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Thread: OBAMA is the new Pres Elect

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard View Post
    I guess many of you guys never heard of the one drop rule. Once you have a black ancestor you're considered black. Blacks in America just twisted it to their advantage.
    How have we 'twisted' it to our advantage? Please provide any statistic that proves that being black in this country has been advantageous?

    That one drop rule was a construct of whites and is stil used today. And it was used to prove racial superiority by stating that one drop of black blood makes a person inferior to a 'pure' blood white person.

    There isn't a black person in this country that is 100% black. We all have white, Native American, or Spanish blood in us. Since that is the case, no black person is black right?

  2. #122
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    ^^^ Thats not true.

    I have a student whos family is from Nigeria.

    Hes 100% Black.

    And all im gonna say is affirmative action was not created to help low class whites. That would be one advantage.

    I dont really wanna fight with anyone, but i just had to point that one out.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I re-read your posts multiple times and draw the same conclusions each time. How would the media fabricate a man's race when the man himself has always identified himself with being black?

    Whether you believe (and contrary to what you've been told by the conservative media) it or not, most blacks didn't SOLELY because of his race. But it makes it that much better to us that he is. Remember blacks traditionally vote 85-90% Democratic, during President Clinton's second run he garnered close to 94%.
    So your idea of a media plan to make people believe Obama is black when he actually isn't is ridiculously absurd, and makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist.
    Yup. I was just about to say the same thing. Kind of makes the whole conversation irrelevant.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I expect we can work to eliminate institutionalized racist policies like Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employment...I expect that we can disband organizations like the NAACP... All of the aforementioned just seek to perpetuate the division, and do nothing to positively contribute to viewing PEOPLE AS INDIVIDUALS.

    I do understand what your saying, but
    can you elaborate on that?

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    ^^^ Thats not true.

    I have a student whos family is from Nigeria.

    Hes 100% Black.

    And all im gonna say is affirmative action was not created to help low class whites. That would be one advantage.

    I dont really wanna fight with anyone, but i just had to point that one out.
    I don't know...according to Vera, he may have sub saharan Arab in his blood which I guess is not black, LOL!

    I was actually going to edit my post to indicate whether a person was an African immigrant. But again Somali's and Ethiopians don't consider themselves black either.

    As far as affirmative action is concerned, many fail to see how it really works. Affirmative action was DESIGNED to offer minorities opportunities based on similar qualifications as those of whites. Now does this always happen, NO! But that was the spirit of the laws. But where is the advantage for blacks or any other minority for that matter? Minorities (especially blacks) still are hired and paid less based on similar qualifications, experience, and education.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Skin color is an identifying characteristic. Like I posted earlier, I am bi racial but you couldn't tell by looking at me. I identify myself as a black man because that is what I see when I look in the mirror. The same way you see someone like Jasonn Taylor or Halle Berry when they walk in a room. The color of a person is the first thing you see.
    thank you kale for correcting me on tiger woods ethnic background. i was just going to say asian but for some reason i though he was half korean. yes, skin color is one identifying charactaristic but so is facial features or speech. i think it would be wrong to say a white person is a native american just because they had black hair and very dark complected skin. if you say a person must be black because they "look black" is the same as saying someone must be black because they "talk black". obama as a mixed race or bi-racial man who is highly intelligent and very well spoken but to me he is more mr. rodgers than mr. t.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard View Post
    I guess many of you guys never heard of the one drop rule. Once you have a black ancestor you're considered black. Blacks in America just twisted it to their advantage.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    How have we 'twisted' it to our advantage? Please provide any statistic that proves that being black in this country has been advantageous?

    That one drop rule was a construct of whites and is stil used today. And it was used to prove racial superiority by stating that one drop of black blood makes a person inferior to a 'pure' blood white person.

    There isn't a black person in this country that is 100% black. We all have white, Native American, or Spanish blood in us. Since that is the case, no black person is black right?
    I never said being black in the US was an advantage and i didn't mean to use the word twisted in a negative way but you have to admit that we as black people have gained an advantage off of the one drop rule.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD View Post
    thank you kale for correcting me on tiger woods ethnic background. i was just going to say asian but for some reason i though he was half korean. yes, skin color is one identifying charactaristic but so is facial features or speech. i think it would be wrong to say a white person is a native american just because they had black hair and very dark complected skin. if you say a person must be black because they "look black" is the same as saying someone must be black because they "talk black". obama as a mixed race or bi-racial man who is highly intelligent and very well spoken but to me he is more mr. rodgers than mr. t.
    Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. You are right about facial features and speech and skin color along with certain physical attributes is what I was alluding too. My point is simple, when Lenny Kravitz, or Sammy Sosa, or Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, or myself walk into a room the first thing people will assume is that we are all black. Now whether we identify personally with that assumption is individual but each of our experiences with other people both outside and inside our race force us to identify as black, no matter how hard we try not to (for some). Now there have been exceptions to these rules so please don't take my statements as finite.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard View Post
    I never said being black in the US was an advantage and i didn't mean to use the word twisted in a negative way but you have to admit that we as black people have gained an advantage off of the one drop rule.
    What advantage? I don't see it so please enlighten me...

