their bowels. This process is known as the 'Beer Shit'.

    It is not unusual for the Beer Shit to be stubborn and to insist that the 'victim' empties their bowels at least three times during that day in order to complete the job. The amount of toilet paper required to clean up after each 'mini-Beer Shit' is substantial, as is the stench that fills the house afterwards.

    However, once a particularly nasty Beer Shit has been despensed with, the 'victim' feels infinitely better immediately and is ready to commence alcoholic consumption straight away to start the process again.

    Causes and symptoms
    Diarrhea occurs because more fluid passes through the large intestine (colon) than that organ can absorb. As a rule, the colon can absorb several times more fluid than is required on a daily basis. However, when this reserve capacity is overwhelmed, diarrhea occurs.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 10-26-2008 at 01:45 PM.

  25. #145
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    This is such a broad term but I will attempt to qualify what I can.

    Nasty poos in the morning after a night of drinking are relatively straight forward on what causes them. First off alcohol is a toxic substance so it can cause a host of problems to the cells in the GI tract. It can cause anything form dysfunction to actual death of some cells. One thing for sure is that alcohol effects the cells ability to regulate intake of water both in and out. Water is reabsorbed in the last few parts of the large intestine.

    If these cells are damaged or killed they will not reabsorb water and the stool will become watery and inconsistant. Sometimes the reverse can happen because alcohol can cause the body to become dehydrated and the body will do everything it can to not lose any more water.

    Another factor is that alcohol will also upset the intestine bacteria that normally reside in the GI tract. This can cause a whole host of problems, mostly gas problems. There can also be a film associated with the bowel movements. This is most likely cells and bacteria that was sluft off after being killed by all those shots of Jager....

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    beer shits as in the morning after a night of drinking, or beer shits as after you start drinking you have to poo?
    the morning after.....

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    The Beer Shit is a phenomenon that occurs the day after a particularly heavy drinking session. Students are particularly vulnerable.

    The 'victim' awakens and spends the first few minutes in a daze, trying desperately to remember where they were last night, when they came back, who they came back with and how they managed to take their jeans off and climb into bed the wrong way round without taking their shoes off. The 'victim' then becomes aware of the irresistable urge to empty their bowels. This process is known as the 'Beer Shit'.

    It is not unusual for the Beer Shit to be stubborn and to insist that the 'victim' empties their bowels at least three times during that day in order to complete the job. The amount of toilet paper required to clean up after each 'mini-Beer Shit' is substantial, as is the stench that fills the house afterwards.

    However, once a particularly nasty Beer Shit has been despensed with, the 'victim' feels infinitely better immediately and is ready to commence alcoholic consumption straight away to start the process again.

    Causes and symptoms
    Diarrhea occurs because more fluid passes through the large intestine (colon) than that organ can absorb. As a rule, the colon can absorb several times more fluid than is required on a daily basis. However, when this reserve capacity is overwhelmed, diarrhea occurs.
    thank you kind sir.

  27. #147
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  28. #148
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    Bump for more questions

  29. #149
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    What is the cause of ocular disambiguation such as myodesopsia? What are these structures made of? What are the implications for quality of life of affected patients? And what are some possible treatment outcomes?

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    What is the cause of ocular disambiguation such as myodesopsia? What are these structures made of? What are the implications for quality of life of affected patients? And what are some possible treatment outcomes?
    I am pretty sure you already know the answer to that question....LOL

    But for those who dont, the most common cause of myodesopsia(floaters in vision) is vitreous syneresis (spelling?) which is basically the degradation of the vitreous humour causing the fluid in the eye to become more viscous causing collagen to percipitate out of solution and cause the floaters that the patient sees. As far as I know in this type there isnt much that can be done.
    This is more of question that is best answered by and MD or OD.

    To make this question exercise related, none of the exercise organizations consider it a contra-indication to exercise.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 03-25-2009 at 12:22 AM.

