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Thread: Finished course 8 weeks ago.- Is it too late for PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Finished course 8 weeks ago.- Is it too late for PCT?

    This summer I did a great course consisting of- test enanthate
    tbol all from GA

    It was a 10 week course and I had fantastic results (The 4th week I gained 3 kilos) 8 kilos in 10 weeks.

    Unfortunately I had an emergency and had to leave the country (SPAIN)very quickly to go to Brazil.
    I did not have time to pick up my clomids and Hcg.

    I crashed quite badly and had no sex drive, little urge to train.

    8 weeks on and I still dont feel right, training very badly. No gas in the tank.

    Just found a source out here

    Is it too late to do PCT now?
    Or should I just get back on the juice?

    Would appreciate advice.
    Last edited by eded; 10-31-2008 at 04:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    do a pct get yourself back to normal before you do anything.

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