  11. #131
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    My point is simple, when Lenny Kravitz, or Sammy Sosa, or Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, or myself walk into a room the first thing people will assume is that we are all black
    Not Sammy!

  12. #132
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    ^^yeah Sammy too brotha! His ancestors got to the DR the same way my great grandmother did!

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    What advantage? I don't see it so please enlighten me...
    So you don't think it's an "advantage" that we can call and consider Obama "black" (although he is of mixed heritage) and other "black" people who have done great things as a source of inspiration? You're in the US so i know we maybe have vastly different views on the subject.

  14. #134
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    ^^since you put it that way....sure I guess its advantageous when using those as a source of inspiration.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. You are right about facial features and speech and skin color along with certain physical attributes is what I was alluding too. My point is simple, when Lenny Kravitz, or Sammy Sosa, or Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, or myself walk into a room the first thing people will assume is that we are all black. Now whether we identify personally with that assumption is individual but each of our experiences with other people both outside and inside our race force us to identify as black, no matter how hard we try not to (for some). Now there have been exceptions to these rules so please don't take my statements as finite.
    i can certainly understand that people will see someone as this or that because of the "tone" of their skin. a good friend of mine is half black and half white but he looks like a "light skinned black" and if most people seen him right off hand they would assume him as just black but if you never seen him and talked to him on the phone or if you lived next door to him and every night you heard his truck pulling in the garage with metallica blasting but never saw him most would assume he's white. he does not identify himself as one or the other but he embraces both of his heritages brought to him by his mother and father. i think it sucks that some bi-racial people feel they to be identified as black because i see my friend as nothing more than a laid back 6'3'' cat that likes getting ripped in the gym and watching football as i do.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard View Post
    So you don't think it's an "advantage" that we can call and consider Obama "black" (although he is of mixed heritage) and other "black" people who have done great things as a source of inspiration? You're in the US so i know we maybe have vastly different views on the subject.
    Dude, not a good idea to respond from your Blackberry. It has posted you name and address there

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Dude, not a good idea to respond from your Blackberry. It has posted you name and address there
    Shut up ! I am going to give him a visit tonight and test out my Spanish-Fly !

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Shut up ! I am going to give him a visit tonight and test out my Spanish-Fly !
    Bring it on buddy. I in't got this tub of viagra here for nothin.

  19. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory View Post
    Don't move to Europe. Socialism is running rampant here...but for some reason people are happy. 19% sales tax and 19% federal tax but my kids will attend a university for next to nothing. Strict as hell laws...but people let their children walk to school alone at 5yo. Not many people own guns, due to strict gun policies, but here in Germany you rarely hear about people shooting other people. Universal, state-run healthcare...but if one of my sons break a bone, it won't break my bank account (the last time I checked the WHO said Germany was ahead of both the US and Canada in terms of healthcare.)

    Europe will sucks 4 u, dood. Stay away from the socialism.
    Congratulations on those blow out of proportion accomplishments. As bad as we (Americans) think our economy is we enjoy lower unemployment rates, higher GDP, are 25% richer per capita, and have better higher education.

    Plus we put a boot in mofos aces...what?

  20. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod View Post
    Are you kidding. Look at what Bush did. Now thats something to rub in someones face. People are comparing this time to the Great Depression. Amazing how they are still in denial. How someone could vote republican for a third time is amazing. McCain should of got 0% of the popular vote if anyone in this country watches even 30 seconds of the news once a month.
    And the President, one man elected and functioning in a democracy, ruined the economy himself? Bro...Clinton signed the bill that deregulated EVERYTHING. Clinton also set in motion the foreign policy for regime change in Iraq. So I guess this is Clinton's fault too. Democracy...many pokers in the fire. This economy is as much every US citizen using credit as it is the Presidents.

    Turn that TV off my friend and invesitgate for yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I agree with ending all racism...Included in that is Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity employment...Instutionalized reverse racism...

    Interesting point. These results certainly seem to grounds to eliminate these programs.

  21. #141
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  22. #142
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    I don't think Obama will last... I mean really, when was the last time you heard of a black man keeping a job for four years?

  23. #143
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    Last edited by Voice of Reason; 11-06-2008 at 04:09 PM. Reason: fixed link...

  24. #144
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  25. #145
    Incredible...what a wonderful 'tribute' with NAS and Tupac. So proud...

    The thing that irks me is these 'tributes' are solely becuase he is BLACK. They have nothing to do with policy or what he will do for any individual.

    Clinton did a lot for minorities. Don't quite remember any tributes from Jay-Z in the early/mid 90's to him.

    Minorities continue to perpetuate their own stereotypes and claim to be held down. Look at the popular vote...clear it is not true...and on a NATION scale.

    I'm 100% Irish do you think I get any sympathy for the famine in Ireland years and years ago?!?!