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I am pretty sure you already know the answer to that question....LOL

    But for those who dont, the most common cause of myodesopsia(floaters in vision) is vitreous syneresis (spelling?) which is basically the degradation of the vitreous humour causing the fluid in the eye to become more viscous causing collagen to percipitate out of solution and cause the floaters that the patient sees. As far as I know in this type there isnt much that can be done.
    This is more of question that is best answered by and MD or OD.

    To make this question exercise related, none of the exercise organizations consider it a contra-indication to exercise.
    Well, since I'm affected by this. The MDs and ODs that have counseled me have strongly advised against heavy weight lifting. They were suggesting that the straining and increase in BP during lifts could exacerbate symptoms and cause new floaters. I got them pretty bad as a result of an eye injury (metal in cornea).

    There are two well known invasive methods, which involve replacing the vitreous fluid with an artificial fluid. However, in 99.99% of cases the risks severely outweigh any possible rewards as far as quality of life is concerned. Most notable are the chance of severe infection, retinal detachment, and blindness.

    There is one non-invasive method that involves using a laser to break up the pieces of the floaters into somewhat less noticeable "chunks."

    None of the 3 sound pleasent to me, so for now I deal with them. One thing I've found that does exacerbate symptoms are very light colored walls, such as white or cream, and overcast days are particularly annoying as far as driving. I think that this problem is actually under diagnosed, as most people probably just deal with it.

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Well, since I'm affected by this. The MDs and ODs that have counseled me have strongly advised against heavy weight lifting. They were suggesting that the straining and increase in BP during lifts could exacerbate symptoms and cause new floaters. I got them pretty bad as a result of an eye injury (metal in cornea).

    There are two well known invasive methods, which involve replacing the vitreous fluid with an artificial fluid. However, in 99.99% of cases the risks severely outweigh any possible rewards as far as quality of life is concerned. Most notable are the chance of severe infection, retinal detachment, and blindness.

    There is one non-invasive method that involves using a laser to break up the pieces of the floaters into somewhat less noticeable "chunks."

    None of the 3 sound pleasent to me, so for now I deal with them. One thing I've found that does exacerbate symptoms are very light colored walls, such as white or cream, and overcast days are particularly annoying as far as driving. I think that this problem is actually under diagnosed, as most people probably just deal with it.
    Oh, you have the type that is caused by retinal detachment (posterior vitreous detachment) is that right.

    As far as that goes there is some contra-indications the same as traumatic retinal detachment. However as long as you do not perform valsalva when lifting ocular pressure really shouldnt be increased to extreme levels that could cause pathology.

    Sorry if I sounded in-sensitive I assumed you were asking because your studying for the MCAT.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 03-25-2009 at 12:23 AM.

  33. #153
    that sounds like a good idea

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Oh, you have the type that is caused by retinal detachment (posterior vitreous detachment) is that right.

    As far as that goes there is some contra-indications the same as traumatic retinal detachment. However as long as you do not perform valsalva when lifting ocular pressure really shouldnt be increased to extreme levels that could cause pathology.

    Sorry if I sounded in-sensitive I assumed you were asking because your studying for the MCAT.
    No its fine I just wanted to discuss it further. It might be something that people on the board experience at one time or another.

    No mine was not caused by any retinal detachment, my retina was in great shape after the injury. Simply put any amount of trauma to the eye can cause vitreous floaters. I had very small ones when I was younger (that would be congenital myodesopia). So the fact that I had a significant amount of trauma to the eye (the doc ended up digging out the metal with a 25g syringe) only made it much much worse.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    You cant if you have consumed a large amount of a fish called the escolar fish. It causes a condition called keriorrhoea. This conditions is caused by the waxy nature of the fish's diet which is naturally high in waxy esters that can not be digested by the fish or by humans. This wax is stored in the muscle of the fish and when large amounts of this fish are consumed it causes the wax to pool in the rectum. The wax is oily and can accidently be "farted," out when trying to pass gas. This can appear as a yellow orange oil in the stool.

