Originally Posted by
A good PCT includes the following...
Nolva - (which is the conerstone of ANY PCT.)
An AI - (Either Aromasin, or Proviron, in that order.)
hCG - (In cycles over 10 weeks, or include a 19-Nor, or if youre doing more than a gram a week, include it.)
Adex and Letro are both HORRIBLE choices for PCT.
Letro causes an estrogen rebound effect when use is discontinued.
Nolvadex reduces the effectiveness of Arimidex. But if Adex doses are increased, it can be used.
IMO, a PCT for that cycle should be this...
Nolva - 20/20/20/20
Clomid - 25/25/25/25
Aromasin - 25/25/25/25hCG - 500IU's 2xW for the last two weeks of cycle, and first two of PCT.