    LET IT GO...

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot View Post
    I don't think Obama will last... I mean really, when was the last time you heard of a black man keeping a job for four years?
    That is highly stereotypical, predjuice, and ignorant to say. It's not even funny. You guys kill me. Why hate, why not be happy for the man. It shows you IQ level and your envy for a man in his position.

    I know 100's of black men and women that have had jobs for 4,5, 6, 7....10+ years. Myself included!!!!

    You are probably the same guy that will high five a black man, your so called friend, then say Shizzit like this behind his back. Keep your high fives to yourself or keep your racial comments to yourself. Both can't exist within the same soul and then call YOURSELF a stand-up guy!
    Last edited by CeeLo; 11-06-2008 at 04:57 PM.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by CeeLo View Post
    That is highly stereotypical, predjuice, and ignorant to say. It's not even funny. You guys kill me. Why hate, why not be happy for the man. It shows you IQ level and your envy for a man in his position.

    I know 100's of black men and women that have had jobs for 4,5, 6, 7....10+ years. Myself included!!!!

    It's bullshit man, and I feel kinda embarrassed that the last kinda day there's been nothing but racial stereotyping of black people. It's not a case of "just having a laugh", seriously shouldnt Admin be dealing out some warnings or something? Or shall we just let the bitter people who didn't get their McCain choice carry on making racial jokes?

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot View Post
    I don't think Obama will last... I mean really, when was the last time you heard of a black man keeping a job for four years?
    listen. im getting really sick of these racist comments so unless you want to be banned from this site i advise you to stop, and that goes for EVERYONE!!!
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot View Post
    I don't think Obama will last... I mean really, when was the last time you heard of a black man keeping a job for four years?

    Not cool dude...


  30. #150
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    Oh give me a break... It was a joke....

    I thought this election proved we are equal so with that being said an obvious joke shouldn't offend anyone except you over sensitive types.

  31. #151
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    The main thing that is so upsetting to me is that most of the people who voted for him OBVIOUSLY did not watch any of the debates or know any of his intentions... i frown on blind stupidity. ugh!!

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot View Post
    I don't think Obama will last... I mean really, when was the last time you heard of a black man keeping a job for four years?
    aaaaahaha i thought it was great

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by james21 View Post
    aaaaahaha i thought it was great
    Did you not heed the warnings?

  34. #154
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    Im very excited. Im also glad he won North Carolina!!!!!!! I agree with PT, some of you guys need to chill.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Incredible...what a wonderful 'tribute' with NAS and Tupac. So proud...

    The thing that irks me is these 'tributes' are solely becuase he is BLACK. They have nothing to do with policy or what he will do for any individual.

    Clinton did a lot for minorities. Don't quite remember any tributes from Jay-Z in the early/mid 90's to him.

    Minorities continue to perpetuate their own stereotypes and claim to be held down. Look at the popular vote...clear it is not true...and on a NATION scale.

    I'm 100% Irish do you think I get any sympathy for the famine in Ireland years and years ago?!?!

    LET IT GO...
    Clinton had vicarious tributes from every black comedian refering to him as the first black president because he smoked weed, cheated on his wife with a fat white girl and some of Clintons other charades. I hope Obama does for the economy what Clinton did after Bush spent the last 8 years ****ing it all up.

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot View Post
    I don't think Obama will last... I mean really, when was the last time you heard of a black man keeping a job for four years?
    I seen this as a joke. People need to lighten up. There have been some blantantly racist statements but this is obviously a joke. Jeez. Sounds like something Dave Chappelle would say. Can only black people joke about black people? Thats a form of racism in itsself.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod View Post
    I seen this as a joke. People need to lighten up. There have been some blantantly racist statements but this is obviously a joke. Jeez. Sounds like something Dave Chappelle would say. Can only black people joke about black people? Thats a form of racism in itsself.

    I disagree man. It's not about being over-sensitive either. Would you go up to a rape victim and start telling jokes about child molesters or rapists? Of course you wouldn't, cause it'd be damn offensive to the person. I think some people on this board seem to forget that black people ALSO use this site.

    For shame.

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod View Post
    I hope Obama does for the economy what Clinton did after Bush spent the last 8 years ****ing it all up.
    Help to create another bubble? Or help to create an economy based on false wealth?

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I disagree man. It's not about being over-sensitive either. Would you go up to a rape victim and start telling jokes about child molesters or rapists? Of course you wouldn't, cause it'd be damn offensive to the person. I think some people on this board seem to forget that black people ALSO use this site.

    For shame.
    People of differing skin colors aren't akin to rape victims nor are they victims of their skin color and as such you shouldn't feel bad for them just because you think they need your sympathy. Doing so is racism.

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    People of differing skin colors aren't akin to rape victims nor are they victims of their skin color and as such you shouldn't feel bad for them just because you think they need your sympathy. Doing so is racism.
    Would you tell an offensive joke related to sexual abuse in front of a rape victim, yes or no?

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