    Hope this helps

    Wow this happened to me about a month ago, it looked like pizza grease came out my ass, although I didn't eat any of the fish you mentioned. For 3-4 days I was afraid to fart because of this

  36. #156
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    I don't have an exercise related question, but I think you can solve this no problem. Ok, scenario.

    Patient is a 30 year old female. She's lost weight, 140 down to 112 in a year. She's suffering from Chronic Pancreatits and Secondary Alcoholism. Using the Harris Benedict equation, what should her daily caloric intake be (for her current weight), also take into account how much the stress factor is when determining her caloric needs. Calculate her protein needs too.

  37. #157
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    Louisiana. Source checks
    I had a S.L.A.P(superior labrum anterior posteroir) repair on Sept. 10th. I have been in PT for 5 weeks and everything is going great. But, the hand, on the same arm I had surgery, has begun to shake/quiver, when I extend the arm, and gets worse if I start to close the hand. No trauma of any sort and no pain. Is this caused by some muscle atrophy of the forearm or weakness in the shoulder or both? Also, after therapy, they place ice on the shoulder for 10 minutes and sometimes a stimulation unit. What are the benefits of each? Thanks Musclescience, T

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28;42***23
    I don't have an exercise related question, but I think you can solve this no problem. Ok, scenario.

    Patient is a 30 year old female. She's lost weight, 140 down to 112 in a year. She's suffering from Chronic Pancreatits and Secondary Alcoholism. Using the Harris Benedict equation, what should her daily caloric intake be (for her current weight), also take into account how much the stress factor is when determining her caloric needs. Calculate her protein needs too.
    None of that stuff matters if she has chronic pancreatits and secondary alcoholism. If she quit the drinking then the pancreatitis would more than likely resolve on its own.

    malabsorption is very common in these types of patients. Meals rich in protein will often cause gastric discomfort. The HB equation is more or less for healthy individuals and in this case until she was no longer drinking in heavy amounts there isnt much that can be said or done to help her gain back the weight.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-05-2009 at 02:18 PM.

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro;42***72
    I had a S.L.A.P(superior labrum anterior posteroir) repair on Sept. 10th. I have been in PT for 5 weeks and everything is going great. But, the hand, on the same arm I had surgery, has begun to shake/quiver, when I extend the arm, and gets worse if I start to close the hand. No trauma of any sort and no pain. Is this caused by some muscle atrophy of the forearm or weakness in the shoulder or both? Also, after therapy, they place ice on the shoulder for 10 minutes and sometimes a stimulation unit. What are the benefits of each? Thanks Musclescience, T
    How was the shoulder repaired? was it an open surgery or was it done endoscopically?

    It sounds like there is some kind of neuropathy going on. There shouldnt be any tremors going on in the hand. What have the PT's or your Orthopod said about it? How much swelling is still present from the surgery?

    Ice therapy is used to reduce inflammation of the associated structures. Chronic inflammation can cause cellular necrosis (pathological cell death) due to immune mediated processes. Cold therapy seems to reduce the amount of inflammation. The Stim unit with ice is used to help facilitate healing without excessive inflammation occuring during or after. At least that is one of the theories on its application. There is some debate about its effectiveness and mechanism.

    Sorry i can't be of more help until I know a little more about the procedure.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 01-23-2009 at 08:52 PM.

  40. #160
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    Louisiana. Source checks
    The shoulder was scoped and was repaired by putting, two hangers(orthropod's language) that have sutures on them. The hangers are screwed into the glenoid fossa(shoulder capsule). All swelling related to surgery is gone. The rotator cup does seem to cramp some, but the dr. and PT attribute that to overcompensation(labrum weakness). There are lots of trigger points in several areas, all associated with the right traps, rhomboids, and scapula areas. The PT check reflexes of the (R) arm and everything in intact. I do notice that if the hand is in a relaxed position(arm held straight out in front, palm down, hand relaxed at wrist), there is no tremors, but when I lift or raise the hand, at the wrist, the tremors begin. I hope some of this helps. Thanks again. T

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